dart_code_metrics 4.9.0 copy "dart_code_metrics: ^4.9.0" to clipboard
dart_code_metrics: ^4.9.0 copied to clipboard


Software analytics tool that helps developers analyse and improve software quality.

Changelog #

4.9.0 #

  • feat: add static code diagnostics avoid-global-state, avoid-unrelated-type-assertions.
  • feat: support extensions and static getters for check-unused-l10n.
  • feat: improve prefer-correct-type-name, prefer-match-file-name rules.
  • feat: add delete-files flag to check-unused-files command.
  • feat: facelift console reporters.
  • chore: restrict analyzer version to >=2.4.0 <3.1.0.
  • chore: restrict analyzer_plugin version to >=0.8.0 <0.10.0.

4.8.1 #

  • feat: add cli options for fatal exit if unused files or l10n are found.

4.8.0 #

  • feat: add alphabetical sorting by type for member-ordering-extended rule.
  • feat: add support mixins, extensions and enums for prefer-match-file-name rule.
  • feat: add technical-debt metric.
  • fix: prefer-conditional-expressions rule breaks code with increment / decrement operators.
  • chore: restrict analyzer version to >=2.4.0 <2.9.0.

4.7.0 #

  • feat: add static code diagnostics avoid-throw-in-catch-block, avoid-unnecessary-type-assertions, avoid-unnecessary-type-casts, avoid-missing-enum-constant-in-map.
  • feat: improve check unused l10n.
  • fix: no-magic-number not working in array of widgets.
  • chore: activate self implemented rules: avoid-unnecessary-type-assertions, avoid-unnecessary-type-casts, prefer-first, prefer-last, prefer-match-file-name.
  • refactor: cleanup anti-patterns, metrics and rules documentation.

4.6.0 #

  • feat: CLI now can be compiled to and used as compiled executable.

4.5.0 #

  • feat: add static code diagnostics avoid-nested-conditional-expressions, prefer-correct-identifier-length, prefer-correct-type-name, prefer-first, prefer-last.
  • feat: introduce summary report.
  • fix: rule-specific excludes not working on Windows.
  • fix: make check-unused-l10n report class fields.
  • chore: changed min SDK version to 2.14.0.
  • chore: changed the supported analyzer_plugin version to ^0.8.0.
  • chore: deprecate documentation in Github repo.
  • chore: restrict analyzer version to >=2.4.0 <2.8.0.

4.5.0-dev.3 #

  • fix: make check-unused-l10n report class fields.
  • chore: restrict analyzer version to >=2.4.0 <2.8.0.

4.5.0-dev.2 #

  • feat: add static code diagnostics prefer-correct-type-name, prefer-last, avoid-nested-conditional-expressions.
  • feat: introduce summary report.
  • chore: deprecate documentation in Github repo.
  • chore: restrict analyzer version to >=2.4.0 <2.7.0.

4.5.0-dev.1 #

  • chore: changed min SDK version to 2.14.0.
  • chore: restrict analyzer version to >=2.4.0 <2.6.0.
  • chore: changed the supported analyzer_plugin version to ^0.8.0.
  • feat: add static code diagnostic prefer-correct-identifier-length, prefer-first.

4.4.0 #

  • feat: introduce check-unused-l10n command.
  • feat: add static code diagnostic prefer-const-border-radius.
  • feat: improve static code diagnostic prefer-extracting-callbacks: don't trigger on empty function blocks and ignore Flutter builder functions.
  • feat: improve unused files check, add support for vm:entry-point annotation.
  • fix: compute Number of Parameters only for functions and methods.
  • fix: Number of Parameters skip copyWith methods.
  • fix: skip synthetic tokens while compute Source lines of Code.
  • fix: update Maintainability Index metric comment message.

4.3.3 #

  • Fix unhandled exception while parsing analysis_options.yaml

4.3.2 #

  • Restrict analyzer version to '>=2.1.0 <2.4.0'

4.3.1 #

  • Update .pubignore

4.3.0 #

  • Add support for global rules-exclude.
  • Add Halstead Volume metric.
  • Add ability to configure anti-pattern severity.
  • Add --fatal-warnings, --fatal-performance, --fatal-style cli arguments.
  • Deprecated GitHub reporter.

4.3.0-dev.1 #

  • Add support for global rules-exclude.
  • Add Halstead Volume metric.
  • Add ability to configure anti-pattern severity.
  • Add --fatal-warnings, --fatal-performance, --fatal-style cli arguments.

