breez_sdk 0.6.4 copy "breez_sdk: ^0.6.4" to clipboard
breez_sdk: ^0.6.4 copied to clipboard

Flutter bindings for the Breez SDK

SDK release notes can be found at breez-sdk/releases

0.4.0 #

  • Breaking Update Dart SDK range to be compatible with Flutter 3.19
  • Breaking Replace parameters of connect with ConnectRequest.
  • Breaking serviceHealthCheck API now requires an apiKey which properly conducts a health check when services are offline.
  • Deprecation sendOnchain is now deprecated. Use payOnchain instead.
  • Deprecation inProgressReverseSwaps is now deprecated. Use inProgressOnchainPayments instead.
  • Deprecation fetchReverseSwapFees is now deprecated. Use prepareOnchainPayment instead.
  • Introduce swapEventsStream to listen in on swap events.
  • Introduce rescanSwaps API to iterate all historical swap addresses and fetch their current status from the blockchain.
  • Introduce configureNode API to configure an optional address to send funds to during a mutual channel close.
  • Introduce onchainPaymentLimits API to fetch latest on-chain payment limits.
  • Notification Service plugins are now bundled with the Flutter package. Setup guide.
  • Various improvements to Notification Service plugins:
    • Set log stream natively on Android.
    • Allow setting channel setup fee limit through ServiceConfig that will be used to accept or decline LNURL-Payments that require a channel opening.
    • Notifications on iOS are now grouped.
    • Improved resource management.
    • Notification Service is no longer attempted to start without permissions to show notifications on Android, which lead to an application crash.

0.3.9 #

  • Introduce generateDiagnosticData API to generate diagnostic data.
  • Fix swap confirmed block to be the earliest.

0.3.8 #

  • Signer connects immediately on startup (fixes 30 seconds delay).
  • Adapt signer policy to allow paying zero amount invoice.
  • Update signer keep alive.

0.3.6 #

  • Defer signer start to increase overall startup time.
  • Improve performance by reusing Breez server grpc connection.

0.3.3 #

  • Upgrade to VLS 0.11.

0.3.2 #

  • Fixed a signer crash.

0.3.1 #

  • Support notifications via a webhook after a swap transaction confirms.
  • Reduced package size by not bundling pre-built binaries.

0.3.0 #

  • Fixes compatibility issues ith bdk-flutter plugin.
  • Introduce rescanSwap API to rescan swap addresses.
  • Introduce configureNode API to configure an address to send funds to during a mutual channel close.
  • Introduce setPaymentMetadata API to set the external metadata of a payment as a valid JSON string.
  • Add optional chainnotifierUrl to Config.
  • Include openChannelBolt11, lnurlPayDomain, reverseSwapInfo in LnPaymentDetails.
    • openChannelBolt11 for received payments which required to open a channel.
    • lnurlPayDomain for sent payments that are not to a Lightning Address.
    • reverseSwapInfo for payments that were sent in the context of a reverse swap.

0.2.15 #

  • This is a hotfix release that fixes a critical issue from previous release.

0.2.14 (Please use >=0.2.15) #

  • Breaking Rename sweep to redeemOnchainFunds.
    • Updates flutter_rust_bridge to v1.82.6.
  • Introduce registerWebhook API to receive payments via mobile notifications. More information here.
  • Allow RegisterWebhook command to be executed through executeCommand API.
  • Add expiry time to pending payments.
    Add optional pendingExpirationBlock to LnPaymentDetails.
  • Add extra TLVs to send spontaneous payment.
    Add optional extraTlvs to SendSpontaneousPaymentRequest.
  • Support custom payment metadata.
    Add optional metadataFilters to ListPaymentsRequest.

0.2.12 #

  • Allow native access to SDK from flutter (Kotlin & Swift).
  • Updates flutter_rust_bridge to v1.82.4.

0.2.10 #

  • Breaking Replace parameters of prepareSweep with PrepareSweepRequest.
  • Amount is now populated in failed payments.
  • Introduce reportIssue API to report payment failures.
  • Introduce serviceHealthCheck API to get service health status.
  • Include Payment information on InvoicePaid event.

0.2.9 #

  • Requires Dart 3.0 or later.
  • Migrate to null safety.
  • Breaking filter field of ListPaymentsRequest is deprecated and must be replaced with the optional filters field.
  • Breaking PaymentTypeFilter.All is removed. Unfiltered payment list will be retrieved if filters fields of ListPaymentsRequest is left empty(or is a list that contains all PaymentTypeFilter types).
  • Introduce prepareRefund API to estimate the refund transaction fee.
  • Introduce prepareSweep API to estimate the sweep transaction fee.
  • Introduce maxReverseSwapAmount API to allow draining all channels when sending on-chain.
  • ClosedChannel transactions can now be filtered by adding PaymentTypeFilter.ClosedChannels to the filters list.
  • Include swapInfo in Payment.
  • Include paymentHash in LnUrlPayResult.

0.2.7 #

  • Breaking All APIs which previously allowed multiple parameters to be passed now require their corresponding Request object.
    These APIs include: sendOnchain, sendPayment, sendSpontaneousPayment, refund, lnurlPay, lnurlWithdraw.
  • Breaking All request params is renamed to req.
  • Breaking All reqData params that belong to a req object(lnurlPay, lnurlWithdraw except lnurlAuth) is renamed to data.
  • Breaking Use millisatoshi instead of satoshi for lightning amounts.
    ReceivePaymentRequest, SendPaymentRequest, SendSpontaneousPaymentRequest now use amount_msat instead of amount_sat.
  • Support pagination in listPayments.
  • Add optional claimTxid and lockTxid to ReverseSwapInfo.
  • Add closingTxid to closed channels received in payments list.
  • Allow GetInfo command to be executed through executeCommand API.