build 2.4.2 copy "build: ^2.4.2" to clipboard
build: ^2.4.2 copied to clipboard

A package for authoring build_runner compatible code generators.

2.4.2 #

  • Bump the min sdk to 3.6.0.
  • Remove some unnecessary casts and non-null assertions now that we have private field promotion.
  • Require analyzer ^6.9.0, allow <8.0.0.
  • Fix analyzer deprecations.

2.4.1 #

  • Allow the latest analyzer (6.x.x).

2.4.0 #

  • Add BuildStep.packageConfig getter to resolve a package config of all packages involved in the current build.

2.3.1 #

  • Allow the latest package:analyzer.
  • Bump min sdk to 2.17.0.

2.3.0 #

  • Support ^ in build extensions that don't use capture groups, which results in full path matching instead of suffix matching.

2.2.2 #

  • Allow analyzer version 4.x.

2.2.1 #

  • Fix a bug where builders were allowed to write to the same asset multiple times.

2.2.0 #

  • Allow reusing the values held by Resources when the resource has a dispose method. Previously the instances were discarded and recreated for every build even if they had tried to clean up their own state.
  • Allow the latest analyzer.

2.1.1 #

  • Throw an ArgumentError if an expected output matches the input.
  • Bump min sdk to 2.14.0.

2.1.0 #

  • Expand the expressiveness of buildExtensions include capture groups, enabling directory moves. For more information on this feature, see capture groups
  • Add an allowedOutputs getter to BuildStep. It returns assets that may be written in that step.

2.0.3 #

  • Allow analyzer version 2.x.x.

2.0.2 #

  • Handle failed resolvers in buildStep.complete.

2.0.1 #

  • Require package:async version 2.5.0 and package:collection version 1.15.0.

2.0.0 #

  • Migrate to null-safety
  • Breaking: Remove the deprecated rootPackage argument to runBuilder
  • Breaking: Change the first argument to AssetId.resolve from a String (which previously was required to be a valid URI) to a Uri instance. Call sites which have static errors can wrap the argument with Uri.parse().

1.6.3 #

  • Use latest analyzer version 1.x.
  • Use latest glob version 2.x.

1.6.2 #

  • Fix AssetId.resolve for empty uris

1.6.1 #

  • Allow the null safe pre-releases of all migrated deps.

1.6.0 #

  • Adds the Future<AstNode> astNodeFor(Element, {bool resolve}) api to Resolver which provides a safe way of getting ast nodes (avoiding InconsistentAnalysisExceptions).

1.5.2 #

  • Allow the latest analyzer verion 0.41.x.

1.5.1 #

  • Expose a set of valid inputs in InvalidInputException.
  • AssetReader implementations are now expected to throw InvalidInputExceptions when reading invalid inputs. The check has been removed from the build step implementation.

1.5.0 #

  • Allow the latest analyzer version 0.40.x.
  • Added the Future<CompilationUnit> compilationUnitFor(AssetId id) api to the Resolver class, which returns only the parsed AST for the given asset.
    • Much cheaper than libraryFor, because it only reads the given asset instead of touching all transitive deps.
    • Still may be suitable for some builders which don't need the fully resolved Element model.

1.4.0 #

The resolver will now throw an SyntaxErrorInAssetException when attempting to resolve an asset with syntax errors. You can opt-out of this new behavior by passing allowSyntaxErrors: true to libraryFor.

1.3.0 #

Added a new experiments library which exposes a list of language experiments through a Zone variable. This should only be used by builders which are invoking compilers or some other tool and need to pass on the language experiments.

1.2.2 #

Updated docs for some minor behavior changes in build_resolvers 1.3.0 #

  • Resolver.libraries will now return any library that has been resolved with this resolver. This means calls to libraryFor or isLibrary on files not already resolved will make subsequent libraries streams return more libraries than previous calls did.
  • The same holds for findLibraryByName since it searches through the libraries stream. You may get a different result at different points in your build method if you resolve additional libraries.

1.2.1 #

  • Allow analyzer 0.39.x.

1.2.0 #

  • Add the void reportUnusedAssets(Iterable<AssetId> ids) method to the BuildStep class.
    • WARNING: Using this introduces serious risk of non-hermetic builds.
    • Indicates to the build system that ids were read but their content has no impact on the outputs of the build.
    • Build system implementations can choose to support this feature or not, and it should be assumed to be a no-op by default.

1.1.6 #

  • Allow analyzer version 0.38.0.

1.1.5 #

  • Allow analyzer version 0.37.0.

