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Highly customizable charts library for flutter

Flutter charts #


Customizable charts library for flutter.

Idea behind this lib is to allow highly customizable charts. By having decorations painters (foreground and background) and item painters that can be easily changed. Customizing and adding new decorations will require some CustomPainter knowledge.

Showcase #


Usage #

Add it to your package's pubspec.yaml file

  flutter_charts: ^1.0.0

Install packages from the command line

flutter packages get

Basic charts #

By passing ChartState.line or to Chart widget we will add appropriate decorations for the selected chart.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Chart(
    state: ChartState.line(
        <double>[1, 3, 4, 2, 7, 6, 2, 5, 4].map((e) => BubbleValue<void>(e)).toList(),


By charging ChartState.line to we can change look of the chart.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Chart(
        <double>[1, 3, 4, 2, 7, 6, 2, 5, 4].map((e) => BarValue<void>(e)).toList(),



Chart data has some options that will change how the data is processed. By changing axisMin or axisMax scale of the chart is changed in order to show that value, in case data has higher/lower data then axisMax/axisMin then this option is ignored.

Adding valueAxisMaxOver will add that value to currently the highest value.

strategy will only have impact if chart has multiple lists, in that case it can stack those items with DataStrategy.stack. Strategy only affects how multiple lists are being processed, to change how the are drawn see ChartBehaviour.multiItemStack

Item options #

Options that set how it draws each item and how it looks. When using BarItemOptions or BubbleItemOptions geometry painters have been preset, and they include some extra options for their painters.

Geometry painter #

What are geometry painters?

Geometry painters are responsible for drawing each item on the canvas. Included in the lib are 2 ItemPainter's.

Bar painter (default) Bubble painter
[bar_painter] [bubble_painter]

Decoration #

We use Decorations to enhance our charts. Chart decorations can be painted in the background or in a foreground of the items. Everything that is not chart item is a decoration.

Here are decorations we have included, bar items with opacity have been added for better visibility.

[horizontal_decoration] Horizontal decoration [vertical_decoration] Vertical decoration [grid_decoration] Grid decoration
[target_values_decoration] Value decoration [target_line_decoration] Target line decoration [target_line_legend_decoration] Target line text decoration
[target_area_decoration] Target area decoration [selected_item_decoration] Selected item decoration [sparkline_decoration] Sparkline decoration
Legend decorations
  • GridDecoration - Decoration is just merging of HorizontalAxisDecoration and VerticalAxisDecoration
    • HorizontalAxisDecoration - Show horizontal lines on the chart, can show legend as well
    • VerticalAxisDecoration - Show vertical lines on the chart, can show legend as well
  • ValueDecoration - Show value of each item
Target decorations
  • TargetLineDecoration - Show target line on the chart, can pass getTargetItemColor to colorForValue to change item colors
    • TargetLineLegendDecoration - Show text legend on left side of the chart
  • TargetAreaDecoration
Other decorations
  • BorderDecoration - Add rectangular border around the chart
  • SelectedItemDecoration - When providing ChartBehaviour.onItemClicked then you can use SelectedItemDecoration for showing selected item on the chart
  • SparkLineDecoration - Show data with sparkline chart

Drawing charts #

Now you are ready to use charts lib. If chart needs to animate the state changes then use AnimatedChart<T> widget instead of Chart<T> widget. AnimatedChart<T> needs to specify Duration and it can accept Curve for animation.

Make your chart

This is how you can start, this is simple bar chart with grid decoration:

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Padding(
      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
      child: Chart(
        state: ChartState.fromList(
          [1, 3, 4, 2, 7, 6, 2, 5, 4].map((e) => BarValue<void>(e.toDouble())).toList(),
          itemOptions: BarItemOptions(
            padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 2.0),
            radius: BorderRadius.vertical(top: Radius.circular(12.0)),
          options: BarChartOptions(valueAxisMax: 8),
          backgroundDecorations: [
              verticalAxisStep: 1,
              horizontalAxisStep: 1,
              gridColor: Theme.of(context).dividerColor,
          foregroundDecorations: [
              color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.secondary,
              width: 2.0,

Code above will draw this: [simple_chart]

Line Chart

To turn any chart to line chart we just need to add SparklineDecoration to foregroundDecorations or backgroundDecorations. This will add decoration line on top/bottom of the chart.

