cronet_http 1.3.2 copy "cronet_http: ^1.3.2" to clipboard
cronet_http: ^1.3.2 copied to clipboard


An Android Flutter plugin that provides access to the Cronet HTTP client.

1.3.2 #

  • Upgrade package:jni to 0.10.1 and package:jnigen to 0.10.0 to fix method calling bugs and a debug mode issue.

1.3.1 #

  • Add relevant rules with the ProGuard to avoid runtime exceptions.
  • Upgrade package:jnigen to 0.9.2 to fix a bug for 32-bit architectures.

1.3.0 #

1.2.1 #

  • Upgrade package:jni to 0.9.2 to fix the build error in the latest versions of Flutter.
  • Upgrade package:jnigen to 0.9.1 and regenerate the bindings to improve the efficiency of function calls.

1.2.0 #

  • Support the Cronet embedding dependency with --dart-define=cronetHttpNoPlay=true.
  • Fix a bug in the documentation where isOwned is used rather than closeEngine.
  • Upgrade package:jni to 0.7.3 to fix a SIGSEGV caused by a null pointer dereference.

1.1.1 #

  • Make it possible to construct CronetClient with custom a CronetEngine while still allowing CronetClient to close the CronetEngine.

1.1.0 #

  • Use package:http_image_provider in the example application.
  • Support Android API 21+.
  • Support BaseResponseWithUrl.

1.0.0 #

  • No functional changes.

0.4.2 #

  • Require package:jni >= 0.7.2 to remove a potential buffer overflow.
  • Fix a bug where incorrect HTTP request methods were sent.

0.4.1 #

  • Require package:jni >= 0.7.1 so that depending on package:cronet_http does not break macOS builds.

  • Fix obsolete CronetClient() constructor usage.

0.4.0 #

  • Use more efficient operations when copying bytes between Java and Dart.

0.3.0-jni #

  • Switch to using package:jnigen for bindings to Cronet
  • Support for running in background isolates.
  • Breaking Change: returns a CronetEngine rather than a Future<CronetEngine> and CronetClient.fromCronetEngineFuture() has been removed because it is no longer necessary.

0.2.2 #

  • Require Dart 3.0
  • Throw ClientException when the 'Content-Length' header is invalid.

0.2.1 #

  • Require Dart 2.19
  • Support package:http 1.0.0

0.2.0 #

  • Restructure package:cronet_http to offer a package:cronet_http/cronet_http.dart import.

0.1.2 #

  • Fix a NPE that occurs when an error occurs before a response is received.

0.1.1 #

  • CronetClient throws an exception if send is called after close.

0.1.0 #

  • Add a CronetClient that accepts a Future<CronetEngine>.
  • Modify the example application to create a CronetClient using a Future<CronetEngine>.

0.0.4 #

  • Fix a bug where the example would not use the configured package:http Client for Books API calls in some circumstances.
  • Fix a bug where the images in the example would be loaded using dart:io HttpClient.

0.0.3 #

0.0.2 #

  • Set StreamedResponse.reasonPhrase and StreamedResponse.request.

0.0.1 #

  • Initial development release.



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An Android Flutter plugin that provides access to the Cronet HTTP client.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


flutter, http, http_profile, jni


Packages that depend on cronet_http