category_navigator 1.1.6 copy "category_navigator: ^1.1.6" to clipboard
category_navigator: ^1.1.6 copied to clipboard

A flutter ui package for cool navigation bar with a lot of customization options

Category Navigator #

Anonymous Aliens Made with Flutter pub version pub package latest commit

A flutter ui package for cool navigation bar with a lot of customization options

Features #

  • navigation bar customization like color, elevation, shape, border radius, axis, etc
  • unselected and highlighted item customization like background color, text color, shape, shadow, elevation, etc
  • animate to default active item
  • can use icons, or labels, or both

Check out changelog for updates on features and fixes.

Getting started #

To start using this package, add category_navigator dependency to your pubspec.yaml

    category_navigator: "<latest_release>"
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Usage #

Here's a basic example to get started with the package.

final List<String> itemsList = const ['All', 'Android', 'ML', 'Python', 'Flutter', 'Text', 'iOS', 'Web', 'Windows'];

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
    body: SafeArea(
        child: Padding(
            padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
            child: CategoryNavigator(
              items: itemsList,
              navigatorController: NavigatorController(),
              scrollController: ScrollController(),
              onChange: (value) {}
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To get the navigator's current position at any time, initialize an object using NavigatorController(), pass the controller object to navigatorController parameter of the constructor and then use _navigatorController.activeItemIndex to get the selected item's index

Take a look at code examples.

CategoryNavigator parameters #

labels and icons paramters both cannot be null, you have to provide atleast one of them. Additional parameters include all the parameters of CategoryNavigatorItem class. See CategoryNavigatorItem parameters for more details.

S. No. Parameter Description Value Type Default Value
1 labels List of strings to display in the navigation menu List<String> optional
2 icons List of icons to display in the navigation menu List<IconData> optional
3 expand Whether the navigation menu should expand in direction of axis bool true
4 scrollController An instance of the ScrollController class to handle the scrolling of navigation bar ScrollController? optional
5 navigatorController An instance of the NavigatorController class to handle the active item NavigatorController? optional
6 defaultActiveItem Index of the default active item in the list int 0
7 navigatorBackgroundColor Background color of the navigation bar Color
8 margin Margin around the navigation bar EdgeInsets EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16)
9 padding Padding inside the navigator EdgeInsets EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0, vertical: 0)
10 axis Axis direction of the navigation bar Axis Axis.horizontal
11 shape Shape of the navigation bar ShapeBorder RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(12)))
12 navigatorElevation Elevation of the navigator bar int 5

CategoryNavigatorItem parameters #

labels and iconData paramters both cannot be null, you have to provide atleast one of them.

S. No. Parameter Description Value Type Default Value
1 label String to display in the navigation menu String? optional
2 iconData Icon to display in the navigation menu IconData? optional
3 navigatorController An instance of the NavigatorController class to handle the active item NavigatorController? optional
4 highlightBackgroundColor Background color of the highlighted item Color Colors.white
5 unselectedBackgroundColor Background color of the unselected item Color
6 highlightTextStyle Text style for the highlighted item TextStyle TextStyle(color:
7 unselectedTextStyle Text style for unselected items TextStyle TextStyle(color: Colors.white)
8 shadow Shadows for the navigation bar List<BoxShadow> [BoxShadow(color:]
9 itemElevation Elevation of the highlighted navigation item int 0
10 borderRadius Border radius of the navigation items BorderRadius BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(10))
11 itemPadding Padding for the navigation items EdgeInsets EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 12, vertical: 12)
12 itemMargin Margin for the navigation items EdgeInsets EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8)


  • Fix vertical navigation bar
  • working on passing complete widgets as items

Bugs or Requests #

If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue. If you feel the library is missing a feature, please raise a ticket on GitHub and I'll look into it. Pull request are also welcome.

License #

category_navigator is licensed under MIT license. View license.




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2024.08.07 - 2025.02.19

A flutter ui package for cool navigation bar with a lot of customization options

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)


collection, flutter


Packages that depend on category_navigator