centrifuge 0.8.0 copy "centrifuge: ^0.8.0" to clipboard
centrifuge: ^0.8.0 copied to clipboard


Dart client to communicate with Centrifuge and Centrifugo from Flutter and VM over dart:io WebSocket

[0.8.0] #

Version 0.8.0 is the next iteration of centrifuge-dart development. It pushes client closer to other clients in the ecosystem. It also contains several backwards incompatible changes.

  • Return Futures from Client.connect, Client.disconnect, Subscription.subscribe, Subscription.unsubscribe methods - addresses #31.
  • On initial connect fire DisconnectEvent on connection error - this makes behavior of centrifuge-dart similar to all other our clients - addresses #56.
  • Add client error stream to consume ErrorEvent - each transport failure will emit error to this stream - addresses #56.
  • Refactor subscription statuses - add subscribing and error statuses. This change is mostly internal should not affect working with Subscriptions.
  • Do not call UnsubscribeEvent if subscription is not successfully subscribed (i.e. in subscribed state). This makes behavior of centrifuge-dart similar to all other our clients.
  • Update disconnect reasons due to failed connection and calling Client.Disconnect method - make it more similar to all other connector libraries in ecosystem.
  • Add default transport timeout (10 sec) – on connect and subscribe timeouts client will auto reconnect, calls like publish, history, rpc can now throw TimeoutException. Also - properly pass timeout to the transport (was not before!). Again – this makes client behave similarly to all other connectors.
  • Add presence and presenceStats methods for Subscription and on client top level (for server-side subscriptions).
  • Support streamPosition in SubscribeSuccessEvent.
  • Support streamPosition in ServerSubscribeEvent.
  • Support data in ServerSubscribeEvent.
  • Implement send method to send async messages to a server.
  • Fix deletion during iteration over map when working with server-side subscriptions.
  • Better event String representations.
  • Improvements and fixes in examples.

[0.7.1] #

  • Add support for data in SubscribeSuccessEvent. This is a custom data which can be sent by a server towards client connection in subscribe result. Note that due to the bug in Centrifugo server this feature only works in Centrifugo >= v3.0.3.

[0.7.0] #

Update to work with Centrifuge >= v0.18.0 and Centrifugo v3.

Breaking change in server behavior. Client History API behavior changed in Centrifuge >= v0.18.0 and Centrifugo >= v3.0.0. When using history call it won't return all publications in a stream by default. See Centrifuge v0.18.0 release notes or Centrifugo v3 migration guide for more information and workaround on server-side.

  • Protocol definitions updated to the latest version
  • History method now accepts optional limit, since and reverse arguments and returns HistoryResult
  • RPC call now requires method name as first argument (you can pass empty string to mimic previous behavior)
  • Publish now returns PublishResult
  • When working with Centrifugo v3 or Centrifuge >= v0.18.0 it's now possible to avoid using ?format=protobuf in connection URL. Client will negotiate Protobuf protocol with a server using WebSocket subprotocol mechanism (in request headers).

[0.6.0] #

Null safety migration

  • library dependencies updated to null safe versions
  • library code updated to support null safety in places where required

See issue #47 and pull request #48 for details.

[0.5.1] #

  • Skip handling for events from server-side subscriptions resulted in null pointer dereference

[0.5.0] #

  • Update protobuf dependency to ^1.0.1, thanks @Holofox

[0.4.1] #

  • Implement removeSubscription method, thanks @tiamo

[0.4.0] #

  • Breaking changes connected property removed

[0.3.0] #

  • Breaking changes Changed API to avoid returning futures where they do not make sense – in connect and subscribe methods.
  • Client now uses Websocket Ping/Pong frames to find broken connection
  • Support for private channel subscription using onPrivateSub configuration callback function
  • Fix several null pointer dereferences in edge cases, throw ClientDisconnectedError when there is an attempt to send protocol request over non-connected client.
  • Fix examples where subscribe could happen before stream handlers set

[0.2.0] #

  • Breaking changes Replaced subscribe method with getSubscription in Client.
  • Added reconnection.
  • Added history method to Subscription. Thanks vanelizarov.
  • Added rpc method.

[0.1.0] #

  • Added authorization with JWT
  • Added subscription to private channel with JWT

[0.0.1] #

  • Initial release
pub points


unverified uploader

Dart client to communicate with Centrifuge and Centrifugo from Flutter and VM over dart:io WebSocket

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unknown (license)


fixnum, meta, protobuf


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