bui_component 0.0.70+19 copy "bui_component: ^0.0.70+19" to clipboard
bui_component: ^0.0.70+19 copied to clipboard

Flutter base component. Which is include all the basic screen and the details. If the user import the package they will use all the basic needs.

Use CRM for Flutter apps. #

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A flutter plugin to use CRM Component for flutter Apps.

Instalation #

  • Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
  bui_component: "^0.0.65"
  • You can install packages from the command line: with Flutter:
$ flutter packages get

DashBoardScreen #

new HomeScreenComponent(
            onMenuPressed: onMenuPressed,
            backgroundColor: theme,
            onPopUpMenuFunction: onPopUpMenuPressed,
            popUpMenu: popUpMenu,
            showFilterView: false,
            onFilterClicked: () {
                builder: (context) {
                  return FilterScreen(
                    primaryColor: theme,
                    secondaryColor: secondaryBackgroundColor,
            child: isLoader
                ? Stack(
                    children: [
                        loaderColor: theme,
                : Stack(
                    children: [
                      showGridView, // Change grid to card you can use this function to refer the dashboard screen
                      apiCallView, // show you are API data

Attribute #

  • onMenuPressed (Type Function) call the function every time a change the screen
  • backgroundColor (Type Color) Your App Primary color to change the app bar color and primary color in that screen
  • popUpMenu (Type List
  • onPopUpMenuFunction (Type Function) call the function every time to change the popup menu option
  • showFilterView(Type bool) To change bool for show filter icon of required
  • onFilterClicked(Type Function) This function helps to navigate the filter view if showFilterView is true we can access this function
  • child(Type Widget) Which can help the customize screen design.

CommonComponent #

        svgPictureImage: SvgPictures.NO_INTERNET,
        updateText: AppStrings.NO_INTERNET,
        buttonText: "Retry",
        title: "No internet",
        isLeadingIconTrue: false,
        height: 200,
        width: 200,
        secondaryColor: Colors.red,
        primaryColor: Colors.blue,
        padding: 5,
        backPressed: () {
          print("Back Button Function");
        actionUpdate: () {
          print("Action Button Function");
        gifAnimated: Image.asset(ImageAssets.LOADER_GIF),

Attribute #

  • svgPictureImage (Type String) To Change the svg image
  • updateText (Type String) To Change the content string in your screen.
  • buttonText (Type String) To Change the button string in your screen.
  • title (Type String) To Change the appbar title string in your screen.
  • isLeadingIconTrue (Type boolean) To show the back icon. you can send the false that time icon will be disabled
  • height (Type double) To adjust your screen height
  • width (Type double) To adjust your screen width
  • padding (Type double) To adjust your screen padding
  • secondaryColor (Type color) To change your button color and secondary color areas
  • primaryColor (Type color) To change your appBar color and primary color areas
  • backPressed (Type Function) If you can enable the isLeadingIconTrue is true that time which is used to write the back press function
  • actionUpdate (Type Function) call the function every time to react the condition developers choice
  • gifAnimated(Type Widget) Which can help the customize the screen design like replace the svg and load the gif image that part you can customized what you need.

Getting Started #

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation.

For help on editing package code, view the documentation.

pub points


verified publisheraagnia.com

Flutter base component. Which is include all the basic screen and the details. If the user import the package they will use all the basic needs.

Repository (GitLab)
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unknown (LICENSE)


country_code_picker, cyclop, file_picker, flutter, flutter_rating_bar, flutter_svg, google_fonts, intl, meta, shared_preferences


Packages that depend on bui_component