1.1.4 #

  • Internal cleanup: use "strict raw types".
  • Some return types for interfaces to implement changed from Future<dynamic> to Future<void>.

1.1.3 #

  • Update the minimum sdk constraint to 2.1.0.
  • Increased the upper bound for package:analyzer to <0.37.0.

1.1.2 #

  • Internal fixes: Remove default value for optional argument.

1.1.1 #

  • Requires analyzer version 0.35.0
    • Resolver implementations in other packages are now backed by an AnalysisDriver. There are behavior changes which may be breaking. The LibraryElement instances returned by the resolver will now:
      • Have non-working context fields.
      • Have no source offsets for annotations or their errors.
      • Have working session fields.
      • Have Source instances with different URIs than before.

1.1.0 #

  • Add Resolver.assetIdForElement API. This allows finding the Dart source asset which contains the definition of an element found through the analyzer.
  • Include the AssetId hash code in the default digest implementation.
    • Any custom implementations of the AssetReader.digest method should do the same, and a comment has been added to that effect.

1.0.2 #

  • Increased the upper bound for package:analyzer to <0.35.0.

1.0.1 #

  • Increased the upper bound for package:analyzer to <0.34.0.

1.0.0 #

Breaking Changes #

  • Changed the return type of from Future<dynamic> to FutureOr<void>. This should not be breaking for most Builder authors, it is only breaking for build system implementations that run Builders.

0.12.8 #

  • Added the T trackStage<T>(String label, T Function() action); method to BuildStep. Actions that are tracked in this way will show up in the performance timeline at /$perf.

0.12.7+4 #

  • print calls inside a Builder will now log at warning instead of info.

0.12.7+3 #

  • Throw when attempting to use a BuildStep after it has been completed.

0.12.7+2 #

  • Increased the upper bound for the sdk to <3.0.0.

0.12.7+1 #

  • AssetIds can no longer be constructed with paths that reach outside their package.

0.12.7 #

  • Added Resolvers.reset method.

0.12.6 #

  • Added List<String> get pathSegments to AssetId.
  • log will now always return a Logger instance.
  • Support package:analyzer 0.32.0.

0.12.5 #

  • Add exclude support to FileDeletingBuilder.

0.12.4 #

  • Add FileDeletingBuilder.
  • Add PostProcesBuilderFactory typedef.

0.12.3 #

  • Added an isRoot boolean to BuilderOptions, which allows builders to have different behavior for the root package, if desired.
  • Add PostProcessBuilder. This is only supported by build_runner.

0.12.2 #

  • Include stack trace in log for exceptions throw by builders.

0.12.1 #

  • Add BuilderOptions.empty and BuilderOptions.overrideWith.

0.12.0+2 #

  • Bug Fix Correctly handle encoding AssetIds as URIs when they contain characters which are not valid for a path segment.

0.12.0+1 #

  • Support the latest analyzer package.

0.12.0 #

Breaking Changes #

  • Added the Future<Digest> digest(AssetId id) method to the AssetReader interface. There is a default implementation which uses readAsBytes and md5.

0.11.2 #

  • Bug Fix: MultiplexingBuilder now filters inputs rather than calling every builder on any input that matched any builder.

0.11.1 #

  • Add BuilderOptions and BuilderFactory interfaces. Along with package:build_config this will offer a consistent way to describe and create the Builder instances exposed by a package.

0.11.0 #

  • Breaking: AssetReader.findAssets now returns a Stream<AssetId> instead of an Iterable<AssetId>. This also impacts BuildStep since that implements AssetReader.

0.10.2+1 #

  • Fix an issue where multiple ResourceManagers would share Resource instances if running at the same time.

0.10.2 #

  • Added the MultiPackageAssetReader interface which allows globbing within any package.
    • This is not exposed to typical users, only build system implementations need it. The BuildStep class does not implement this interface.
  • The docs for AssetReader#findAssets have changed such that it globs within the current package instead of the root package (typically defined as buildStep.inputId.package).
    • Before you could run builders only on the root package, but now that you can run them on any package the old functionality no longer makes sense.

0.10.1 #

  • Remove restrictions around the root package when Builders are running. It is the responsibility of the build system to ensure that builders are only run on inputs that will produce outputs that can be written.
  • Added the Resource class, and BuildStep#fetchResource method.

0.10.0+1 #

  • Bug Fix: Capture asynchronous errors during asset writing.

