dart_ipfs 0.1.0 dart_ipfs: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard
A Dart implementation of an IPFS server.
// ipfs/example/main.dart
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:dart_ipfs/dart_ipfs.dart';
void main() async {
final config = IPFSConfig(
debug: true,
verboseLogging: true,
// ... other config options ...
print('Creating IPFS node with debug logging enabled...');
final ipfs = await IPFS.create(config: config);
print('Starting IPFS node...');
await ipfs.start();
// 1. Add a file
// Convert a string to bytes and add it to IPFS, receiving a CID (Content Identifier)
final cid =
await ipfs.addFile(Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode('Hello IPFS!')));
print('Added file with CID: $cid');
// 2. Retrieve the file content
// Use the CID to get back the data that was added earlier
final data = await ipfs.get(cid);
print('File content: ${utf8.decode(data!)}');
// 3. Pin the file
// Ensure that the file is not removed during garbage collection
await ipfs.pin(cid);
print('Pinned CID: $cid');
// --- Bitswap interaction ---
// Interactions for sharing and retrieving blocks within the IPFS network
// 4. Find providers for the CID
// Identify peers who have a copy of the content with the specified CID
final providers = await ipfs.findProviders(cid);
print('Providers for CID $cid: $providers');
// 5. Request the block from a provider (if any)
// Attempt to retrieve a block from one of the known providers
if (providers.isNotEmpty) {
final providerPeerId =
providers.first; // Select the first available provider
try {
await ipfs.requestBlock(cid, providerPeerId);
print('Requested block $cid from peer $providerPeerId');
} catch (e) {
print('Error requesting block: $e');
// 6. Retrieve a file from the directory
// Access a specific file from a given directory CID
final directoryContent = {
'myFolder/file1.txt': Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode('Content of file1')),
'myFolder/file2.txt': Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode('Content of file2')),
final dirCid = await ipfs.addDirectory(directoryContent);
print('Added directory with CID: $dirCid');
// Now, retrieve file2.txt using the dirCid
final file2Data = await ipfs.get(dirCid, path: 'myFolder/file2.txt');
if (file2Data != null) {
print('Retrieved file2.txt content: ${utf8.decode(file2Data)}');
} else {
print('Failed to retrieve file2.txt content.');
// 7. Resolve an IPNS name
// Convert an IPNS name to its current CID mapping
try {
final resolvedCid = await ipfs
.resolveIPNS('your-ipns-name'); // Replace with an actual IPNS name
print('Resolved IPNS name to CID: $resolvedCid');
} catch (e) {
print('Failed to resolve IPNS name: $e');
// 8. Publish an IPNS record (if you have implemented key management)
// Update an IPNS name to point to a new CID
try {
await ipfs.publishIPNS(cid, keyName: 'my-key');
print('Published IPNS record for CID: $cid');
} catch (e) {
print('Failed to publish IPNS record: $e');
// 9. Subscribe to a PubSub topic
// Join a PubSub topic to receive and send messages across the network
try {
await ipfs.subscribe('some_topic');
print('Subscribed to topic: some_topic');
// Listen for incoming messages on the subscribed topic
ipfs.onNewContent.listen((cid) {
print('Received new content notification: $cid');
} catch (e) {
print('Failed to subscribe to topic: $e');
// 10. Get node stats
// Retrieve statistics about the node's performance and usage
final stats = await ipfs.stats();
print('Node stats: $stats');
// 11. Stop the node
// Gracefully shut down the IPFS node
await ipfs.stop();