chuck_interceptor 2.0.1
chuck_interceptor: ^2.0.1 copied to clipboard
Chuck is an HTTP Inspector tool which helps debugging http requests. It catches and stores http requests and responses, which can be viewed via simple UI.
Chuck #
ChuckInterceptor is an HTTP Inspector tool for Flutter which helps debugging http requests. It catches and stores http requests and responses, which can be viewed via simple UI. It is inspired from Chuck and Chucker.
Supported Dart http client plugins:
- Dio
- HttpClient from dart:io package
- Http from http/http package
- Chopper
- Generic HTTP client
✔️ Detailed logs for each HTTP calls (HTTP Request, HTTP Response)
✔️ Inspector UI for viewing HTTP calls
✔️ Save HTTP calls to file
✔️ Statistics
✔️ Notification on HTTP call
✔️ Support for top used HTTP clients in Dart
✔️ Error handling
✔️ Shake to open inspector
✔️ HTTP calls search
Install #
- Add this to your pubspec.yaml file:
chuck_interceptor: ^1.1.2
- Install it
$ flutter packages get
- Import it
import 'package:chuck_interceptor/chuck.dart';
Usage #
Chuck configuration #
- Create chuck instance:
Chuck chuck = Chuck();
- Add navigator key to your application:
MaterialApp( navigatorKey: chuck.getNavigatorKey(), home: ...)
You need to add this navigator key in order to show inspector UI. You can use also your navigator key in Chuck:
Chuck chuck = Chuck(showNotification: true, navigatorKey: yourNavigatorKeyHere);
If you need to pass navigatorKey lazily, you can use:
This is minimal configuration required to run Chuck. Can set optional settings in Chuck constructor, which are presented below. If you don't want to change anything, you can move to Http clients configuration.
Additional settings #
You can set showNotification
in Chuck constructor to show notification. Clicking on this notification will open inspector.
Chuck chuck = Chuck(..., showNotification: true);
You can set showInspectorOnShake
in Chuck constructor to open inspector by shaking your device (default disabled):
Chuck chuck = Chuck(..., showInspectorOnShake: true);
If you want to use dark mode just add darkTheme
Chuck chuck = Chuck(..., darkTheme: true);
If you want to pass another notification icon, you can use notificationIcon
parameter. Default value is @mipmap/ic_launcher.
Chuck chuck = Chuck(..., notificationIcon: "myNotificationIconResourceName");
If you want to limit max numbers of HTTP calls saved in memory, you may use maxCallsCount
Chuck chuck = Chuck(..., maxCallsCount: 1000));
If you want to change the Directionality of Chuck, you can use the directionality
parameter. If the parameter is set to null, the Directionality of the app will be used.
Chuck chuck = Chuck(..., directionality: TextDirection.ltr);
HTTP Client configuration #
If you're using Dio, you just need to add interceptor.
Dio dio = Dio();
If you're using HttpClient from dart:io package:
.then((request) async {
var httpResponse = await request.close();
var responseBody = await httpResponse.transform(utf8.decoder).join();
chuck.onHttpClientResponse(httpResponse, request, body: responseBody);
If you're using http from http/http package:
http.get('').then((response) {
If you're using Chopper. you need to add interceptor:
chopper = ChopperClient(
interceptors: chuck.getChopperInterceptor(),
If you have other HTTP client you can use generic http call interface:
ChuckHttpCall chuckHttpCall = ChuckHttpCall(id);
Show inspector manually #
You may need that if you won't use shake or notification:
Saving calls #
Chuck supports saving logs to your mobile device storage. In order to make save feature works, you need to add in your Android application manifest:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
Extensions #
You can use extensions to shorten your http and http client code. This is optional, but may improve your codebase. Example:
- Import:
import 'package:chuck_interceptor/core/chuck_http_client_extensions.dart';
import 'package:chuck_interceptor/core/chuck_http_extensions.dart';
- Use extensions:
.post('', body: body)
.interceptWithChuck(Chuck, body: body);
.interceptWithChuck(chuck, body: body, headers: Map());
Example #
See complete example here: To run project, you need to call this command in your terminal:
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
You need to run this command to build Chopper generated classes. You should run this command only once, you don't need to run this command each time before running project (unless you modify something in Chopper endpoints).