coconut_lib 0.8.1 coconut_lib: ^0.8.1 copied to clipboard
The coconut_lib is a development tool for mobile air gap Bitcoin wallets. It is written in Dart. Coconut Vault and Coconut Wallet were created using this library.
Coconut_lib #
The Coconut_lib is a development tool for mobile air gap Bitcoin wallets. It is written in Dart
Coconut Vault and Coconut Wallet were created using this library.
Download from Appstore and Play Store.
- Coconut Vault (for iOS)
- Coconut Wallet (for iOS)
- Coconut Vault (for Android)
- Coconut Wallet (for Android)
And visit tutorial page for Self-custody we provided. (
⚠ The Coconut_lib is still a project under development. Therefore, we are not responsible for any problems that may arise while using it. Please review it carefully and use it.
About #
The Coconut_lib provides the base code for developing Bitcoin vaults and wallets based on Bitcoin airgap.
Since coconut_lib is developed in Dart
, it is specialized for developing applications for iPhone and Android by utilizing the Flutter
In particular, The Coconut_lib designed to develop air-gap-based vault and wallet apps separately by clearly distinguishing the vault area and wallet area.
You can use the Coconut_lib to create your own air-gap based vault and wallet.
"Don't trust, verify and develop!"
Architecture #
- wallet: Provides a cryptography-based key management method. Create two apps instancing the Wallet and Vault classes.
- transaction: Provides code related to Bitcoin scripts and transactions. Also use PSBT(BIP-0174) to communicate vaults and wallets.
- network: Provide you with the code to communicate with a Bitcoin node. Feel free to send Bitcoins through the RegTest we provide.
For more development information, visit the coconut_lib docs.
Example #
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:coconut_lib/coconut_lib.dart';
void main() async {
This shows the process from creating a Bitcoin wallet in the Coconut Library to sending Bitcoin.
Please check that the roles of the Vault and the Wallet are separate.
Enjoy Bitcoin programming with Coconut Library!
/// >> In Vault
/// choose the Bitcoin Network
// BitcoinNetwork.setNetwork(BitcoinNetwork.mainnet);
// BitcoinNetwork.setNetwork(BitcoinNetwork.testnet);
/// generate air-gapped vault
/// random vault
// SingleSignatureVault randomMnemonicVault =
// SingleSignatureVault.random(AddressType.p2wpkh);
// print("Generated Mnemonic : ${randomMnemonicVault.keyStore.seed.mnemonic}");
/// mnemonic vault
SingleSignatureVault mnemonicVault = SingleSignatureVault.fromMnemonic(
'abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about',
passphrase: 'ABC');
// >> In Wallet
/// import expub to watch-only wallet with descriptor(BIP-0380)
SingleSignatureWallet watchOnlyWallet =
/// Obtain the bitcoin from faucet
print("address : ${watchOnlyWallet.getAddress(0)}");
/// connect to the node and fetch transaction data
Repository.initialize('Coconut_Tutorial'); // db for tx history
NodeConnector nodeConnector = await NodeConnector.connectSync(
'', 60401,
ssl: true); // node connection
var syncResult = await nodeConnector.fetch(watchOnlyWallet); // fetch tx data
if (syncResult.isFailure) {
throw Exception(" - Sync failed : ${syncResult.error}");
} else {
print(' - Transaction Sync Success');
await Repository()
.sync(watchOnlyWallet, syncResult.value!); // save tx data into db
/// and then, check the balance
print("balance : ${watchOnlyWallet.getBalance()}");
/// create a PSBT(BIP-0174) to my another address
PSBT unsignedPSBT = PSBT.forSending(
"bcrt1qyyl6eld8zq0zgh5jf8u5n3lv4jz9tjzeny2lq9", 1000, 3, watchOnlyWallet);
/// >> In Vault
/// vault can sign the PSBT
String signedPsbt =
/// >> In Wallet
// watchOnlyWallet can broadcast the signed transaction
PSBT signedPSBT =
PSBT.parse(signedPsbt); // parse the PSBT received from vault
Transaction completedTx = signedPSBT
.getSignedTransaction(watchOnlyWallet.addressType); // transaction object
Result result =
await nodeConnector.broadcast(completedTx.serialize()); // broadcast
print(' - Transaction is broadcasted: ${result.value}');
/// need to sync again
var finalSyncResult =
await nodeConnector.fetch(watchOnlyWallet); // fetch tx data
if (syncResult.isFailure) {
throw Exception(" - Sync failed : ${finalSyncResult.error}");
} else {
print(' - Transaction Sync Success');
await Repository()
.sync(watchOnlyWallet, finalSyncResult.value!); // save tx data into db
/// check the balance again
print("balance : ${watchOnlyWallet.getBalance()}");
Contribution #
Bug report and Contact us #
- Github Issue, PR
License #
Reference LICENSE