4.2.1 #

  • Fix rule and metrics excludes for monorepos.
  • Improve static code diagnostics avoid-unused-parameters, prefer-match-file-name.

4.2.0 #

  • Add static code diagnostics avoid-ignoring-return-values, prefer-match-file-name, prefer-single-widget-per-file.
  • Changed the supported analyzer version to ^2.1.0.
  • Changed the supported analyzer_plugin version to ^0.7.0.
  • Improve cli performance.

4.2.0-dev.3 #

  • Changed the supported analyzer version to ^2.1.0.

4.2.0-dev.2 #

  • Changed the supported analyzer version to ^2.0.0.
  • Changed the supported analyzer_plugin version to ^0.7.0.

4.2.0-dev.1 #

  • Add static code diagnostics prefer-match-file-name, prefer-single-widget-per-file.

4.1.0 #

  • Add better monorepos support for CLI
  • Add support merge analysis options with detail rule config.

4.0.2-dev.1 #

  • Add support for analysis options auto discovery.

4.0.1 #

  • Improve static code diagnostic always-remove-listener.
  • Disable metrics report for the plugin.

4.0.0 #

  • Add static code diagnostics always-remove-listener, avoid-wrapping-in-padding, avoid-unnecessary-setstate and prefer-extracting-callbacks.
  • Improve static code diagnostic avoid-returning-widgets.
  • Remove deprecated Lines of Executable Code metric, use Source lines of Code instead.
  • Changed the supported analyzer version to ^1.7.0.
  • Introduce analyze and check-unused-files commands.
  • Improves plugin stability.

4.0.0-dev.5 #

  • Add static code diagnostic prefer-extracting-callbacks.

4.0.0-dev.4 #

  • Fix check unused files for files that are listed in the analyzer exclude section

4.0.0-dev.3 #

  • Fix plugin integration null reference.

4.0.0-dev.2 #

  • Switch on absolute path in plugin mode for compatibility with LSP mode.

4.0.0-dev.1 #

  • Add static code diagnostics always-remove-listener, avoid-wrapping-in-padding and avoid-unnecessary-setstate.
  • Improve static code diagnostic avoid-returning-widgets.
  • Remove deprecated Lines of Executable Code metric, use Source lines of Code instead.
  • Changed the supported analyzer version to ^1.7.0.
  • Introduce analyze and check-unused-files commands.

3.3.6 #

  • Fix analyzer plugin quick fix action performs on wrong file for file with part of.

3.3.5 #

  • Improve static code diagnostic avoid-unused-parameters.

3.3.4 #

  • Fix GitHub reporter

3.3.3 #

  • Improve static code diagnostic member-ordering-extended.

3.3.2 #

  • Temporary lock meta package upper bound range to 1.3.x version.

3.3.1 #

  • Temporary lock analyzer package upper bound range to 1.5.x version.

3.3.0 #

  • Improve static code diagnostics no-equal-arguments, no-magic-numbers, member-ordering-extended.

3.2.3 #

  • Fix anti-patterns, metrics and rules documentation url.

3.2.2 #

  • Update deprecation version for Lines of Executable Code ConsoleReporter, MetricsAnalysisRunner, MetricsAnalyzer, MetricsRecordsBuilder and MetricsRecordsStore.

3.2.1 #

  • Remove unnecessary scan by Lines of Executable Code.

3.2.0 #

  • Deprecate ConsoleReporter, MetricsAnalysisRunner, MetricsAnalyzer, MetricsRecordsBuilder and MetricsRecordsStore.
  • Improve static code diagnostics avoid-returning-widgets.

3.2.0-dev.1 #

  • Add static code diagnostics avoid-non-null-assertion, avoid-late-keyword.
  • Improve static code diagnostics no-equal-arguments, no-magic-number.
  • Migrate all rule tests to resolveFile.

3.1.0 #

  • Add excludes for a separate rule.
  • Add static code diagnostic avoid-returning-widgets.
  • Improve static code diagnostic no-boolean-literal-compare.
  • Add Source lines of Code metric.

3.0.0 #

  • Rename all rules config items from snake_case to kebab-case with backward compatibility.
  • Rework JSON report format.
  • Stable null safety release.

3.0.0-nullsafety.2 #

  • Changed the supported analyzer version to ^1.4.0.
  • Changed the supported analyzer_plugin version to ^0.6.0.

