IPFS Server in Dart IPFS Logo

Welcome to the IPFS Server in Dart repository! This is a WIP project that aims to deliver a robust, production-ready server leveraging Dart for seamless integration with the IPFS network.

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🚀 Features

🌐 Core IPFS Functionality:

  • 🔗 Content addressing with CIDv0 and CIDv1 support
  • 🌲 Merkle DAG with HAMT and trickle-dag support
  • 📦 Block storage with pluggable datastores
  • 📁 Directory handling with UnixFS

📡 Networking and Communication:

  • 👥 libp2p-based P2P using p2plib
  • 🌍 Kademlia DHT with configurable parameters
  • 🔊 PubSub with topic-based messaging
  • 🔄 Circuit Relay for NAT traversal

🧭 Content Routing:

  • 🎯 DHT-based content routing with fallback strategies
  • 🖇️ DNSLink resolution with caching
  • 🔍 Provider record management

💾 Data Management:

  • ⏳ Persistent storage with configurable backends
  • 🛠️ IPLD with multiple codec support
  • 📡 Graphsync protocol implementation
  • 🗂️ CAR import/export functionality

🔒 Security:

  • 🔐 TLS with custom security configurations
  • 🔑 IPNS key management and signing
  • 🛡️ Input validation and sanitization
  • 📏 Configurable quota management

📈 Monitoring and Management:

  • 📊 Prometheus-compatible metrics
  • 📝 Structured logging with levels
  • 🛠 Comprehensive node management API

🏗 Architecture

The server follows a modular architecture with clear separation of concerns. The core components are:

Core Components

// Example node initialization
final node = await IPFS.create(config);
await node.start();

Key components include:

IPFSNode: Central coordinator managing all subsystems DHTHandler: Implements Kademlia DHT protocol BitswapHandler: Handles block exchange protocol PubSubHandler: Manages pub/sub messaging NetworkHandler: Coordinates P2P communications DatastoreHandler: Manages persistent storage

Data Structures

The system uses several key data structures:

CID: Content identifiers with multihash support Block: Raw data with associated CID MerkleDAGNode: DAG nodes with links UnixFSNode: File system representation


The system is highly configurable:

final config = IPFSConfig(
 enableDHT: true,
 enablePubSub: true,
 maxConnections: 100,
 datastorePath: './ipfs_data'

🛠 Getting Started

  1. Add dependency:
 dart_ipfs: 1.0.0
  1. Basic usage:
import 'package:dart_ipfs/dart_ipfs.dart';

void main() async {
 final node = await IPFS.create();
 await node.start();

 // Add content
 final cid = await node.addFile(Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode('Hello IPFS!')));
 print('Added file with CID: $cid');

 // Retrieve content
 final data = await node.get(cid);
 print('Content: ${utf8.decode(data!)}');

 await node.stop();

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please read our Contributing Guidelines first.

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add amazing feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature/amazing-feature
  5. Open a Pull Request

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

