dart_amqp 0.3.1 copy "dart_amqp: ^0.3.1" to clipboard
dart_amqp: ^0.3.1 copied to clipboard

A native dart AMQP client supporting version 0.9.1 of the AMQP protocol. It features an asynchronous API, pluggable authentication providers and TLS support.


Quick start #

Listening to a queue:

import "package:dart_amqp/dart_amqp.dart";

void main() async {
  Client client = Client();

  Channel channel = await client.channel(); // auto-connect to localhost:5672 using guest credentials
  Queue queue = await channel.queue("hello");
  Consumer consumer = await queue.consume();
  consumer.listen((AmqpMessage message) {
    // Get the payload as a string
    print(" [x] Received string: ${message.payloadAsString}");

    // Or unserialize to json
    print(" [x] Received json: ${message.payloadAsJson}");

    // Or just get the raw data as a Uint8List
    print(" [x] Received raw: ${message.payload}");

    // The message object contains helper methods for
    // replying, ack-ing and rejecting

Sending messages via an exchange:

import "package:dart_amqp/dart_amqp.dart";

void main() async {

  // You can provide a settings object to override the
  // default connection settings
  ConnectionSettings settings = ConnectionSettings(
    host: "remote.amqp.server.com",
    authProvider: PlainAuthenticator("user", "pass")
  Client client = Client(settings: settings);

  Channel channel = await client.channel();
  Exchange exchange = await channel.exchange("logs", ExchangeType.FANOUT);
  // We dont care about the routing key as our exchange type is FANOUT
  exchange.publish("Testing 1-2-3", null);

RPC calls over AMQP #

This example illustrates how to get a basic RPC server/client up and running using just the provided api calls.

The driver does not provide any helper classes for easily performing RPC calls over AMQP as not everyone needs this functionality. If you need RPC support for your application you may want to consider using the dart_amqp_rpc package.

Additional examples #

The example folder contains implementations of the six RabbitMQ getting started tutorials plus an extra example of working with publish confirmations.

pub points


unverified uploader

A native dart AMQP client supporting version 0.9.1 of the AMQP protocol. It features an asynchronous API, pluggable authentication providers and TLS support.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


async, logging


Packages that depend on dart_amqp