bottom_picker 2.11.1 copy "bottom_picker: ^2.11.1" to clipboard
bottom_picker: ^2.11.1 copied to clipboard

A new flutter package that let you create a bottom item picker or date & time picker with minmum parameters

Bottom Picker #

Easy way to display bottom picker item or date/time picker

simple item picker.png date_time picker.png
time picker.png date picker.png
enter image description here enter image description here

Features #

  • Simple list picker wheel
  • Date range picker (RTL and LTR)
  • Date picker
  • Month and year picker
  • Time picker
  • Date and Time picker
  • 24h / 12h time format
  • Built-in themes
  • Customize confirm button
  • Customize first selected item
  • Enhanced tablet view
  • Customize background color
  • Customize date format order
  • Customize picker text style (color, font size, font weight...)
  • Customize close button style and display
  • Customize layout orientation (LTR / RTL )
  • Customizable bottom picker height
  • Customizable minuteInterval attribute

Getting Started #

To add bottom picker to your project add this line to your pubspec.yaml file

	bottom_picker: ^2.11.1
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Parameters #

	///Bottom picker title widget
  final Widget pickerTitle;

  ///Bottom picker description widget
  final Widget? pickerDescription;

  ///The padding applied on the title
  ///by default it is set with zero values
  final EdgeInsetsGeometry titlePadding;

  ///Title widget alignment inside the stack
  ///by default the title will be aligned left/right depends on `layoutOrientation`
  final Alignment? titleAlignment;

  ///defines whether the bottom picker is dismissable or not
  ///by default it's set to false
  final bool dismissable;

  ///list of items (List of widgets) used to create simple item picker (required)
  ///and should not be empty or null
  ///for date/dateTime/time items parameter is not available
  late List<Widget>? items;

  ///Nullable function, invoked when navigating between picker items
  ///whether it's date picker or simple item picker it will return a value DateTime or int(index)
  late Function(dynamic)? onChange;

  ///Nullable function invoked  when clicking on submit button
  ///if the picker  type is date/time/dateTime it will return DateTime value
  ///else it will return the index of the selected item
  late Function(dynamic)? onSubmit;

  ///Invoked when clicking on the close button
  final Function? onCloseButtonPressed;

  ///set the theme of the bottom picker (the button theme)
  ///possible values
  final BottomPickerTheme bottomPickerTheme;

  ///used for simple bottom picker
  ///by default it's 0, needs to be in the range [0, this.items.length-1]
  ///otherwise an exception will be thrown
  ///for date and time picker type this parameter is not available
  late int selectedItemIndex;

  ///The initial date time applied on the date and time picker
  ///by default it's null
  DateTime? initialDateTime;

  ///The initial time set in the time picker widget
  ///required only when using the `time` constructor
  Time? initialTime;

  ///The max time can be set in the time picker widget
  Time? maxTime;

  ///The min time can be set in the time picker widget
  Time? minTime;

  ///The gap between two minutes
  ///by default it's 1 minute
  int minuteInterval = 1;

  ///the max date time on the date picker
  ///by default it's null
  DateTime? maxDateTime;

  ///the minimum date & time applied on the date picker
  ///by default it's null
  DateTime? minDateTime;

  ///define whether the time uses 24h or 12h format
  ///by default it's false (12h format)
  late bool use24hFormat;

  ///the padding that will be applied to the button
  ///if the padding is null the button will be rendered null
  final double? buttonPadding;

  ///the width that will be applied to the button
  ///if the buttonWidth is null the button will be rendered with null
  final double? buttonWidth;

  ///the bottom picker background color,
  ///by default it's white
  final Color backgroundColor;

  ///date order applied on date picker or date time picker
  ///by default it's YYYY/MM/DD
  late DatePickerDateOrder? dateOrder;

  ///the picker text style applied on all types of bottom picker
  ///by default `TextStyle(fontSize: 14)`
  final TextStyle pickerTextStyle;

  ///define the picker item extent available only for list items picker
  ///by default it's 35
  late double itemExtent;

  ///indicate whether the close icon will be rendred or not
  /// by default `displayCloseIcon = true`
  final bool displayCloseIcon;

  ///the close icon color
  ///by default `closeIconColor =`
  final Color closeIconColor;

  ///the close icon size
  ///by default `closeIconSize = 20`
  final double closeIconSize;

  ///the layout orientation of the bottom picker
  ///by default the orientation is set to LTR
  final TextDirection layoutOrientation;

  ///THe alignment of the bottom picker button
  ///by default it's ``
  final MainAxisAlignment buttonAlignment;

  ///bottom picker main widget height
  ///if it's null the bottom picker will get the height from
  ///[bottomPickerHeight] extension on context
  final double? height;

  ///invoked when pressing on the submit button when using range picker
  ///it return two dates (first date, end date)
  ///required when using [BottomPicker.range]
  late Function(DateTime, DateTime)? onRangeDateSubmitPressed;

  ///the minimum first date in the date range picker
  ///not required if null no minimum will be set in the date picker
  DateTime? minFirstDate;

  ///the minimum second date in the date range picker
  ///not required if null no minimum will be set in the date picker
  DateTime? minSecondDate;

  ///the maximum first date in the date range picker
  ///not required if null no minimum will be set in the date picker
  DateTime? maxFirstDate;

  ///the maximum second date in the date range picker
  ///not required if null no minimum will be set in the date picker
  DateTime? maxSecondDate;

