bwu_bind_html 0.1.0 copy "bwu_bind_html: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
bwu_bind_html: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard

Dart 1 only

Add HTML to the DOM using Polymer mustache binding

<bwu-bind-html> #

A Dart Polymer 1.0 element for binding text containing HTML

Usage #

The parent element has a property that provides some HTML string like:

@property String someHtml = '<div>some text</div>';

and in it's template this string can be bound like:

<bwu-bind-html html="[[someHtml]]"></bwu-bind-html>

Options #

Attributes #

The element can be configured using the following attributes

  • html (type String) takes the HTML string to be added to the DOM (default '')
  • use-light-dom (type bool) adds the HTML to <bwu-bind-html>s light DOM instead of the shady or shadow DOM (default) to make it easier to style the added HTML from the outside.
  • validator (type NodeValidator) allows to bind a validator that defines which HTML elements and attributes are allowed (default new NodeValidatorBuilder()..allowTextElements();).
  • treeSanitizer (type NodeTreeSanitizer) allows to bind a tree sanitizer (default null).

Application-wide default validator #

BwuBindHtml allows to change the default validator and treeSanitizer which affects all instances of <bwu-bind-html> with no specific validator or treeSanitizer is bound to.

Change the defaults by assigning a validator or treeSanitizer instance to the static fields BwuBindHtml.defaultValidator or BwuBindHtml.defaultTreeSanitizer.


For examples see the unit tests

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Add HTML to the DOM using Polymer mustache binding

Repository (GitHub)
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MIT (license)


browser, polymer, polymer_interop, reflectable, web_components


Packages that depend on bwu_bind_html