build_web_compilers 1.0.0 copy "build_web_compilers: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
build_web_compilers: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard


Builder implementations wrapping Dart compilers.

1.0.0 #

  • Removed the enable_sync_async and ignore_cast_failures options for the build_web_compilers|entrypoint builder. These will no longer have any effect and will give a build time warning if you try to use them.

0.4.4+3 #

  • Increased the upper bound for package:analyzer to <0.35.0.

0.4.4+2 #

  • Support package:analyzer version 0.33.x.

0.4.4+1 #

  • Support package:build_modules version 1.x.x.

0.4.4 #

  • Track performance of different builder stages.

0.4.3+1 #

  • Removed dependency on cli_util.
  • Fix error in require.js error handling code

0.4.3 #

  • Only call window.postMessage during initialization if the current context is a Window.
  • Fixed an error while showing stack traces for DDC generated scripts when <base> tag is used.
  • Value of <base href="/.../"> tag should start and end with a / to be used as the base url for require js.
  • Added more javascript code to dev bootstrap for hot-reloading support
  • Support the latest build_modules.

0.4.2+2 #

  • Add magic comment marker for build_runner to know where to inject live-reloading client code. This is only present when using the dartdevc compiler. (reapplied)

0.4.2+1 #

  • Restore new keyword for a working release on Dart 1 VM.

0.4.2 #

  • Add magic comment marker for build_runner to know where to inject live-reloading client code. This is only present when using the dartdevc compiler.
  • Release broken on Dart 1 VM.

0.4.1 #

  • Support the latest build_modules, with updated dart2js support so that it can do multiple builds concurrently and will restart workers periodically to mitigate the effects of dart-lang/sdk#33708.
  • Improvements to reduce the memory usage of the dart2js builder, so that transitive dependency information can be garbage collected before the dart2js compile is completed.
  • Increased the upper bound for the sdk to <3.0.0.

0.4.0+5 #

  • Fixed an issue where subdirectories with hyphens in the name weren't bootstrapped properly in dartdevc.

0.4.0+4 #

  • Expand support for package:build_config to include version 0.3.x.

0.4.0+3 #

  • Expand support for package:archive to include version 2.x.x.

0.4.0+2 #

  • Fix a dart2 error.

0.4.0+1 #

  • Support package:analyzer 0.32.0.

0.4.0 #

  • Changed the default for enable_sync_async to true for the build_web_compilers|entrypoint builder.
  • Changed the default for ignore_cast_failures to false for the build_web_compilers|entrypoint builder.

0.3.8 #

  • Remove .dart sources and files from the output directory in release mode.
  • Clean up .tar.gz outputs produced by Dart2Js.
  • Don't output extra Dart2Js outputs other than deferred part files.
  • Fixed a logical error in dartdevc compiler to detect correct base url for require js.
  • Added a enable_sync_async option to the build_web_compilers|entrypoint builder, which defaults to false.

0.3.7+3 #

  • The dartdevc compiler now respects the <base href="/...."> tags and will set them as the base url for require js.

0.3.7+2 #

  • Fix sdk stack trace folding in the browser console and package:test.

0.3.7+1 #

  • Add missing dependency on the pool package.

0.3.7 #

  • Reduce memory usage by requesting (and lazily building) lower level modules first when building for an entrypoint.

0.3.6 #

  • Add support for compiling with dart2js by default in release mode.

0.3.5 #

  • Don't ignore cast failures by default. We expect most code to be clean with cast failures, and the option can be manually enabled with config.

0.3.4+2 #

  • Create .packages file and use the new frontend with dart2js.

0.3.4+1 #

  • Use --use-old-frontend with dart2js as a stopgap until we can add support for .packages files.

0.3.4 #

  • Added support for dart2js deferred loading.
  • Added support for bootstrapping code in web workers with dartdevc.

0.3.3 #

  • Added support for --dump-info and the dart2js compiler. If you pass that argument with dart2js_args the .info.json file will be copied the output.

0.3.2 #

  • Dart2JS now has minification (--minify) enabled by default, similar to how it worked in pub build. If you are adding custom dart2js options, make sure you still keep the --minify flag. Here is an example:
        - web/**.dart
          compiler: dart2js
          - --fast-startup
          - --minify
          - --trust-type-annotations
          - --trust-primitives
copied to clipboard

0.3.1 #

  • Cast failures will now be ignored in dartdevc by default (these were enabled in the latest sdk), and added an ignore_cast_failures option to the build_web_compilers|entrypoint builder which you can set to true to enable them.
    • At some point in the future it is expected that the default for this will flip.

0.3.0+1 #

  • Fixed an issue with dart2js and the --no-source-maps flag.

0.3.0 #

Breaking changes #

  • Split ModuleBuilder, UnlinkedSummaryBuilder and LinkedSummaryBuilder into a separate build_modules package.

0.2.1+1 #

  • Support the latest analyzer package.

0.2.1 #

  • All dart files under test are now compiled by default instead of only the _browser_test.dart files (minus vm/node test bootstrap files). This means the original tests can be debugged directly (prior to package:test bootstrapping).
  • Updated to package:build version 0.12.0.

0.2.0 #

New Features #

  • Added support for dart2js. This can be configured using the top level compiler option for the build_web_compilers|entrypoint builder. The supported options are dartdevc (the default) and dart2js. Args can be passed to dart2js using the dart2js_args option. For example:
          compiler: dart2js
          - --minify
copied to clipboard

Breaking Changes #

  • Renamed ddc_bootstrap builder to entrypoint, the exposed class also changed from DevCompilerBootstrapBuilder to WebEntrypointBuilder.
  • Renamed jsBootstrapExtension to ddcBootstrapExtension since it is only required when using the dev compiler.

0.1.1 #

  • Mark ddc_bootstrap builder with build_to: cache.
  • Publish as build_web_compilers

0.1.0 #

  • Add builder factories.
  • Fixed temp dir cleanup bug on windows.
  • Enabled support for running tests in --precompiled mode.

0.0.1 #

  • Initial release with support for building analyzer summaries and DDC modules.