chat_flutter 3.0.1 copy "chat_flutter: ^3.0.1" to clipboard
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A Flutter plugin toolkit for displaying chat records. Supporting basic content display of images, files, voice, text, and videos.

chat_flutter #

pub package

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This is a component package developed purely for dart to display chat record lists, supporting the basic content display of images, files, voice, video, and text.

Language: 中文简体

We recommend that you use the chatViewWidgetController controller in the onCreated callback to perform operations such as addremove on the record list.

The plugin toolkit supports the following platforms, note ⚠️ Some functions are not fully platform supported:

  • Android
  • IOS
  • WEB
  • Windows
  • Macos
  • Linux

Rendering #

1、Characteristic #

This tool component can display chat records, commonly used for displaying chat record content.

The display content supports the following basic content:

  • 图片 -> image
  • 文件 -> file
  • 文字 -> text
  • 音频 -> audio
  • 视频 -> video

2、Install # Address Navigation:

1. #

You can directly pubspec.yaml in the file dependencies add below for installation.

chat_flutter: ^3.0.0

As follows:

  chat_flutter: ^3.0.0

2. #

You can also execute the following command to install from the terminal located in the project root directory:

flutter pub add chat_flutter

3、Use #

Introduce on the required page:

import 'package:chat_flutter/chat_flutter.dart';

Complete Use Case:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:chat_flutter/chat_flutter.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
        body: Column(
            children: [
                    child: ChatViewWidget()

More use cases can be found at Here hit the target /example/lib/main.dart review.

4、Precautions for use #

1、This plugin only provides display and does not provide implementation of functions. If the following functions are not implemented:

  • When displaying recorded content as audio, this plugin does not implement audio playback, and users need to implement the audio playback function themselves.

2、Precautions for use

  • This plugin does not impose width or height restrictions on the content of the plugin, so you need to package the plugin with widget set the width and height of the box.

  • If you encounter rendering issues in the release mode during use, please make modifications as described below:

Add the following code to the release mode of buildTypes in the project/android/app/build. gradle file of your project:

buildTypes {
    release {
        signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
        // Add the following code
        shrinkResources false // Turn off code obfuscation
        minifyEnabled false // Turn off resource reduction

5、About the Adaptation of Plugin Models #

This plugin itself uses flutter_screenutil based on plugins, multiple models have been adapted, so you don't have to worry about encountering problems during use UI disorder and other issues, if the model you are using is not properly adapted, resulting in UI for issues such as disordered styles, you can contact me through the contact information below to provide assistance.

6、About plugin dependency issues #

After the author discovers that the dependencies used in the plugin have been updated, they will be updated as soon as possible. For a smoother experience during use, it is recommended that you update the plugin as soon as possible, or pubspec.yaml add before version number in the file ^ symbol for using the latest version of the plugin.

Currently, some functional implementations rely on the following plugins:

  • flutter_screenutil
  • photo_view
  • video_player

7、About Customization #

This plugin provides a high degree of customization to facilitate the functionality provided by the plugin when you are not satisfied UI customize to meet your needs.

8、Case study and detailed usage reference guide #

If you feel that the cases and usage assistance provided on this page cannot help you successfully start using this plugin, you can click Here and enter example/lib/main.dart file View Detailed Use Cases. Alternatively, you can contact me through the contact information below.

9、API Parameter Description #

ChatViewWidget Illustrate #

Name Type Describe Default value
children List<ChatViewItem> record list []
isNeedScrollBottom bool Whether to slide to the bottom during initial rendering false
onCreated Function(ScrollController chatViewWidgetController) When creation is complete, return aScrollController list controller of type --
isOpenPreviewImage bool Do you want to enable image preview false

ChatViewItem Illustrate #

Common Parameter API #

Name Type Describe Default value
itemBody dynamic Content. according to itemBodyType the content conveyed varies depending on the type. When itemBodyType = time may not be transmitted, and detailed use can refer to case studies. --
senderRight bool Is it on the right side true
customRecordTimeWidget Widget Custom Time Record widget --
customRecordTimeStyle TextStyle Custom Time Record Style --
chatViewItemRecordBodyBoxConstraints BoxConstraints Content subject constraints --
itemBodyType ChatViewItemRecordBodyType Current record content type text
itemBodyRecordTime String Recording time --
backgroundColor Color Record the background color of the main body Colors.white
customItem Widget Custom Record Body --
itemBodyTap Function Content subject click event --
itemBodyMediaTap Function(ChatViewItemRecordBodyType type) File, image, audio, video click events --
textTypeModel ChatViewItemTextTypeModel Text type configuration content --
imageTypeModel ChatViewItemImageTypeModel Image Type Configuration Content --
videoTypeModel ChatViewItemVideoTypeModel Video Type Configuration Content --
fileTypeModel ChatViewItemFileTypeModel File Type Configuration Content --
audioTypeModel ChatViewItemAudioTypeModel Audio type configuration content --
avatarModel ChatViewItemAvatarModel Configuration content of avatar --
commonParamModel CommonParamModel transition progressIndicator --

