confetti 0.2.0 copy "confetti: ^0.2.0" to clipboard
confetti: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard


Blast colorful confetti all over the screen. Celebrate in app achievements with style. Control the velocity, angle and amount of confetti.

Blast some confetti all over the screen and celebrate user achievements!

Demo #

A video walkthrough is available here.

Getting Started #

To use this plugin, add confetti as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

See the example to get started quickly.

To begin you need to instantiate a ConfettiController variable and pass in a Duration argument. The ConfettiController can be instantiated in the initState method and disposed in the dispose method.

In the build method return a ConfettiWidget. The only attribute that is required is the ConfettiController.

Other attributes that can be set are:

  • blastDirection -> a radial value to determine the direction of the particle emission. The default is set to PI (180 degrees). A value of PI will emit to the left of the canvas/screen.
  • emissionFrequency -> should be a value between 0 and 1. The higher the value the higher the likelihood that particles will be emitted on a single frame. Default is set to 0.02 (2% chance)
  • numberOfParticles -> the number of particles to be emitted per emission. Default is set to 10
  • shouldLoop -> determines if the emission will reset after the duration is completed, which will result in continues particles being emitted, and the animation looping
  • maxBlastForce -> will determine the maximum blast force applied to a particle within it's first 5 frames of life. The default maxBlastForce is set to 20
  • minBlastForce -> will determine the minimum blast force applied to a particle within it's first 5 frames of life. The default minBlastForce is set to 5
  • displayTarget -> if true a crosshair will be displayed to show the location of the particle emitter
  • colors -> a list of colors can be provided to manually set the confetti colors. If omitted then random colors will be used. A single color, for example [], or multiple colors [,,] can be provided as an argument in the `ConfettiWidget

Enjoy the confetti.

NOTE: Don't be greedy with the number of particles. Too many will result in performance issues. Future versions might be more performant. Use wisely and carefully.

pub points



Blast colorful confetti all over the screen. Celebrate in app achievements with style. Control the velocity, angle and amount of confetti.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


flutter, random_color, vector_math


Packages that depend on confetti