3.0.0-nullsafety.0 #

  • Set min SDK version to 2.12.0.
  • Changed the supported analyzer version to ^1.3.0.
  • Changed the supported analyzer_plugin version to ^0.5.0.
  • Remove obsolete rule prefer-trailing-comma-for-collection, potential-null-dereference.
  • Rename cli arguments:
    • ignore-files to exclude
    • maximum-nesting to maximum-nesting-level
    • number-of-arguments to number-of-parameters
  • Update README.
  • Add static code diagnostic member-ordering-extended.

2.5.0 #

  • Backport static code diagnostics member-ordering-extended, avoid-returning-widgets.
  • Backport fix excludes on Windows OS.

2.4.1 #

  • Allow configuring output directory for HTML reporter.
  • Fixed bug with missing CSS files in HTML report directory.

2.4.0 #

  • Add static code diagnostic avoid-unused-parameters.

2.3.2 #

  • Add Gitlab Code Quality support in Code Climate report.

2.3.1 #

  • Changed the support version range of the analyzer to >=0.39.3 <0.42.0.

2.3.0 #

  • Add Maximum Nesting metric.

2.2.0 #

  • Add static code diagnostic prefer-trailing-comma.

2.1.1 #

  • Explained usage with Flutter in README.

2.1.0 #

  • Add static code diagnostics no-equal-arguments, potential-null-dereference.
  • Improve HTML report.

2.0.0 #

  • Removed deprecated AnalysisOptions.from use AnalysisOptions.fromMap instead.
  • Removed deprecated Config.linesOfCodeWarningLevel use Config.linesOfExecutableCodeWarningLevel instead.
  • Removed deprecated MetricsAnalysisRecorder.startRecordFile and MetricsAnalysisRecorder.endRecordFile use MetricsRecordsStore.recordFile instead.
  • Breaking Change: MetricsAnalyzer.runAnalysis now accept array with folder paths.
  • Add static code anti-patterns long-parameter-list.
  • Set min SDK version to >=2.8.0.

1.10.0 #

  • Add static code diagnostics no-equal-then-else.
  • Add static code anti-patterns long-method.

1.9.0 #

  • Add static code diagnostics provide-correct-intl-args, component-annotation-arguments-ordering.

1.8.1 #

  • Fix static code diagnostics member-ordering and prefer-conditional-expression.

1.8.0 #

  • Add static code diagnostics prefer-conditional-expressions, prefer-on-push-cd-strategy, member-ordering, no-object-declaration.
  • Improve static code diagnostic no-magic-number.
  • Set min analyzer to 0.39.3.

1.7.1 #

  • Support analyzer_plugin version 0.3.0.

1.7.0 #

  • Add experimental static code diagnostics binary-expression-operand-order, prefer-intl-name.
  • Add Number of Methods metric.
  • Drop dependency on resource.
  • Improve HTML report.
  • Set min SDK version to >=2.6.0.

1.6.0 #

  • Add experimental static code diagnostics prefer-trailing-comma-for-collection, no-magic-number.
  • Support Number of Arguments metric in analyzer plugin.
  • Support excluding files from metrics calculation.

1.5.1 #

  • Improve code diagnostics double-literal-format, no-boolean-literal-compare.
  • Add experimental static code diagnostics newline-before-return, no-empty-block, avoid-preserve-whitespace-false.
  • Support Cyclomatic Complexity metric in analyzer plugin

1.5.0 #

  • Add experimental static code diagnostics double-literal-format, no-boolean-literal-compare.

1.4.0 #

  • Drop dependency on built_collection.
  • Add set-exit-on-violation-level cli argument.

1.3.1 #

  • Fix get arguments count.

1.3.0 #

  • Add Number of Arguments metrics.

1.2.1 #

  • Validate root-folder argument.
  • Fix paths to analyze fail to validate with non-default root-folder.
  • Fix paths weren't validated to be inside root-folder.
  • Support factory constructors analysis.

1.2.0 #

  • Allow analyzing multiple directories.

1.1.5 #

  • Tweak console reporter.

1.1.4 #

  • Add some dartdocs.
  • Update README.
  • Add library usage example.

1.1.3 #

  • Fix validate input arguments.

1.1.2 #

  • Improve Code Climate report.

1.1.1 #

  • Added support extension methods.

1.1.0 #

  • Added support for Code Climate.

1.0.0 #

  • Initial release.
pub points


verified publisherdcm.dev

Software analytics tool that helps developers analyse and improve software quality.

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analyzer, analyzer_plugin, ansicolor, args, collection, crypto, file, glob, html, meta, path, source_span, yaml


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