coconut_lib 0.8.1 coconut_lib: ^0.8.1 copied to clipboard
The coconut_lib is a development tool for mobile air gap Bitcoin wallets. It is written in Dart. Coconut Vault and Coconut Wallet were created using this library.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:coconut_lib/coconut_lib.dart';
void main() async {
print("0. Set the Bitcoin Network");
NodeConnector nodeConnector = await NodeConnector.connectSync(
'', 60401,
ssl: true);
print("1. Create a vault");
// ignore: unused_local_variable
Seed seedForUnitTest = Seed.fromMnemonic(
'walk nose vibrant ankle advance frame violin apart summer depart volume squeeze decide visit manage tomorrow demand office minimum method manage arm dwarf cement',
passphrase: 'ABC');
// ignore: unused_local_variable
Seed emptySeed = Seed.fromMnemonic(
'cross february involve argue travel crush they soul echo type tonight strike head carpet joke',
passphrase: 'ABC');
// ignore: unused_local_variable
Seed seedForApp = Seed.fromMnemonic(
'thank split shrimp error own spirit slow glow act evidence globe slight');
SingleSignatureVault vault =
SingleSignatureVault.fromSeed(seedForApp, AddressType.p2wpkh);
print(' - Mnemonic: ${vault.keyStore.seed.mnemonic}');
print("2. Sync to the wallet");
// Repository.initialize('Coconut_Wallet');
SingleSignatureWallet wallet =
' - Extended Public Key: ${wallet.keyStore.extendedPublicKey.serialize()}');
print(' - Devation Path: ${wallet.derivationPath}');
print(' - Fingerprint: ${wallet.keyStore.masterFingerprint}');
await wallet.fetchOnChainData(nodeConnector);
print(' - [CurrentBlock] height: ${nodeConnector.currentBlock.height}'
' timestamp: ${nodeConnector.currentBlock.timestamp}');
print(' - Sync Address Book');
print(' - Balance: ${wallet.getBalance()}');
print('3. Receive a Bitcoin');
print(' - Address: ${wallet.getReceiveAddress()}');
print(' - Utxo List : ');
for (UTXO utxo in wallet.getUtxoList()) {
print(' ${utxo.transactionHash}:[${utxo.index}] ${utxo.amount}');
print(' - Transfer History : ');
for (Transfer transfer in wallet.getTransferList(cursor: 0, count: 10)) {
' [${transfer.transferType}:${transfer.timestamp}] ${transfer.transactionHash} : ${transfer.amount}');
print(' - Total Amount : ${wallet.getBalance()}');
print(' - Total Unconfirmed Amount : ${wallet.getUnconfirmedBalance()}');
print(' - Address and amount :');
List<Address> receiveList = wallet.addressBook.receiveBook.values.toList();
receiveList.sort((prev, curr) => prev.index.compareTo(curr.index));
// changeList.sort((prev, curr) => prev.index.compareTo(curr.index));
for (Address address in receiveList) {
' ${address.address}, path : ${address.derivationPath}, is Used? : ${address.isUsed}, amount : ${address.amount}');
print('4. Create a PSBT (in wallet)');
String receiverAddress = wallet.getReceiveAddress().address;
// String receiverAddress = 'tb1q8vn76dcysgxany6mlkgz0jd80d7pl9mzhqee73';
int sendingAmount = 1000;
int feeRate = 14;
" - Fee estimation : ${await wallet.estimateFee(receiverAddress, sendingAmount, feeRate)}");
String psbt =
await wallet.generatePsbt(receiverAddress, sendingAmount, feeRate);
// if you want to send all Bitcoin : String psbt = wallet.generatePsbtWithMaximum(receiverAddress, 10);
print(" - Generated PSBT : $psbt");
" - Validate address : ${WalletUtility.validateAddress(receiverAddress)}}");
print('6. Receive PSBT in the wallet (in vault)');
PSBT vaultReceivedPsbt = PSBT.parse(psbt);
print(" - Sending amount : ${vaultReceivedPsbt.sendingAmount}");
print(" - Fee : ${vaultReceivedPsbt.fee}");
print('7. sign the transaction (in vault)');
String signedPsbt = vault.addSignatureToPsbt(psbt);
print(" - Signed PSBT : $signedPsbt");
print('7. Receive signed PSBT (in wallet)');
PSBT walletReceivedPsbt = PSBT.parse(signedPsbt);
Transaction signed =
print(' - final Transaction : ${signed.serialize()}');
print('8. Broadcast the transaction');
' - Unsigned Tx ID : ${walletReceivedPsbt.unsignedTransaction!.transactionHash}');
print(' - Transaction ID : ${signed.transactionHash}');
print(' - Transaction : ${signed.serialize()}');
// Result result = await nodeConnector.broadcast(signed.serialize());
// print(' - Transaction is broadcasted: ${result.value}');