custom_refresh_indicator 4.0.1
custom_refresh_indicator: ^4.0.1 copied to clipboard
Widget that makes it easy to implement a custom pull to refresh gesture.
4.0.1 #
- CustomRefreshIndicator:
- Removed deprecated parameters: indicatorCancelDuration, indicatorSettleDuration, indicatorFinalizeDuration and completeStateDuration .If you are still using them, switch to the duration parameter.
- Improved handling of indicator controller changes.
- Fixed missing dragDetails data when overscrolling.
- IndicatorController:
- Added minValue and maxValue static constants.
- Added transform method. Allows you to transform controller animation values from the range 0.0 → 1.5 to another range.
- Added normalize method. Normalizes value by converting it to the range 0.0 → 1.0. This allows the animation to be used directly with most Flutter widgets and tweens. You can still use clamp if you want to remove values above 1.0 instead of transforming the whole range.
- CustomMaterialIndicator:
- Redesigned/reimplemented. Now, when indicatorBuilder argument is not provided, it completely recreates the look and behavior of the built-in RefreshIndicator widget.
- Added CustomMaterialIndicator.adaptive constructor.
- indicatorBuilder parameter is now optional.
- The deprecated parameter withRotation has been removed. It was confusing and was not related to the material indicator design. To add rotation to the indicator, you need to implement rotation yourself 😔.
- Added color, semanticsValue, semanticsLabel and strokeWidth parameters. They are applied only when the default indicatorBuilder is used (given a null value).
- Removed deprecated IndicatorBuilderDelegate and MaterialIndicatorDelegate classes.
- Added TransformedAnimation class that allows transforming the parent animation value.
- Exposed a PositionedIndicatorContainer widget that allows easy positioning of the indicator.
- Example app:
- Updated custom material indicator example.
- Updated application design.
- Added tooltips.
- Added ball indicator example, which is an overview of the drag details based indicator.
- Updated web example.
3.1.2 #
- Deprecated the withRotation argument of the CustomMaterialIndicator widget. The rotation function will be removed in the upcoming version.
- Fixed missing drag detail (IndicatorController.dragDetails) information from scroll events.
3.1.1 #
3.1.0 #
- Experimental:
- Added
scroll physics, that together with indicator controller allows handling overscroll correctly.
- Added
- The indicator's cancel duration is now based on the dragging progress.
- Updated the the dart sdk constraints to
>=2.17.0 <4.0.0
3.0.0 #
- CustomRefreshIndicator:
- Deprecated indicatorFinalizeDuration, indicatorSettleDuration, indicatorCancelDuration and completeStateDuration parameters in favor of durations.
- The indicator widget will now be rebuilt every time state changes, even if the autoRebuilt parameter is set to false. This will make managing the state of the indicator widget simpler.
- Deprecated IndicatorDelegate and MaterialIndicatorDelegate in favor of CustomMaterialIndicator widget.
- IndicatorController:
- The controller now extends Animation. This allows it to be used directly with Transition widgets to further improve animation performance.
- New ClampedAnimation class for constraining the IndicatorController animation value within a specific range using the clamp method.
- Drag interaction details are now available, enabling pointer-position-based animations.
- Example app:
- The checkmark indicator example has been simplified.
- Minor corrections to the envelope indicator.
- Added image precaching.
- Removed unused code.
2.2.1 #
- Fixed typos in documentation
2.2.0 #
- Added clipBehavior and the elevation arguments of the MaterialIndicatorDelegate class.
2.1.0 #
- Updated the dart sdk constraints
2.0.1 #
- Added missing isCanceling and isSettling getters for IndicatorState and IndicatorController enum.
2.0.0 #
Breaking changes #
- Added
flag which is by default set totrue
. From now on, there is no need to wrap widgets in the builder function with theAnimatedBuilder
widget, as it will be automatically rebuilt. For optimization purposes, you can use the old behavior by setting theautoRebuild
argument to false. - Remove IndicatorState.hiding state. Instead introduced IndicatorState.finalizing and IndicatorState.canceling.
- Split IndicatorState.loading state into two phases: IndicatorState.settling and IndicatorState.loading.
- Renamed
argument tocontainerExtentPercentageToArmed
which better describes what it exactly does. - Changed the default value of the
to match the behavior of the built-in indicator widget. - Removed deprecated IndicatorStateHelper class. Instead use CustomRefreshIndicator.onStateChanged method.
- Removed deprecated leadingGlowVisible and trailingGlowVisible arguments. Instead use leadingScrollIndicatorVisible and trailingScrollIndicatorVisible accordingly.
