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The coconut_lib is a development tool for mobile air gap Bitcoin wallets. It is written in Dart. Coconut Vault and Coconut Wallet were created using this library.

Coconut_lib #

The Coconut_lib is a development tool for mobile air gap Bitcoin wallets. It is written in Dart. Coconut Vault and Coconut Wallet were created using this library. Download from Appstore and Play Store.

And visit tutorial page for Self-custody we provided. (

⚠ The Coconut_lib is still a project under development. Therefore, we are not responsible for any problems that may arise while using it. Please review it carefully and use it.

About #

The Coconut_lib provides the base code for developing Bitcoin vaults and wallets based on Bitcoin airgap. Since coconut_lib is developed in Dart, it is specialized for developing applications for iPhone and Android by utilizing the Flutter. In particular, The Coconut_lib designed to develop air-gap-based vault and wallet apps separately by clearly distinguishing the vault area and wallet area. You can use the Coconut_lib to create your own air-gap based vault and wallet.

"Don't trust, verify and develop!"

Architecture #

  • wallet: Provides a cryptography-based key management method. Create two apps instancing the Wallet and Vault classes. image
  • transaction: Provides code related to Bitcoin scripts and transactions. Also use PSBT(BIP-0174) to communicate vaults and wallets. image
  • network: Provide you with the code to communicate with a Bitcoin node. Feel free to send Bitcoins through the RegTest we provide.

For more development information, visit the coconut_lib docs.

Example #

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:coconut_lib/coconut_lib.dart';

void main() async {
  This shows the process from creating a Bitcoin wallet in the Coconut Library to sending Bitcoin.
  Please check that the roles of the Vault and the Wallet are separate.
  Enjoy Bitcoin programming with Coconut Library!

  /// >> In Vault
  /// choose the Bitcoin Network
  // BitcoinNetwork.setNetwork(BitcoinNetwork.mainnet);
  // BitcoinNetwork.setNetwork(BitcoinNetwork.testnet);

  /// generate air-gapped vault
  /// random vault
  // SingleSignatureVault randomMnemonicVault =
  //     SingleSignatureVault.random(AddressType.p2wpkh);
  // print("Generated Mnemonic : ${randomMnemonicVault.keyStore.seed.mnemonic}");

  /// mnemonic vault
  SingleSignatureVault mnemonicVault = SingleSignatureVault.fromMnemonic(
      'abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about',
      passphrase: 'ABC');

  // >> In Wallet
  /// import expub to watch-only wallet with descriptor(BIP-0380)
  SingleSignatureWallet watchOnlyWallet =

  /// Obtain the bitcoin from faucet
  print("address : ${watchOnlyWallet.getAddress(0)}");

  /// connect to the node and fetch transaction data
  Repository.initialize('Coconut_Tutorial'); // db for tx history
  NodeConnector nodeConnector = await NodeConnector.connectSync(
      '', 60401,
      ssl: true); // node connection
  var syncResult = await nodeConnector.fetch(watchOnlyWallet); // fetch tx data
  if (syncResult.isFailure) {
    throw Exception(" - Sync failed : ${syncResult.error}");
  } else {
    print(' - Transaction Sync Success');
    await Repository()
        .sync(watchOnlyWallet, syncResult.value!); // save tx data into db

  /// and then, check the balance
  print("balance : ${watchOnlyWallet.getBalance()}");

  /// create a PSBT(BIP-0174) to my another address
  PSBT unsignedPSBT = PSBT.forSending(
      "bcrt1qyyl6eld8zq0zgh5jf8u5n3lv4jz9tjzeny2lq9", 1000, 3, watchOnlyWallet);

  /// >> In Vault
  /// vault can sign the PSBT
  String signedPsbt =

  /// >> In Wallet
  // watchOnlyWallet can broadcast the signed transaction
  PSBT signedPSBT =
      PSBT.parse(signedPsbt); // parse the PSBT received from vault
  Transaction completedTx = signedPSBT
      .getSignedTransaction(watchOnlyWallet.addressType); // transaction object
  Result result =
      await nodeConnector.broadcast(completedTx.serialize()); // broadcast
  print(' - Transaction is broadcasted: ${result.value}');

  /// need to sync again
  var finalSyncResult =
      await nodeConnector.fetch(watchOnlyWallet); // fetch tx data
  if (syncResult.isFailure) {
    throw Exception(" - Sync failed : ${finalSyncResult.error}");
  } else {
    print(' - Transaction Sync Success');
    await Repository()
        .sync(watchOnlyWallet, finalSyncResult.value!); // save tx data into db

  /// check the balance again
  print("balance : ${watchOnlyWallet.getBalance()}");


Contribution #


Bug report and Contact us #

License #

Reference LICENSE



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The coconut_lib is a development tool for mobile air gap Bitcoin wallets. It is written in Dart. Coconut Vault and Coconut Wallet were created using this library.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


unknown (license)


bech32, bech32m_i, convert, decimal, flat_buffers, hex, http, json_annotation, pointycastle


Packages that depend on coconut_lib