cozy_data 1.0.0 copy "cozy_data: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
cozy_data: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

A Swift-inspired persistent data management solution for Flutter. Provides simple, powerful, and type-safe way to persist your app's models with automatic UI updates.

Cozy Data



  1. SwiftData for flutter.
  2. Support sqflite, sqlite3, inMemory data Storage

A Swift-inspired persistent data management solution for Flutter. CozyData provides a simple, powerful, and type-safe way to persist your app's models and automatically update your UI when data changes.

Features #

  • 🔄 Automatic UI updates when data changes
  • 🏃‍♂️ Fast and efficient database operations
  • 📱 Built specifically for Flutter
  • 💾 Simple persistent storage
  • 🔍 Powerful querying capabilities
  • 🎯 Type-safe data operations
  • 🧩 Easy-to-use annotations
  • 📦 Zero configuration needed

Quickstart #

Add cozy_data to your pubspec.yaml:

1. Add to pubspec.yaml #

  cozy_data: latest
  dart_mappable: latest

  build_runner: any
  dart_mappable_builder: any
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Usage #

1. Define Your Models #

import 'package:dart_mappable/dart_mappable.dart';
part 'recipe.mapper.dart';

class Recipe with RecipeMappable {
  final String persistentModelID; // This field is required for the cozy_data package to work
  String name;
  List<Ingredients>? ingredients;

  Recipe({required, required, this.ingredients});

class Ingredients with IngredientsMappable {
  String name;
  int? quantity;
  CookStyle cookStyle;
  Ingredients({required, this.quantity, required this.cookStyle});

enum CookStyle { bake, fry, boil }

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and make sure to run dart run build_runner build after creating your model.

For more about the annotation please check dart_mappable.

2. Initialize CozyData #

Initialize CozyData in your main.dart:

void main() async {
  await CozyData.initialize(
      engine: CozyEngine.sqlite3,
      mappers: [RecipeMapper.ensureInitialized()]);

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the RecipeMapper will be generate in .mapper.dart file

Basic Operations #

Save Data #

final newRecipe = Recipe(
  persistentModelID: CozyId.cozyPersistentModelIDString(),
  name: 'salad',
  ingredients: [
    Ingredients(name: 'Tomato',quantity: 2,cookStyle: CookStyle.fry),
    Ingredients(name: 'Onion',quantity: 1,cookStyle: CookStyle.fry),
    Ingredients(name: 'Salt',quantity: 1,cookStyle: CookStyle.boil),


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Note: DataModel must be Specify <Recipe>

Delete Data #

await CozyData.delete<Recipe>(model);

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Update Data #

await CozyData.update<Recipe>(updateRecipe);

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Simple Query Data with UI Updates #

class RecipeListView extends StatefulWidget {
  _RecipeListViewState createState() => _RecipeListViewState();

class _RecipeistViewState extends State<RecipeListView> {

final CozyQueryListener<Recipe> _recipeQuery = CozyData.queryListener<Recipe>();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ListenableBuilder(
      listenable: _recipeQuery,
      builder: (context, _) {
        final recipes = _recipeQuery.items;
        return ListView.builder(
          itemCount: recipes.length,
          itemBuilder: (context, index) => ListTile(
            title: Text(recipes[index].name),

  void dispose() {

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Fetch Data Once #

final recipes = await CozyData.fetch<Recipe>();

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Find by ID #

final recipe = await CozyData.fetcById<Recipe>(persistentModelID: id);

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Advanced Usage #

The CozyQueryBuilder is a class used to construct complex SQL-like queries in a structured and programmatic way. It allows you to specify various components of a query, such as fields to group by, order by, having clauses, joins, limits, offsets, selected fields, subqueries, table aliases, and where conditions.

final customBuilder = CozyQueryBuilder(
// groupByFields: A list of fields by which the results should be grouped. In this case, it's an empty list, meaning no grouping is applied.
groupByFields: [],
// orderByFields: A list of fields by which the results should be ordered. It's also an empty list here, so no specific ordering is applied.
orderByFields: [],
// Conditions that filter the groups created by the groupBy clause. It's empty, indicating no such conditions.
havingClauses: [],
// joins: A list of join operations to combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column. No joins are specified here
joins: [],
// limit: The maximum number of records to return. Here, it's set to 10.
limit: 10,
// offset: The number of records to skip before starting to return records. It's set to 0, meaning no records are skipped.
offset: 0,
// selectFields: A list of fields to be selected in the query. It's empty, meaning all fields are selected
selectFields: [],
// subqueries: A list of subqueries to be included in the main query. It's empty, indicating no subqueries.
subqueries: [],
// tableAliases: A map of table aliases to be used in the query. It's an empty map here.
tableAliases: {},
// whereGroups: A list of conditions to filter the results. It's empty, meaning no filtering conditions are applied.
whereGroups: [],

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Sorting and Filtering once #

final recipes = await CozyData.fetch<Recipe>(customBuilder: customBuilder);

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The CozyQueryController manages query operations for a CozyQueryListener. It allows adding where conditions, joins, order by fields, and custom queries to the listener.

Example usage:

  final controller = CozyQueryController<MyModel>();
  await controller.addWhere([PredicateGroup(predicates: [Predicate.equals('field', 'value')])]);
  await controller.addJoin([Join(table: 'other_table', condition: ' = my_table.other_id')]);
  await controller.orderBy([OrderBy(field: 'created_at', direction: OrderDirection.desc)]);
  await controller.addCustomQuery(CozyQueryBuilder<MyModel>());
  await controller.reset();
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Sorting and Filtering #

// Controller
final CozyQueryController<Recipe> _queryController = CozyQueryController<Recipe>();

final CozyQueryListener<Recipe> _recipeQuery =
      CozyData.queryListener<Recipe>(controller: _queryController);

  await controller.addWhere([PredicateGroup(predicates: [Predicate.contains('field', 'value')])]);

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Best Practices #

  • Initialize Early: Call CozyData.initialize() as early as possible in your app lifecycle.

  • Dispose Queries: Always dispose of queries when they're no longer needed to prevent memory leaks.

Full Documentation #

See the full documentation here or jump directly to the topic you are looking for:

License #

Copyright 2024 Fode DOUMBOUYA

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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2024.09.08 - 2025.03.23

A Swift-inspired persistent data management solution for Flutter. Provides simple, powerful, and type-safe way to persist your app's models with automatic UI updates.

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MIT (license)


dart_mappable, flutter, logger, path, path_provider, sqflite, sqlite3, synchronized, uuid


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