brady_flutter_plugin 3.0.0+2 copy "brady_flutter_plugin: ^3.0.0+2" to clipboard
brady_flutter_plugin: ^3.0.0+2 copied to clipboard

The official Flutter Plugin to integrate the Brady SDK into your Flutter application. The Brady SDK allows users to discover, connect, and print to Brady printers.

3.0.0+2 #

  • Updated Android SDK to 3.0.0 (refer to for details)
  • Updated iOS SDK to 3.0.0 (refer to for details)
  • Added support for the S3700 printer (including support for "cut" objects)
  • Added support for the i5300 printer
  • Added the getSupplyColor() and getRibbonColor() API methods
  • Print previews will now reflect the colors of the installed supply & ribbon
  • Improvements to Graphics objects and Bitmap monochromization
  • Printer names discovered over Wi-Fi in iOS will no longer have ".local." concatenated to the end.
  • Fixed bug where getPrinters was removing the last found printer in the list
  • Fixed bug where an M211 was not able to reconnect due to ownership
  • Fixed bugs related to Brady Workstation Graphic objects

2.0.0+2 #

  • Updated minSdkVersion for Android to 26
    • App's with a minSdkVersion below 26 will not be able to connect to any printer if the mobile device is below Android 8
  • Updated Android SDK to 2.0.1 (refer to for details)
  • Updated iOS SDK to 2.0.0 (refer to for details)
  • Updated README with further setup instructions
  • Revamped PlatformExceptions:
    • Version 2.0.0 of the Android and iOS included many added exception messages that help the user pinpoint the location of the error and a resolution
    • You may now wrap any API method in a try/catch block to catch Platform Exceptions. Please note that the Dart programming language only catches exceptions this way if the method precedes with the 'await' keyword
  • Changed getPrinters() to return a Map with the printer name and how it was discovered
  • Replaced API methods:
    • connectToBluetoothPrinter() and connectToWifiPrinter() with the connect() API method
    • checkForPartMismatch() with the suppliesMatch() API method.
      • This is a more descriptive name.
      • Fixed a bug where related parts weren't considered a match (i.e. comparing the supplies "M21-750" and "M21-750-499" should return true)
    • getTemplateDataNames() with getTemplateData()
      • Now returns a Map of each placeholder name and the type of object it is
    • feed() with feedSupply()
    • cut() with cutSupply()
  • Added API methods:
    • getYNumber()
    • getRibbonName()
    • getRibbonRemainingPercentage()
    • setAutomaticShutoffTime()
  • Fixed bug where users could not alternate between printing bitmaps and templates. It would print the same label that was set prior

1.7.1+1 #

  • Fixed iOS build errors
  • Added the setTemplateWithBase64() method that allows the passing-in of a base64 string of data instead of the file path
  • Added small clarifications in API documentation

1.7.0+1 #

  • Updated Android SDK to 1.7.1 (refer to for details)
  • Updated iOS SDK to 1.7.0 (refer to for details)
  • Removed support for debugging using emulators on iOS devices with the purpose of shrinking the total Plugin size
  • Removed embedded fonts with the purpose of shrinking the total plugin size
  • Removed Android permission requests made inside the plugin
  • Removed the "connectToPrinter" method and added "connectToBluetoothPrinter" and "connectToWifiPrinter"
    • This was necessary because the M611 could have both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi turned on and discovering at the same time. This introduced the scenario where passing-in the name of the printer would blindly connect to whichever protocol discovered the printer first
  • Added the "isPrinterBluetooth" method to let users check if the printer discovered was discovered via Bluetooth or another protocol
  • Made the "setTemplate" method async
    • This eliminates the case of setting placeholders before a template is properly set. Must use the keyword "await" in front of "setTemplate" to eliminate this risk

