bottom_picker 1.0.2 bottom_picker: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard
A new flutter package that let you create a bottom item picker or date & time picker with minmum parameters
Bottom Picker #
Easy way to display bottom picker item or date/time picker
Features #
- Simple list picker wheel
- Date picker
- Time picker
- Date and Time picker
- 24h / 12h time format
- Built-in themes
Getting Started #
To add bottom picker to your project add this line to your pubspec.yaml file
bottom_picker: 1.0.2
Parameters #
///The title of the bottom picker
///it's required for all bottom picker types
final String title;
///The text style applied on the title
///by default it applies simple text style
final TextStyle titleStyle;
///defines whether the bottom picker is dismissable or not
///by default it's set to false
final bool dismissable;
///list of items (List of text) used to create simple item picker (required)
///and should not be empty or null
///for date/dateTime/time items parameter is not available
late List<Text>? items;
///Nullable function, invoked when navigating between picker items
///whether it's date picker or simple item picker it will return a value DateTime or int(index)
final Function(dynamic)? onChange;
///Nullable function invoked when clicking on submit button
///if the picker type is date/time/dateTime it will return DateTime value
///else it will return the index of the selected item
final Function(dynamic)? onSubmit;
///Invoked when clicking on the close button
final Function? onClose;
///set the theme of the bottom picker (the button theme)
///possible values
final BOTTOM_PICKER_THEME bottomPickerTheme;
///to set a custom button theme color use this list
///when it's not null it will be applied
final List<Color>? gradientColors;
///define the icon color on the button
///by default it's White
final Color iconColor;
///used for simple bottom picker
///by default it's 0, needs to be in the range [0, this.items.length-1]
///otherwise an exception will be thrown
///for date and time picker type this parameter is not available
int selectedItemIndex;
///The initial date time applied on the date and time picker
///by default it's null
DateTime? initialDateTime;
///the max date time on the date picker
///by default it's null
DateTime? maxDateTime;
///the minimum date & time applied on the date picker
///by default it's null
DateTime? minDateTime;
///define whether the time uses 24h or 12h format
///by default it's false (12h format)
bool use24hFormat;
Examples #
Simple item picker
items: items,
title: "Choose your country",
titleStyle: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 15))
Date picker
title: "Set your Birthday",
titleStyle: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 15, color:,
onChange: (index) {
onSubmit: (index) {
Time picker
title: "Set your next meeting time",
titleStyle: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,fontSize: 15,color:,
onSubmit: (index) {
onClose: () {
print("Picker closed");
use24hFormat: true)
Date & Time picker
title: "Set the event exact time and date",
titleStyle: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,fontSize: 15,color:,
onSubmit: (index) {
onClose: () {
print("Picker closed");
minDateTime: DateTime(2021,7,1),
maxDateTime: DateTime(2021,8,2),
gradientColors: [Color(0xfffdcbf1),Color(0xffe6dee9)])
Contribution #
You can contribute to it
- If you found a bug, open an issue.
- If you have a feature request, open an issue.
- If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.