0.10.0 #

  • Breaking: Removed deprecated method BuildStep.hasInput - all uses should be going through BuildStep.canRead.
  • Breaking: Resolver has asynchronous APIs for resolution and is retrieved synchronously from the BuildStep.
  • Breaking: Replaced Resolver.getLibrary with libraryFor and getLibraryByName with findLibraryByName.
  • Change AssetReader.canRead to always return a Future.

0.9.3 #

  • Add support for resolving asset: URIs into AssetIds
  • Add uri property on AssetId

0.9.1 #

  • Skip Builders which would produce no outputs.

0.9.0 #

  • Deprecate BuildStep.hasInput in favor of BuildStep.canRead.
  • Rename AssetReader.hasInput as canRead. This is breaking for implementers of AssetReader and for any clients passing a BuildStep as an AssetReader
  • Make canRead return a FutureOr for more flexibility
  • Drop ManagedBuildStep class.
  • Drop BuildStep.logger. All logging should go through the top level log.
  • BuildStep.writeAs* methods now take a FutureOr for content. Builders which produce content asynchronously can now set up the write without waiting for it to resolve.
  • Breaking declareOutputs is replaced with buildExtensions. All Builder implementations must now have outputs that vary only based on the extensions of inputs, rather than based on any part of the AssetId.

0.8.0 #

  • Add AssetReader.findAssets to allow listing assets by glob.

0.7.3 #

  • Add BuildStep.inputLibrary as a convenience.
  • Fix a bug in AssetId.resolve to prepend lib/ when resolving packages.

0.7.2 #

  • Add an AssetId.resolve constructor to easily construct AssetIds from import uris.
  • Capture 'print' calls inside running builds and automatically turn them in to Depending on the environment a print can be hazardous so this makes all builders safe and consistent by default.

0.7.1+1 #

  • Use comment syntax for generic method - not everyone is on an SDK version that supports the real syntax.

0.7.1 #

  • Add a top-level log getter which is scoped to running builds and can be used anywhere within a build rather than passing around a logger. This replaces the BuildStep.logger field.
  • Deprecate BuildStep.logger - it is replaced by log
  • Deprecate ManagedBuildStep, all build runs should go through runBuilders.

0.7.0 #

A number of changes to the apis, primarily to support reading/writing as bytes, as this is going to inevitably be a required feature. This will hopefully be the last breaking change before the 1.0 release, but it is a fairly large one.

New Features #

  • The AssetWriter class now has a Future writeAsBytes(AssetId id, List<int> bytes) method.
  • The AssetReader class now has a Future<List<int>> readAsBytes(AssetId id) method.
  • You no longer need to call Resolver#release on any resolvers you get from a BuildStep (in fact, the Resolver interface no longer has this method).
  • There is now a BuildStep#resolver getter, which resolves the primary input, and returns a Future<Resolver>. This replaces the BuildStep#resolve method.
  • Resolver has a new isLibrary method to check whether an asset is a Dart library source file before trying to resolve it's LibraryElement

Breaking Changes #

  • The Asset class has been removed entirely.
  • The AssetWriter#writeAsString signature has changed to Future writeAsString(AssetId id, String contents, {Encoding encoding}).
  • The type of the AssetWriterSpy#assetsWritten getter has changed from an Iterable<Asset> to an Iterable<AssetId>.
  • BuildStep#input has been changed to BuildStep#inputId, and its type has changed from Asset to AssetId. This means you must now use BuildStep#readAsString or BuildStep#readAsBytes to read the primary input, instead of it already being read in for you.
  • Resolver no longer has a release method (they are released for you).
  • BuildStep#resolve no longer exists, and has been replaced with the BuildStep#resolver getter.
  • Resolver.getLibrary will now throw a NonLibraryAssetException instead of return null if it is asked to resolve an impossible library.

Note: The changes to AssetReader and AssetWriter also affect BuildStep and other classes that implement those interfaces.

0.6.3 #

  • Add hook for build_barback to write assets from a Future

0.6.2 #

  • Remove unused dependencies

0.6.1 #

  • BuildStep now implements AssetReader and AssetWriter so it's easier to share with other code paths using a more limited interface.

0.6.0 #

  • BREAKING Move some classes and methods out of this package. If you are using build, watch, or serve, along with PhaseGroup and related classes add a dependency on build_runner. If you are using BuilderTransformer or TansformerBuilder add a dependency on build_barback.
  • BREAKING Resolvers is now an abstract class. If you were using the constructor const Resolvers() as a default instance import build_barback and used const BarbackResolvers() instead.