  ///the initial first date in the date range picker
  ///not required if null no minimum will be set in the date picker
  DateTime? initialFirstDate;

  ///the initial last date in the date range picker
  ///not required if null no minimum will be set in the date picker
  DateTime? initialSecondDate;

  /// A widget overlaid on the picker to highlight the currently selected entry.
  /// The [selectionOverlay] widget drawn above the [CupertinoPicker]'s picker
  /// wheel.
  Widget? selectionOverlay;

  ///The button's widget that will be displayed
  ///if null the button will have a simple 'Select' text in the center
  final Widget? buttonContent;

  ///indicates if the submit button will be displayed or not
  ///by default the submit button is shown
  late bool displaySubmitButton;

  ///a single color will be applied to the button instead of the gradient
  final Color? buttonSingleColor;

  ///to set a custom button theme color use this list
  ///when it's not null it will be applied
  final List<Color>? gradientColors;

  ///the style that will be applied on the button's widget
  final BoxDecoration? buttonStyle;

  ///invoked when pressing on the submit button when using range picker
  ///it return two dates (first time, end time)
  ///required when using [BottomPicker.rangeTime]
  late Function(DateTime, DateTime)? onRangeTimeSubmitPressed;

  ///the minimum first time in the time range picker
  ///not required if null no minimum will be set in the time picker
  DateTime? minFirstTime;

  ///the minimum second time in the time range picker
  ///not required if null no minimum will be set in the time picker
  DateTime? minSecondTime;

  ///the maximum first time in the time range picker
  ///not required if null no minimum will be set in the time picker
  DateTime? maxFirstTime;

  ///the maximum second time in the time range picker
  ///not required if null no minimum will be set in the time picker
  DateTime? maxSecondTime;

  ///the initial first time in the time range picker
  ///not required if null no minimum will be set in the time picker
  DateTime? initialFirstTime;

  ///the initial last time in the time range picker
  ///not required if null no minimum will be set in the time picker
  DateTime? initialSecondTime;
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Migrate from 2.3.3 to 2.4.0: iconColor , buttonText , buttonTextStyle, displayButtonIcon, buttonTextAlignment has been replaced with buttonContent, buttonStyle attributes to see the new attributes usage check the latest example in this documentation

Examples #

Simple item picker #

	items: items,
	title:  Text("Choose your country", style: TextStyle(fontWeight:  FontWeight.bold, fontSize:  15)),
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Date picker #
	pickerTitle: Text(
        'Set your Birthday',
        style: TextStyle(
          fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
          fontSize: 15,
      dateOrder: DatePickerDateOrder.dmy,
      initialDateTime: DateTime(1996, 10, 22),
      maxDateTime: DateTime(1998),
      minDateTime: DateTime(1980),
      pickerTextStyle: TextStyle(
        fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
        fontSize: 12,
      onChange: (index) {
      onSubmit: (index) {
      bottomPickerTheme: BottomPickerTheme.plumPlate,

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Time picker #

      pickerTitle: Text(
        'Set your next meeting time',
        style: TextStyle(
          fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
          fontSize: 15,
      onSubmit: (index) {
      onCloseButtonPressed: () {
        print('Picker closed');
      use24hFormat: true,
      initialTime: Time(
        minutes: 23,
      maxTime: Time(
        hours: 17,

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Date & Time picker #

	pickerTitle: Text(
        'Set the event exact time and date',
        style: TextStyle(
          fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
          fontSize: 15,
      onSubmit: (date) {
      onCloseButtonPressed: () {
        print('Picker closed');
      minDateTime: DateTime(2021, 5, 1),
      maxDateTime: DateTime(2021, 8, 2),
      initialDateTime: DateTime(2021, 5, 1),
      gradientColors: [
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Date picker with only month and year #

  pickerTitle: Text(
    'Set your Birth Month',
  initialDateTime: DateTime(1996, 10, 22),
  onChange: (index) {
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With custom picker text style #

	items: [
          child: Text('Leonardo DiCaprio'),
          child: Text('Johnny Depp'),
          child: Text('Robert De Niro'),
          child: Text('Tom Hardy'),
          child: Text('Ben Affleck'),
      pickerTitle: Text('Choose an actor'),
      pickerTextStyle: TextStyle(
        fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

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Range date picker #

	 pickerTitle: Text(
        'Set date range',
        style: TextStyle(
          fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
          fontSize: 15,
      pickerDescription: Text(
        'Please select a first date and an end date',
        style: TextStyle(
      dateOrder: DatePickerDateOrder.dmy,
      initialFirstDate: 1)),
      pickerTextStyle: TextStyle(
        fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
        fontSize: 12,
      onRangeDateSubmitPressed: (firstDate, secondDate) {
      bottomPickerTheme: BottomPickerTheme.plumPlate,

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Time range picker #

	 pickerTitle: Text(
    'Set Time range',
    style: TextStyle(
      fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
      fontSize: 15,
  pickerDescription: Text(
    'Please select a first time and an end time',
    style: TextStyle(
  pickerTextStyle: TextStyle(
    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
    fontSize: 12,
  bottomPickerTheme: BottomPickerTheme.plumPlate,
  onRangeTimeSubmitPressed: (firstDate, secondDate) {

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Contribution #

You can contribute to it

  • If you finda bug, open an issue.
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue.
  • If you want to contribute, submit your pull request.

Contributors #




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2024.08.16 - 2025.02.28

A new flutter package that let you create a bottom item picker or date & time picker with minmum parameters

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MIT (license)




Packages that depend on bottom_picker