cometchat 3.0.9 copy "cometchat: ^3.0.9" to clipboard
cometchat: ^3.0.9 copied to clipboard

CometChat enables you to add voice, video & text chat for your website & app. This guide demonstrates how to add chat to an Flutter application using CometChat.

CometChat Flutter Chat SDK #

CometChat enables you to add voice, video & text chat for your website & app. This guide demonstrates how to add chat to an Flutter application using CometChat.

Prerequisites ⭐ #

Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
✅   You have Android Studio or Xcode installed in your machine.
✅   You have a Android Device or Emulator with Android Version 5.0 or above.
✅   You have a IOS Device or Emulator with IOS 11.0 or above.
✅   You have read CometChat Key Concepts.

Installing CometChat Flutter SDK #

Setup 🔧 #

To setup Fluter SDK, you need to first register on CometChat Dashboard. Click here to sign up.

i. Get your Application Keys 🔑 #

Signup for CometChat and then:

  1. Create a new app: Click Add App option available → Enter App Name & other information → Create App
  2. At the Top in QuickStart section you will find Auth Key & App ID or else you can head over to the API & Auth Keys section and note the Auth Key and App ID

ii. Add the CometChat Dependency #

  • 1. To use this plugin, add cometchat as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
    2. add the following code to podfile inside IOS section of your app

    post_install do |installer|
    installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|

    1. For IOS change ios deployment target to 11 or higher
    2. For Ios navigate to your IOS folder in terminal or CMD and do pod install . For apple chip system use rositta terminal.
    3. To import use
    import 'package:cometchat/cometchat_sdk.dart';

Configure CometChat SDK #

i. Initialize CometChat 🌟 #

The init() method initializes the settings required for CometChat. We suggest calling the init() method on app startup, preferably in the init() method of the Home class.

import 'package:cometchat/cometchat_sdk.dart';

String appID = "APP_ID"; // Replace with your App ID
String region = "REGION"; // Replace with your App Region ("eu" or "us")

 AppSettings appSettings = (AppSettingsBuilder()
        ..subscriptionType = CometChatSubscriptionType.allUsers
        ..region= region
        ..autoEstablishSocketConnection =  true

    CometChat.init(appID, appSettings, onSuccess: (String successMessage) {
      debugPrint("Initialization completed successfully  $successMessage");
    }, onError: (CometChatException e) {
      debugPrint("Initialization failed with exception: ${e.message}");
ℹ️   Note - Make sure to replace region and appID with your credentials.

ii. Create User 👤 #

Once initialisation is successful, you will need to create a user. You need to user createUser() method to create user on the fly.

import 'package:cometchat/cometchat_sdk.dart';

String authKey = "AUTH_KEY"; // Replace with your App Auth Key
User user = User(uid: "usr1" , name: "Kevin"  );

CometChat.createUser(user,  authKey, onSuccess: (User user){
   debugPrint("Create User succesfull ${user}");

}, onError: (CometChatException e){
    debugPrint("Create User Failed with exception ${e.message}");

ℹ️   Note - Make sure that UID and name are specified as these are mandatory fields to create a user.

iii. Login User 👤 #

Once you have created the user successfully, you will need to log the user into CometChat using the login() method.

String UID = "user_id"; // Replace with the UID of the user to login
String authKey = "AUTH_KEY"; // Replace with your App Auth Key

final user = await CometChat.getLoggedInUser();
if (user == null) {
  await CometChat.login(UID, authKey,
                        onSuccess: (User user) {
                          debugPrint("Login Successful : $user" );
                        }, onError: (CometChatException e) {
                          debugPrint("Login failed with exception:  ${e.message}");
//Already logged in
ℹ️   Note - The login() method needs to be called only once. Also replace AUTH_KEY with your App Auth Key.

📝 Please refer to our Developer Documentation for more information on how to configure the CometChat Pro SDK and implement various features using the same.

License #

This project uses the following license:




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CometChat enables you to add voice, video & text chat for your website & app. This guide demonstrates how to add chat to an Flutter application using CometChat.



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