command_palette 0.1.1 copy "command_palette: ^0.1.1" to clipboard
command_palette: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard


Flutter implementation of the Command Palette. Can be brought up via a keyboard shortcut.

command_palette #

pub package flutter_tests codecov style: flutter lints License: MIT
A Flutter widget that allows you to bring up a command palette, seen in programs like Visual Studio Code and Slack. Allows you to provide users with a convenient way to perform all sorts of actions related to your app.

Features #

  • Access the command palette via a keyboard shortcut, or programmatically.
  • Define a custom list of actions for the user and define the callbacks for each.
  • Use the default styling or build your own custom list items.
  • Use your own filtering logic
  • Use throughout your entire app, or just in certain sections!
  • Support for keyboardless apps too!

Getting started #

To install run the following command:

flutter pub install command_palette

or add command_palette to your pubspec.yaml

Usage #

Start by placing the Command Palette widget in your widget tree:

import 'package:command_palette/command_palette.dart';

  actions: [
      label: "Goto Home Page",
      actionType: CommandPaletteActionType.single,
      onSelect: () {
        // go to home page, or perform some other sorta action
      label: "Change Theme",
      actionType: CommandPaletteActionType.nested,
      description: "Change the color theme of the app",
      shortcut: ["ctrl", "t"],
      childrenActions: [
          label: "Light",
          actionType: CommandPaletteActionType.single,
          onSelect: () {
            setState(() {
              themeMode = ThemeMode.light;
          label: "Dark",
          actionType: CommandPaletteActionType.single,
          onSelect: () {
            setState(() {
              themeMode = ThemeMode.dark;
  child: Text("Use a keyboard shortcut to open the palette up!"),

Opening Without a Keyboard #

Want to allow devices that don't have a keyboard to open the palette, just use the handy InheritedWidget!


Additional information #

Have a feature request, or some questions? Come on down to the discussions tab.

Find a bug or want to open a pull request? Feel free to do so, any and all contributions are welcome and appreciated!

Note about the version #

While I feel confident that this package is ready to use in a real world app. I'm keeping the version below 1.0.0 for the time being incase there is any major changes I'd like to make before I settle down into something.

pub points



Flutter implementation of the Command Palette. Can be brought up via a keyboard shortcut.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, substring_highlight


Packages that depend on command_palette