dartapi 0.0.7
dartapi: ^0.0.7 copied to clipboard
DartAPI A lightweight, FastAPI-inspired framework for building scalable, high-performance REST APIs in Dart with built-in routing, middleware, and CLI support.
🚀 DartAPI - A Lightweight FastAPI-like Framework for Dart #
DartAPI is a lightweight and developer-friendly framework for building fast, modern, and scalable APIs using Dart.
📌 Features #
✅ Fast and lightweight - Minimal dependencies, optimized for speed.
✅ Easy to use - Simple setup and minimal boilerplate.
✅ Configurable port - Start the server with a custom port (--port=<number>
✅ Dynamic routing - Automatically registers controllers and their routes.
✅ Middleware support - Includes logging and future authentication middleware.
✅ CLI Tool - Generate projects, controllers, and models using the dartapi
🔧 Installation #
To use DartAPI globally, install it via Dart's package manager:
dart pub global activate dartapi
After activation, you can use the dartapi CLI to create projects and manage your API.
📦 Creating a New API Project
dartapi create my_project
cd my_project
dart pub get
🚀 Running the Server
You can start the API server using:
1️⃣ Default Port (8080)
dartapi run
1️⃣ Custom Port (8080)
dartapi run --port=3000
Alternatively, run it directly via Dart:
dart run bin/main.dart --port=3000
✅ Expected Output:
🚀 Server running on http://localhost:3000
🔥 API Routes
The boilerplate comes with the following methods
Method | Route | Description |
GET | /users | Fetch list of users |
POST | /users | Create a new user |
Example Request (Using cURL)
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/users
✅ Response:
{"users": ["Christy", "Akash"]}
🛠 Generating a Controller
dartapi generate controller Product
✅ Creates:
The generated controller includes:
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
import 'base_controller.dart';
class ProductController extends BaseController {
List<RouteDefinition> get routes => [
RouteDefinition('GET', '/products', getAllProducts),
RouteDefinition('POST', '/products', createProduct),
Response getAllProducts(Request request) {
return Response.ok('{"products": ["Laptop", "Phone"]}', headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
Response createProduct(Request request) {
return Response.ok('{"message": "Product created"}', headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
✅ Now accessible at:
• GET /products
• POST /products
🛠 Middleware
DartAPI includes middleware support. The default logging middleware logs all requests:
Example Middleware (lib/src/middleware/logging.dart)
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
Middleware loggingMiddleware() {
return (Handler innerHandler) {
return (Request request) async {
print("📌 Request: \${request.method} \${request.requestedUri}");
final response = await innerHandler(request);
return response;
✅ Adding Middleware in server.dart:
final handler = Pipeline()
🗄 Database Setup (Planned Feature)
Currently, DartAPI provides a placeholder for database connections:
class Database {
static void connect() {
print('🔗 Connecting to database...');
In future versions, we will support:
- ✅ PostgreSQL, SQLite, MongoDB
- ✅ Database models with dartapi generate model User
- ✅ Migrations (dartapi migrate db)
🎯 Planned Features
- 📌 Swagger UI (/docs route for API documentation)
- 📌 Authentication System (JWT Middleware)
- 📌 WebSocket Support (/ws for real-time communication)
- 📌 Database ORM Integration (PostgreSQL, SQLite, MongoDB)
- 📌 Task Scheduling (Cron Jobs, Background Tasks)
- 📌 Deployment Support (docker and dartapi deploy)
📝 License
This project is open-source under the MIT License.
🚀 Get Started Now!
dartapi create my_project
cd my_project
dart pub get
dartapi run --port=8080
✅ Start building APIs with Dart! 🚀🚀🚀
✅ Adding Auth! 🚀🚀🚀
Add the dartapi_auth package.
dart pub add dartapi_auth
Currently there is support for JWT using Auth Middleware.
final jwtService = JwtService(
accessTokenSecret: 'super-secret-key',
refreshTokenSecret: 'super-refresh-secret',
issuer: 'dartapi',
audience: 'dartapi-users',
Add the authMiddleware
Middle ware to the route definition.
RouteDefinition('GET', '/users', getAllUsers, middlewares: [authMiddleware(jwtService)]),