0.5.0 #

  • BREAKING BuilderTransformer must be constructed with a single Builder. Use the MultiplexingBuilder to cover cases with a list of builders
  • When using a MultiplexingBuilder if multiple Builders have overlapping outputs the entire step will not run rather than running builders up to the point where there is an overlap

0.4.1+3 #

  • With the default logger, print exceptions with a terse stack trace.
  • Provide a better error when an inputSet package cannot be found.
  • Fix dev_dependencies so tests run.

0.4.1+2 #

  • Stop using removed argument useSharedSources when constructing Resolvers
  • Support code_transformers 0.5.x

0.4.1+1 #

  • Support analyzer 0.29.x

0.4.1 #

  • Support analyzer 0.28.x

0.4.0 #

  • BREAKING BuilderTransformer must be constructed with a List
  • Simplifies Resolver interface so it is possible to add implementations which are less complex than the one from code_transformers.
  • Adds a Resolvers class and support for overriding the concrete Resolver that is used by build steps.
  • Updates some test expectations to match the new behavior of analyzer.

0.3.0+6 #

  • Convert packages paths in the file watcher to their absolute paths. This fixes #109.

0.3.0+5 #

  • Fix duplicate logs issue when running as a BuilderTransformer.

  • Support crypto 2.0.0.

0.3.0+4 #

  • Add error and stack trace to log messages from the BuilderTransformer.

0.3.0+3 #

  • Fixed BuilderTransformer so that logs are passed on to the TransformLogger.

0.3.0+2 #

  • Enable serving files outside the server root by default (enables serving files from other packages).

0.3.0+1 #

  • Fix an AssetGraph bug where generated nodes might be created as non-generated nodes if they are attempted to be read from previous build steps.

0.3.0 #

  • BREAKING Renamed values of three enums to be lower-case: BuildType, BuildStatus, and PackageDependencyType.
  • Updated to crypto ^1.0.0.
  • Added option to resolve additional entry points in buildStep.resolve.
  • Added option to pass in a custom Resolvers instance.

0.2.1 #

  • Added the deleteFilesByDefault option to all top level methods. This will skip the prompt to delete files, and instead act as if you responded y.
    • Also by default in a non-console environment the prompt no longer exists and it will instead just exit with an error.
  • Added support for multiple build scripts. Each script now has its own asset graph based on a hash of the script uri.
    • You need to be careful here, as you can get in an infinite loop if two separate build scripts keep triggering updates for each other.
    • There is no explicit link between multiple scripts, so they operate as if all changes from other scripts were user edits. This will usually just do the "right thing", but may result in undesired behavior in some circumstances.
  • Improved logging for non-posix consoles.

0.2.0 #

  • Updated the top level classes to take a PhaseGroup instead of a List<List<Phase>>.
  • Added logic to handle nested package directories.
  • Basic windows support added, although it may still be unstable.
  • Significantly increased the resolving speed by using the same sources cache.
  • Added a basic README.
  • Moved the .build folder to .dart_tool/build. Other packages in the future may also use this folder.

0.1.4 #

  • Added top level serve function.
    • Just like watch, but it provides a server which blocks on any ongoing builds before responding to requests.
  • Minor bug fixes.

0.1.3 #

  • Builds are now fully incremental, even on startup.
    • Builds will be invalidated if the build script or any of its dependencies are updated since there is no way of knowing how that would affect things.
  • Added lastModified to AssetReader (only matters if you implement it).

0.1.2 #

  • Exposed the top level watch function. This can be used to watch the file system and run incremental rebuilds on changes.
    • Initial build is still non-incremental.

0.1.1 #

  • Exposed the top level build function. This can be used to run builds.
    • For this release all builds are non-incremental, and delete all previous build outputs when they start up.
    • Creates a .build directory which should be added to your .gitignore.
  • Added resolve method to BuildStep which can give you a Resolver for an AssetId.
    • This is experimental and may get moved out to a separate package.
    • Resolves the full dart sdk so this is slow, first call will take multiple seconds. Subsequent calls are much faster though.
    • Will end up marking all transitive deps as dependencies, so your files may end up being recompiled often when not entirely necessary (once we have incremental builds).
  • Added listAssetIds to AssetReader (only matters if you implement it).
  • Added delete to AssetWriter (also only matters if you implement it).

0.1.0 #

  • Initial version



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A package for authoring build_runner compatible code generators.

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#build-runner #codegen #build


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BSD-3-Clause (license)


analyzer, async, convert, crypto, glob, logging, meta, package_config, path


Packages that depend on build