dartactyl 1.3.3 copy "dartactyl: ^1.3.3" to clipboard
dartactyl: ^1.3.3 copied to clipboard


An API client for Pterodactyl Panel

About #

Dartactyl is an api client that you can use to connect to the Pterodactyl Panel API

Features #

Nearly all api functions are available for the client-side api, but error checking has not been implemented yet. It's here!

Usage #

You can quickly get started by making a client like so. This client has many methods you can use to interface with your panel.

PteroClient client = PteroClient.generate(
    url: 'https://panel.yourdomain.com',
    key: '<api-key>',

Development #

To get started, generate needed files by running

dart run build_runner build

Additional information #

This package is WIP, but feel free to make issues or pull requests on the GitHub repository