dart_tags 0.4.1
dart_tags: ^0.4.1 copied to clipboard
The library for work with music tags like ID3. Written on pure Dart. It can be used in flutter, web, and vm projects.
0.4.1 #
- thanx to @antitim for find and reslove issue with a broken images in the tags in this [PR]
- dependencies update
0.4.0 (Null Safety) #
0.3.1 #
- implemented separate getting size of frame for id3 v2.3 and v2.4
- added test case and asset
- fixed typos, thanx to @algoshipda and his PR
- fixed APIC picture type error, thanx to @algoshipda and his PR
0.3.0+1 #
- hotfix! missed exports for new tags was added
- COMM, APIC, USLT, WXXX tags returns as a map
- WXXX frame returns WURL object
- various fixes
- added USLT tag
- added possibility to pass many COMM, APIC, USLT tags
- APIC processing was refactored
- hex encoder
- unrecognized encoding falls to hex encoder (removed unsupported encoding error)
- unsupported tags like PRIV will be printed just like raw binary data
0.2.2 #
- fixed an issue with wrong header calculation thanx @frankdenouter and his PR
- added test assets v23 for reader
0.2.1 #
0.2.0 #
- added separate frame processing Framer API
- update tests (added test for issue #4)
- fixed empty tag exception for id3v1
- added CoC
- fixed writing APIC tag issue #3
0.1.1 #
- added writer for custom tags (TXXX)
- added writer for attached picture (APIC tagged frame)
- update tests for TXXX and APIC writers
0.1.0 #
- added writers (currently v2 writer not fully implemented)
- fixed custom tags (TXXX / WXXX) reading
- wrote some rough tests for writers
0.0.9 #
- added ParsingException class
- up sdk dependency in pubsec.yaml to <=3.0.0
- wrote some tests
- added stub mp3s for tests
0.0.8 #
- added BASE64 for imageData in attached pictures
- small changes in example
- fix README formating
0.0.7 #
- Removed assertion in parser
- Fixed some crashes.
- Added clearing from null bytes in id3v2 and unsync bytes
- UTF16 crash fixed
- Improve stability
0.0.6 #
- Fixed compile-time issue
0.0.5 #
- Update static analyzer rules
- API Changes: AttachedPicture.imageType now returns String value .imageTypeCode return byte value
0.0.4 #
- Formating sources
0.0.3 #
- Removed dependency from [dart:io]
- Some API changes
0.0.2 #
- Basic support of ID3 v2.4 tags
- support main frames include APIC
- TagProcessor now can get tags from file and from ByteData
- You can select which type of tag do you want to get
- Small fix in id3 v1 parser
0.0.1 #
- Initial version
- Supports Id3 v1.1 tags