buddhist_datetime_dateformat 1.0.6 buddhist_datetime_dateformat: ^1.0.6 copied to clipboard
A dart package that help developer get DateTime's year in Buddhist calendar format, also support DateFormatter
Buddhist Calendar DateTime and DateFormatter for Dart and Flutter #
If this helps you out of problem, please give it a like in pub.dev or a star on github. 😄
These are extension that you can get DateTime
and DateFormat
in Buddhist calendar's format.
I implemented these extensions for use in Thai language project. But you can contribute to add more support for other countries who also use Buddhist calendar in the apps.
Getting Started #
1. Setup #
Install package via pubspec.yaml
intl: ^0.16.1
buddhist_datetime_dateformat: ^1.0.1
2. Initialization #
Then go to your main.dart
. Let's import and write some Initialization code.
// need this for `Intl.defaultLocale = "th";`
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
// need this for initializeDateFormatting()
import 'package:intl/date_symbol_data_local.dart';
// This lets magic happen!
import 'package:buddhist_datetime_dateformat/buddhist_datetime_dateformat.dart';
void main() {
// set your default locale here. It will be applied to DateFormat autmomatically.
Intl.defaultLocale = "th";
3. Use it #
- You will found
property inDateTime
's instance. This will return converted year value into Buddhist era. - Also
method inDateFormat
which return correct format for Thai language if you pass DateTime's instance into it.
var now = DateTime.now();
var onlyBuddhistYear = now.yearInBuddhistCalendar;
var formatter = DateFormat.yMMMMEEEEd();
var dateInBuddhistCalendarFormat = formatter.formatInBuddhistCalendarThai(now);
Open for contribution #
If you want to contribute, there are several countries that also use Buddhist calendar:
- Thailand
- Cambodia
- Laos
- MyanMar
- Sri Lanka
- Malaysia
- Singapore
Reference: https:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhist_calendar
I don't know other langauge need a prefix for Buddhist year like in Thailand (พ.ศ.). If yes, so you can help me correct their format by update the code with your customization. Just make pull request.