bt_thermal_printer 0.0.1 copy "bt_thermal_printer: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
bt_thermal_printer: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

The bt_thermal_printer package is a Flutter package designed to facilitate the integration of Bluetooth thermal printers into Flutter applications. It provides functionalities for scanning Bluetooth d [...]

The bt-thermal package is a Flutter package designed to facilitate the integration of Bluetooth thermal printers into Flutter applications. It provides functionalities for scanning Bluetooth devices, connecting to printers, and printing receipts or tickets. This package is ideal for developers looking to add thermal printing capabilities to their Flutter apps, such as POS systems, ticketing apps, and receipt printing solutions.

Features: #

Scan for Bluetooth devices Connect to Bluetooth thermal printers Print receipts or tickets Easily integrate thermal printing into Flutter apps

Getting started #

Getting Started #

Prerequisites #

Before using the bt-thermal package, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  1. Flutter SDK: Make sure you have Flutter installed on your development environment. You can download it from the Flutter website.

  2. Bluetooth Thermal Printer: You'll need a Bluetooth thermal printer compatible with your Flutter app. Ensure the printer is set up and ready to pair with your device.

Installation #

To start using the bt-thermal package, follow these steps:

  1. Add the package to your pubspec.yaml file:

      bt_thermal: ^1.0.0 # Replace with the latest version
  2. Run the following command to install the package:

    flutter pub get

Usage #

After installing the package, you can import and use it in your Flutter project:

import 'package:bt_thermal/bt_thermal.dart';

// Example usage
void printReceipt() {
  // Initialize Bluetooth thermal printer
  BluetoothThermalPrinter printer = BluetoothThermalPrinter();

  // Scan for available Bluetooth devices
  printer.scanDevices().then((devices) {
    // Connect to a specific Bluetooth printer
    printer.connectToDevice(devices.first).then((connected) {
      if (connected) {
        // Print receipt content
        printer.printText('Hello, world!\n\nThank you for shopping with us.');
        printer.disconnect(); // Disconnect after printing
      } else {
        print('Failed to connect to the printer.');

For more detailed usage instructions and API documentation, refer to the package's [official documentation](

## Usage

import 'package:bt_thermal/bt_thermal.dart';

void main() {
  // Initialize Bluetooth thermal printer
  BluetoothThermalPrinter printer = BluetoothThermalPrinter();

  // Example usage of printing a receipt

void printReceipt(BluetoothThermalPrinter printer) {
  // Scan for available Bluetooth devices
  printer.scanDevices().then((devices) {
    // Connect to a specific Bluetooth printer
    printer.connectToDevice(devices.first).then((connected) {
      if (connected) {
        // Print receipt content
        printer.printText('Hello, world!\n\nThank you for shopping with us.');
        printer.disconnect(); // Disconnect after printing
      } else {
        print('Failed to connect to the printer.');

Additional information #

you have to call : BTthermalprinter(title:"name of your choice")

More Information #

Documentation: #

  • Visit the official documentation for detailed guides, API references, and usage examples. GitHub Repository: Check out the GitHub repository for the latest code, issues, and contributions. Contributing

Support and Feedback We strive to provide timely and helpful responses to all inquiries. You can expect a response from the package maintainers within a reasonable time frame. For urgent matters or critical bugs, please mention it clearly in your issue or pull request.

pub points


unverified uploader

The bt_thermal_printer package is a Flutter package designed to facilitate the integration of Bluetooth thermal printers into Flutter applications. It provides functionalities for scanning Bluetooth devices, connecting to printers, and printing receipts or tickets. This package is ideal for developers looking to add thermal printing capabilities to their Flutter apps, such as POS systems, ticketing apps, and receipt printing solutions.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference




charset_converter, cupertino_icons, esc_pos_bluetooth, esc_pos_utils, flutter, flutter_blue, flutter_blue_plus, flutter_bluetooth_basic, image, intl, oktoast, path_provider, permission_handler, qr_flutter


Packages that depend on bt_thermal_printer