Avatar-avatarModel -> ChatViewItemAvatarModel

Name Type Describe Default value
avatarPath String The avatar address will be the default one when it is not delivered. If it is not delivered, the built-in icon avatar scheme will be used --
defaultAvatarPath String Default avatar address --
isAvatarShow bool Is the avatar displayed true
avatarSize double Avatar size Adapted 45
avatarColor Color Head color --
customAvatar Widget Custom avatar --
customAvatarWidget Widget Custom avatar --
avatarTap Function Head image click callback --

Load Transition-commonParamModel -> CommonParamModel

Name Type Describe Default value
progressIndicator ProgressIndicator Custom overload Progress --
isOpenTransitionLoad bool Is transition loading enabled true

Below are different types of parameters API #

1. Text-textTypeModel -> ChatViewItemTextTypeModel

Name Type Describe Default value
selectionControls TextSelectionControls Text selection controller. When isOpenTextSelect the activation is valid. --
itemBodyTextStyle TextStyle Record the text style of the main body TextStyle (color: const Color(0xff1989fa),fontSize: 16
isOpenTextSelect bool Do you want to open the long press text menu true
contextMenuBuilder Widget Function(BuildContext context, EditableTextState editableTextState) Displayed Tools Menu --
onSelectionChanged void Function(TextSelection selection, SelectionChangedCause? cause) Long press the text menu to select a callback --
createSelectableTextCallback Function(FocusNode focusNode) Optional Text Content widget callback during creation --

2. Audio-audioTypeModel -> ChatViewItemAudioTypeModel

Name Type Describe Default value
audioTimelength int Audio duration 0
audioPlayStatus bool Playing false

3. Image-imageTypeModel -> ChatViewItemImageTypeModel

Name Type Describe Default value
previewImageLongPressMenu List<String> Preview Image Long Press to Display Menu --
onPreviewImageTapMenu Function(String data, int index, List<String> menuList) Preview Image Menu Click Callback --
customPreviewImageCallback Function(String imagePath) Custom preview image callback. Note: When passing this parameter, the preview scheme provided by the library will no longer be used. --
customLongPress Function(BuildContext context) Custom long press image display callback --

4. File-fileTypeModel -> ChatViewItemFileTypeModel

No additional information available at the moment.

5. Video-videoTypeModel -> ChatViewItemVideoTypeModel

Name Type Describe Default value
notPlayingWidget Widget Custom widget not played --
playingFailWidget Widget Play Error Custom Widget --
autoPlaying bool Whether to automatically play during interface display true
videoLoadFailCallback void Function(Object error) Video loading error callback --
IOS Additional Configuration

Be directed against IOS, You need to <project root>/ios/Runner/Info.plist under the path Info.plist add the following configuration to the file.

Android iOS Web windows macos linux
Support SDK 16+ 11.0+ Any* not Support not Support not Support

10、About Internationalization #

Tips: The fixed text content involved in the plugin itself, such as reminders and displays, has been adapted to the language environment. Currently, only the following language environments are supported:

  • CH -> Chinese (default)
  • US -> English

If you need to switch and modify, please refer to the following code format for modification:

import 'package:flutter_localizations/flutter_localizations.dart';
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
        locale: const Locale('zh'),
        localizationsDelegates: const [
        supportedLocales: const [Locale('zh', 'CH')],

Tips: In the above code flutter_localizations The toolkit requires you to manually install it yourself.

11、Contact Author #

When you encounter problems during use, you can click Here have issue ask a question or contact me through the contact information below. When you see your contact or raise a question issue I will reply and contact you as soon as possible.




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A Flutter plugin toolkit for displaying chat records. Supporting basic content display of images, files, voice, text, and videos.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, flutter_screenutil, photo_view, video_player


Packages that depend on chat_flutter