charlatan 0.4.0
charlatan: ^0.4.0 copied to clipboard
A library for configuring and providing fake HTTP responses to your dio HTTP client.
charlatan #
This package provides the ability to configure and return fake HTTP responses from your Dio HTTP Client. This makes it easy to test the behavior of code that interacts with HTTP services without having to use mocks.
It consists of two components and a few helper functions:
- a class for configuring and providing fake HTTP responses based on HTTP method and URI template.CharlatanHttpClientAdapter
- an implementation of Dio'sHttpClientAdapter
that returns responses from a configuredCharlatan
and request matching helpers - utilites for concisely matching HTTP requests and generating fake responses.
Usage #
Add charlatan
to your pubspec.yaml's dev_dependencies
# pubspec.yaml
Configuring fake responses #
Create an instance of Charlatan
and call the corresponding
configuration method for the HTTP method you want to map a request to.
You can configure fakes responses using a specific path or a URI
template. You can also use the request object to customize your
response. The easiest way to configure a response is with the
helper function.
final charlatan = Charlatan();
charlatan.whenPost('/users', charlatanResponse(body: { 'id': 1, 'bilbo' }));
charlatan.whenGet('/users/{id}', charlatanResponse(body: { 'name': 'bilbo' }));
charlatan.whenPut('/users/{id}/profile', charlatanResponse(statusCode: 204));
charlatan.whenDelete('/users/{id}', (req) => CharlatanHttpResponse(statusCode: 204, body: { 'uri': req.path }));
If you need to further customize the response, you can expand
your fake response handler to include whatever you need. The
only requirement is that it returns a CharlatanHttpResponse
This allows you to provide dynamic values for the status code,
body, and headers in the response.
charlatan.whenPost('/users', (req) {
final data = req.body as Map<String, Object?>? ?? {};
final name = data['name'] as String?;
if (name == null) {
return CharlatanHttpResponse(
statusCode: 422,
body: {
'errors': {
'name': ['cannot be blank'],
return CharlatanHttpResponse(
statusCode: 201,
body: { 'id': 1, 'name': name },
Additionally, if you need to match requests using other properties of the
request or with different logic, you can use whenMatch
(req) => req.method == 'GET' && req.path.toLowerCase() == '/posts',
charlatanResponse(statusCode: 200),
Building a fake HTTP client #
Build the CharlatanHttpClientAdapter
from the Charlatan
instance and then
assign it to your Dio
instance's httpClientAdapter
final charlatan = Charlatan();
// ... configure fake responses ...
final dio = Dio()..httpClientAdapter = charlatan.toFakeHttpClientAdapter();
Now make HTTP requests like your normally would and they will be routed through your configured fakes.
final result = await dio.get<Object?>('/users/1');
expect(, {'id', 1, 'name': 'bilbo'});
What happens if I make a request that doesn't match a configured fake response?
You get a helpful error message like this:
Unable to find matching fake http response definition for:
GET /blahhhh
Did you configure it?
The fake http response definitions configured were:
GET /users
POST /users
PUT /users
DELETE /users
How can I configure a fake response that relies upon the result of another fake request? e.g. a POST followed by a GET that can "read its own writes"
Check out the example directory.