dartbook-theme-default is a resource package just for building an ebook by dartbook.

Features as below:

  • Materail Desgin

  • Tooltip Glossary

  • Mobile Friendly

The package most consists of web assets, but also a little dart code that return the root path in file system. dartbook need the root path so that could find the correct assets, e.g. style.css, fonts.

run in command line

dart pub global activate dartbook_theme_default
dir=$(dartbook-theme --location)
dartbook build ./book-src ./book-static --theme $dir

Of course, dartbook_theme_default could be replaced by dartbook_theme_xxx, which would be developed by yourself!

added as a dependency

dart pub add dartbook_theme_default

and in your code:

import 'package:dartbook_theme_default/dartbook_theme_default.dart' as t;

final assetRoot = await t.fsLocation();