- Allow setting the edge of the list that will trigger the pull to refresh action.
- Introduced IndicatorEdge, IndicatorTrigger, IndicatorSide and IndicatorTriggerMode classes.
- Replaced reversed argument of the CustomRefreshIndicator class with trigger.
- Added edge and side properties to the IndicatorController class.
- Added extension with utility getters for IndicatorState class.
- Trigger mode support added. Equivalent to trigger mode of the built-in RefreshIndicator widget.
- The PositionedIndicatorContainer class is no longer exported from this package, however the source code is available in the example application.
- Now the onRefresh function will be triggered immediately when the indicator is released in the armed state. Previously, the onRefresh function was triggered when the indicator reached a target value in the loading state of
. - Fixed a bug causing the onRefresh method not to be triggered on the iOS platform due to bounce physics.
- Implemented equality operator for IndicatorStateChange class.
- Improved code coverage with tests
- Multiple minor fixes, improvements and optimizations.
1.2.1 #
- Flutter 3.0.0 migration backward compatibility fix (#31) by Jordan1122
1.1.2 #
1.1.0 #
Fixes: #
- Handle errors thrown from the
Improvements: #
- Updated example app
- Added support for the Android embedding v2
- Added web support
- Added windows support.
- Added a web based demo app (url in the readme file).
- Replaced the deprecated
method calls withdisallowIndicator
. - Added
function argument that allows tracking indicator state changes. - The
class is now deprecated in favor ofonStateChange
function andIndicatorStateChange
class. - Initial support for programmatically-controlled indicators has been added. Added the
methods to theCustomRefreshIndicatorState
class. It can be accessed via GlobalKey. Take a look at an programmatically-controlled screen example. - Use the
package for analysis. - Deprecate
in favor ofleadingScrollIndicatorVisible
arguments. - Added
argument that allows you to trigger a refresh indicator from the end of the list. - Added
example. - Added
pull to fetch more
1.0.0 #
- Stable nullsafety release.
- BREAKING: opt into null safety
- Dart SDK constraints: >=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0
- BREAKING: Removed
class. Because flutter only marks the widget that it is ready for rebuild, it is possible that the controller state will change more than once during a single frame what causes one or more steps to be skipped. To still useprevState
method, you can useIndicatorStateHelper
. Take a look atcheck_mark_indicator.dart
for example usage. - Added
class. - Added
unit tests. - Added warp indicator example.
- Added
method to theIndicatorController
class. It allows you to stop current user drag.
0.9.0 #
- Improved readme documentation.
- Removed material package import.
0.9.0-dev.2 #
- Added
controller getters. - Removed
property as it can be handled bynotificationPredicate
0.9.0-dev.1 #
- Added optional
indicator state together withcompleteStateDuration
parameter. IndicatorController
changes:- Added
property. - Added
helper method. - Added
- Added
- Added
property to theCustomRefreshIndicator
widget. - Example app:
- Added initial version of
. Example that shows how to make use ofcomplete
- Added initial version of
0.8.0+1 #
- Changed long identifier names:
argument is no longer present. Instead usebuilder
argument which has some significant changes.
To animate indicator based on IndicatorController
you can use AnimationBuilder
widget and pass IndicatorData
object as animation
argument. Because of that you can implement your own widget rebuild system what can improve your custom indicator performance (instead of building indicator eg. 300 times you can decide when you want to do it). Example:
return CustomRefreshIndicator(
child: ListView(children: <Widget>[/* ... */]),
builder: (
BuildContext context,
/// Subtree that contains scrollable widget and was passed
/// to child argument
Widget child,
/// Now all your data will be stored in controller.
/// To get controller outside of this function you can either:
/// - Create controller in parent widget and pass it to CustomRefreshIndicator widget
/// - Assign [GlobalKey] to CustomRefreshIndicator and access `key.currentState.controller`.
IndicatorController controller
) {
return AnimatedBuilder(
// IndicatorData extends ChangeNotifier class so it is possible to
// assign it to an AnimationBuilder widget and take advantage of subtree rebuild
animation: controller,
child: MyWidget(),
child: child,
builder: (BuildContext context, Widget child) {
/// TODO: Implement your custom refresh indicator
onRefresh: myAsyncMethod,
0.2.1 #
- Upgrade example to AndroidX
- Improved README
0.2.0 #
- Added support for
- ios default scroll physics - Improved readme
0.1.1 #
- Extracted inbox example to
0.1.0 #
- Added basic
widget withCustomRefreshIndicatorData
class. - Added
widget which simulate defaultRefreshIndicator
container - Added examples:
- inbox
- simple
- blur