1.6.0+1 #

  • Updated Android SDK to 1.6.0 (refer to for details)
  • Updated iOS SDK to 1.6.0 (refer to for details)
  • Overhaul on API methods to match the Xamarin and MAUI Brady SDK binding APIs
    • Split the getPrinterDetails() method into separate getters for each detail
    • setTemplate() now only takes a file path in the form of a String. This allows capability for bitmap printing now
    • Added getPreview() method to allow a user to see the print preview as an image
    • Added disconnectWithoutForget() and forgetLastConnectedPrinter() to split up functionality of the normal disconnect method
    • Added getAvailablePrinterUpdates() which returns a list of all printer properties that were changed since the previous time this method was called
    • Added stopPrinterDiscovery() to allow the user to manually stop discovery instead of relying on the back-end to do it
    • Added getHaveOwnership() to see the value of an M211's ownership status
    • Added getTemplateSupplyName() and checkPartMismatch() to see if the template being used matches the printer's installed part
    • Added printBitmapWithDimensions() to allow customization of bitmap on the label. Templates can also be passed in here to customize their scaling

1.1.2+1 #

1.1.1+1 #

  • Updated Android SDK to 1.4.7
  • Updated iOS SDK to 1.3.6
  • The "print" API method now takes 4 arguments:
    • The amount of copies to print as an Int.
    • The desired CutOption of the print as a Boolean.
      • true -> Cut in between each label that prints.
      • false -> Cut at the end of the print job.
    • If the print job should be collated as a Boolean.
      • true -> It will print different labels in the order of 1, 2, 1, 2.
      • false -> It will print different labels in the order of 1, 1, 2, 2.
    • If the print should include a label trailer for each label.

1.1.0+1 #

  • Changed the print() API method to take two parameters:
    • The amount of copies to print as an integer.
    • Option to include or exclude the label trailer as a boolean.
  • Increasing the minor version number because this will be the first version used in a published app.

1.0.8+1 #

  • Updated iOS SDK to version 1.3.2
  • Immensely improved time it takes to print to BLE devices.
  • Fixed an Image rendering bug.

1.0.7+1 #

  • Updated iOS SDK to version 1.3.1
  • Updated the Android SDK to version 1.4.4
  • Implemented the rotating of objects.
  • Improved printer updates for connection via Bluetooth Low Energy.
  • Fixed a rendering out of bounds error that would prevent users from printing.
  • Fixed a banding bug where templates over 3 inches in length would cause repeated renderings.
  • Fixed a barcode bug where anything rendered after a bar code would be positioned incorrectly.

1.0.6+1 #

  • Updated to Flutter 3.13.3
  • Updated iOS SDK to version 1.3.0
  • Updated Android SDK to 1.4.3
  • Added getTemplateDataNames API method which retrieves the names of objects in order from the current template.

1.0.5+1 #

  • Updated to Flutter 3.13.1
  • Updated the Android Brady SDK to version 1.4.1. which includes:
    • LZ4 compression added to M611 BLE connection (10 second faster connection).
    • Bug fixes to rendering a placeholder value in barcodes.
    • Improper disconnection fix.
  • Added support for simulators AND physical iOS devices in iOS.
  • Added monochromization for rendering images.

1.0.4+2 #

*README and CHANGELOG corrections.

1.0.4+1 #

  • Fixed a build error that happens on Macs with an Intel processor (made before 2021) where the iOS SDK cannot find the embedded 3rd party frameworks.
  • Fixed issue where Images are rendered with the wrong size or position.
  • Fixed issue where ConnectionType was not accurate in PrinterDetails.
  • Updated to use Brady Android SDK 1.3.4 and Brady iOS SDK 1.2.0

1.0.3+1 #

  • Added Wifi capabilities to the M611.
  • Updated Brady Android SDK used to 1.3.3.
    • This fixed a bug where connection to the M611 via Bluetooth Classic would not work.
  • Update Brady iOS SDK.
    • Includes an automatic connection bug fix to Wifi printers.
    • Fixed some unhandled errors when performing printer operations.
  • Removed unnecessary API methods (refer to for documentation).
  • Added API documentation.
  • Added the example app to

1.0.2+1 #

  • Implemented automatic connection for iOS.

1.0.1+1 #

  • Fixed typos and added some documentation to the README with basic API instructions.

1.0.0+1 #

  • This is the first fully-functional version of the Brady SDK Flutter Plugin.
  • A user may discover, connect, and print to an M211 only via Bluetooth Low Energy.



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The official Flutter Plugin to integrate the Brady SDK into your Flutter application. The Brady SDK allows users to discover, connect, and print to Brady printers.



API reference


unknown (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface


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