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Color spaces! RGB, HSL, Cubehelix, CIELAB, and more.

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Color spaces! RGB, HSL, Cubehelix, CIELAB, and more.

This package provides representations for various color spaces, allowing specification, conversion and manipulation. (Also see d3_interpolate for color interpolation.)

For example, take the color named “steelblue”:

final c = Color.parse("steelblue"); // {r: 70, g: 130, b: 180, opacity: 1}

Let’s try converting it to HSL:

final c = Hsl.from("steelblue"); // {h: 207.27…, s: 0.44, l: 0.4902…, opacity: 1}

Now rotate the hue by 90°, bump up the saturation, and format as a string for CSS:

c.h += 90;
c.s += 0.2;
c.toString(); // rgb(198, 45, 205)

To fade the color slightly:

c.opacity = 0.8;
c.toString(); // rgba(198, 45, 205, 0.8)

In addition to the ubiquitous and machine-friendly RGB and HSL color space, d4_color supports color spaces that are designed for humans:

  • CIELAB (a.k.a. “Lab”)
  • CIELChab (a.k.a. “LCh” or “HCL”)
  • Dave Green’s Cubehelix

Cubehelix features monotonic lightness, while CIELAB and its polar form CIELChab are perceptually uniform. export 'src/d4_color.dart';

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verified publisherluizbarboza.com

Color spaces! RGB, HSL, Cubehelix, CIELAB, and more.

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