dart_untis_mobile 1.0.1
dart_untis_mobile: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard
A pure dart library implementing the Untis Mobile API (https://www.untis.at/produkte/webuntis/untis-mobile-app).
dart_untis_mobile #
dart_untis_mobile is a pure Dart library for the untis mobile API, which provides read-only access to the school timetable system used in Germany.
Features #
- Login to the untis mobile API using provided credentials
- Retrieve the timetable for a specific date and user/class
- Fetch information about subjects, teachers, rooms, and students
- Access homework and get detailed information about homework
- Retrieve school year information
- Get school holidays
- Fetch absences, that may not be excused
Getting Started #
To use this library, add dart_untis_mobile
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml
Usage #
Import the library and initialize an instance of the UntisSession
class with your credentials:
import 'package:dart_untis_mobile/dart_untis_mobile.dart';
void main() async {
final session = await UntisSession.init(
server: 'your_server',
school: 'your_school',
username: 'your_username',
password: 'your_password',
// Use session methods to access the API and perform actions
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Examples #
Retrieve Homework directly #
final List<UntisHomework> homework = await
// Use the homework data
final UntisHomework hw in homework) {
print('Until: ${hw.endDate}, Task: ${hw.text}');
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Retrieve Subjects, that are relevant #
// Gets the timetable from the current date
final List<UntisSubject> subjects = await
// Inform about the current subjects
final UntisSubject subject in subjects) {
print('Subject: ${subject.longName}, short: ${subject.name}');
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Retrieve Timetable #
// Gets the timetable from the current date
final UntisTimetable timetable = await
startDate: DateTime.now(),
endDate: DateTime.now().add(const Duration(days: 7)));
// Use the timetable data
for (final UntisPeriod period in timetable.periods) {
print('Subject: ${period.subject?.longName}, Room: ${period.room?.name}, Teacher: ${period.teacher?.lastName}');
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Get lessons of this month and filter subject #
// Gets the timetable of this month
final UntisTimetable timetable = await
startDate: DateTime.now(),
endDate: DateTime.now().add(const Duration(days: 7 * 4)));
// Filter out the subject
final List<UntisPeriod> mathPeriods = timetable.periods
.where((UntisPeriod p) => p.subject!.name == 'Ma')
final UntisTeacher mathTeacher = mathPeriods.first.teacher!;
print('You will have math ${mathPeriods.length} times, with ${mathTeacher.fullName}');
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Group Timetable by time grid(days) #
final UntisTimeGrid timegrid = await
// Use Timetable and TimeGrid to group by day
final List<List<UntisPeriod?>> days = tt.groupedPeriods(grid);
// Use this data
for (
final UntisPeriod? period in days[0]) {
if (period == null) {
print("Nothing here");
final int hour = period.startDateTime.hour;
final int minute = period.startDateTime.minute;
print('Time: $hour:$minute Subject: ${period.subject}');
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Contributions #
There are features, that are not implemented. So please file a issue if you need something or found a bug.
This library is open for contributions :)
License #
This library is licensed under the MIT License.