context_sdk 1.1.0 copy "context_sdk: ^1.1.0" to clipboard
context_sdk: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard


ContextSDK for Flutter

context_sdk #

ContextSDK for Flutter

Supported Platforms #

  • iOS - 14.0 and higher
  • Android - Coming Soon

Overview #

  • Step 1: Add ContextSDK to your app
  • Step 2: Track conversion events
  • Step 3: Ship an App Store update with ContextSDK

Installation #

Step 1: Add context_sdk to your pubspec.yaml

Step 2: Ensure minimum Deployment Target

ContextSDK requires a minimum deployment target of iOS 14.0, be sure to update your ios/Podfile to specify 14.0 or higher:

platform :ios, '14.0'

Activating ContextSDK #

After you installed ContextSDK, you need to add your license key. Register here to get started. Call this on app start.

import 'package:context_sdk/context_sdk.dart';

final _contextSdkPlugin = ContextSdk();


Track conversion Events #

To get the most use out of ContextSDK make sure to log data for all your upsell prompts. For more details check out the documentation

import 'package:context_sdk/context_sdk.dart';

final _contextSdkPlugin = ContextSdk();

// Make sure to call this immediately before showing the prompt to the user.
_contextSdkPlugin.optimize("upsell", null, null, (context) async {
  // Show the upgrade prompt here right after fetching the context
  // Once you know if the user purchased or dismissed the upsell, log the outcome:

Go Live #

Now all that's left is to ship your update to the App Store to start gaining context insights. Continue to the release page for a final check before shipping, as well as other deployment tips.