cnic_scanner 0.0.1 copy "cnic_scanner: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
cnic_scanner: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


A new Flutter package.

cnic_scanner #

A Flutter package that let's you to scan your CNIC and ID cards and all types of other cards.

Installation #

Add following dependency in pubspec.yaml file. And add this import to your file.

cnic_scanner: ^0.0.1
image_picker: latest version

import 'package:cnic_scanner/cnic_scanner.dart';

Quick Start #

// create a obj of CnicModel
// CnicModel _cnicModel = CnicModel();

// then call this method fron package, our package needs you to pass ImageSource as an argument
// scanImage(imageSource: imageSource) from CnicScanner class

await CnicScanner().scanImage(imageSource: imageSource);                ​

CustomDialog #

// I have created a custom dialog and passing ImageSource here in ths way. You can furture check it in example

CustomDialogBox(onCameraBTNPressed: () {
              }, onGalleryBTNPressed: () {
              });                ​

CnicModel #

// this class will return these parameters.

class CardModel {
     String _cnicNumber = "";
     String _cnicIssueDate = "";
     String _cnicHolderName = "";
     String _cnicExpiryDate = "";
     String _cnicHolderDateOfBirth = "";

ScreenShots #

Cnic Screen Custom Dialog Scanned Cnic Data

Demo #

Scanned from Gallery Scanned from Camera

Developers #

Faiza Farooqui and Kamran Khan

License #