By replacing the BarValue to BubbleValue and changing geometryPainter to bubblePainter we can show nicer line chart with small bubbles on data points:

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Padding(
      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
      child: Chart(
        state: ChartState.fromList(
          /// CHANGE: Change [BarValue<void>] to [BubbleValue<void>]
          [1, 3, 4, 2, 7, 6, 2, 5, 4].map((e) => BubbleValue<void>(e.toDouble())).toList(),
          /// CHANGE: From [BarItemOptions] to [BubbleItemOptions]
          itemOptions: BubbleItemOptions(
            padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 2.0),
            /// REMOVED: Radius doesn't exist in [BubbleItemOptions]
            // radius: BorderRadius.vertical(top: Radius.circular(12.0)),

            /// ADDED: Make [BubbleValue] items smaller
            maxBarWidth: 4.0,
          options: ChartOptions(valueAxisMax: 8),
          backgroundDecorations: [
              verticalAxisStep: 1,
              horizontalAxisStep: 1,
              gridColor: Theme.of(context).dividerColor,
          foregroundDecorations: [
              color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.secondary,
              width: 2.0,

            /// ADDED: Add spark line decoration ([SparkLineDecoration]) on foreground

Code above will make our nicer line graph: [simple_line_chart]

Multi Chart

Charts can have multiple values that are grouped. To turn any chart to multi value we need to use ChartState instead of ChartState.fromList constructor. Default constructor will accept List<List<ChartItem<T>> allowing us to pass multiple lists to same chart.

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
      child: Chart(
        /// CHANGE: From [ChartState.fromList] to [ChartState]
        state: ChartState(
          /// CHANGE: Add list we had into bigger List
            [1, 3, 4, 2, 7, 6, 2, 5, 4].map((e) => BubbleValue<void>(e.toDouble())).toList(),

            /// ADD: Another list
            [4, 6, 3, 3, 2, 1, 4, 7, 5].map((e) => BubbleValue<void>(e.toDouble())).toList(),
          itemOptions: BubbleItemOptions(
            padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 2.0),
            maxBarWidth: 4.0,

            /// ADDED: Color bubbles differently depending on List they came from. [ColorForIndex]
            colorForKey: (item, index) {
              return [Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary, Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primaryVariant][index];
          options: ChartOptions(valueAxisMax: 8),
          backgroundDecorations: [
              verticalAxisStep: 1,
              horizontalAxisStep: 1,
              gridColor: Theme.of(context).dividerColor,
          foregroundDecorations: [

            /// ADDED: Add another [SparkLineDecoration] for the second list
              // Specify key that this [SparkLineDecoration] will follow 
              // Throws if `lineKey` does not exist in chart data 
              lineKey: 1,
              lineColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primaryVariant,
              color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.secondary,
              width: 2.0,

Code above will make this multi line graph: [simple_multi_line_chart]

Chart behaviour

  • Setting isScrollable to true will make the chart ignore it's specified width and should be wrapped in some Scrollable widget in order to display properly.
  • Get selected item, onItemClick will return index of the clicked item.
  • Change how multiple values in the map get drawn, multiItemStack by default is set to true, and multiple items will just stack on same place, setting this to false will divide that place for each item, and they will be shown in grouped state.

More examples #

Line charts #

Line chart with multiple values example code [line_chart_animating]

Bar charts #

Bar chart with area example code [bar_chart_animating]

Scrollable chart #

Scrollable bar chart example code [scrollable_chart]




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Highly customizable charts library for flutter

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