dart_pusher_channels 1.2.3 dart_pusher_channels: ^1.2.3 copied to clipboard
Dart implementation of client of Pusher Channels protocol, instrument to work with real-time applications.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:dart_pusher_channels/dart_pusher_channels.dart';
void connectToPusher() async {
// Enable or disable logs
// Create an instance PusherChannelsOptions
// The test options can be accessed from test.pusher.com (using only for test purposes)
const testOptions = PusherChannelsOptions.fromCluster(
scheme: 'wss',
cluster: 'mt1',
key: 'a0173cd5499b34d93109',
port: 443,
// Create an instance of PusherChannelsClient
final client = PusherChannelsClient.websocket(
options: testOptions,
// Connection exceptions are handled here
connectionErrorHandler: (exception, trace, refresh) async {
// This method allows you to reconnect if any error is occurred.
// Create instances of Channel
PresenceChannel myPresenceChannel = client.presenceChannel(
// Private and Presence channels require users to be authorized.
// Use EndpointAuthorizableChannelTokenAuthorizationDelegate to authorize through
// an http endpoint or create your own delegate by implementing EndpointAuthorizableChannelAuthorizationDelegate
authorizationDelegate: EndpointAuthorizableChannelTokenAuthorizationDelegate
authorizationEndpoint: Uri.parse('https://test.pusher.com/pusher/auth'),
headers: const {},
PrivateChannel myPrivateChannel = client.privateChannel(
authorizationEndpoint: Uri.parse('https://test.pusher.com/pusher/auth'),
headers: const {},
PublicChannel myPublicChannel = client.publicChannel(
// Unlike other SDKs, dart_pusher_channels offers binding to events
// via Dart streams, so it's recommended to create StreamSubscription for
// each event you want to subscribe for.
// Keep in mind: those StreamSubscription instances will contintue receiving events
// unless it gets canceled or channel gets unsubscribed.
// The statement means: if you cancel an instance of StreamSubscription - events won't be received,
// if you unsubscribe from a channel -
// the stream won't be closed but prevented from receiving events unless you subscribe to the channel again.
// Listen for events of the channel with .bind method
StreamSubscription<ChannelReadEvent> somePrivateChannelEventSubs =
myPrivateChannel.bind('private-MyEvent').listen((event) {
print('Event from the private channel fired!');
StreamSubscription<ChannelReadEvent> somePublicChannelEventSubs =
myPublicChannel.bind('public-MyEvent').listen((event) {
print('Event from the public channel fired!');
// You may use some helpful extension shortcut methods for the predefined channel events.
// For example, this one binds to events of the channel with name 'pusher:member_added'
StreamSubscription<ChannelReadEvent> presenceMembersAddedSubs =
myPresenceChannel.whenMemberAdded().listen((event) {
'Member added, now members count is ${myPresenceChannel.state?.members?.membersCount}',
// Organizing all subscriptions into 1 for readability
final allEventSubs = <StreamSubscription?>[
// Organizing all channels for readibility
final allChannels = <Channel>[
// Highly recommended to subscribe to the channels when the clients'
// .onConnectionEstablished Stream fires an event because it enables
// to resubscribe, for example, when the client reconnects due to
// a connection error
final StreamSubscription connectionSubs =
client.onConnectionEstablished.listen((_) {
for (final channel in allChannels) {
// Subscribes to the channel if didn't unsubscribe from it intentionally
// Connect with the client
// You can trigger events from Private and Presence Channels
// Somewhere in future
await Future.delayed(
const Duration(seconds: 5),
eventName: 'client-event',
data: {'hello': 'Hello'},
// If you no longer need a channel - unsubscribe from it. Channel instances are reusable
// so it is possible to subscribe to it later, if needed, using .subscribe method.
// Somewhere in future
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 5));
// Somewhere in future
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 5));
// If you want to unbind from the event - simply cancel an event subscription.
// Somewhere in future
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 5));
await presenceMembersAddedSubs.cancel();
// If you no longer need the client - cancel the connection subscription and dispose it.
// Somewhere in future
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 5));
await connectionSubs.cancel();
// Consider canceling the event subscriptions to
for (final subscription in allEventSubs) {