bottom_cupertino_tabbar 2.0.0 copy "bottom_cupertino_tabbar: ^2.0.0" to clipboard
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BottomCupertinoTabbar is a customizable, Cupertino-style Flutter widget for bottom navigation with support for individual navigation stacks per tab.

Overview #

The Flutter package BottomCupertinoTabbar is designed for creating a customizable and intuitive bottom navigation bar with a Cupertino (iOS-style) aesthetic. It offers separate navigation stacks for each tab, ensuring that the state of each tab is maintained when users switch between them. The package provides extensive customization options, including the ability to add a floating action button or other widgets in various locations on the tab bar.

An animated image of the BottomCupertinoTabbar in action

homepage preview homepage preview github

Table of contents #

Features #

  • Cupertino Aesthetic: offers a bottom navigation bar with an iOS-style (Cupertino) design, fitting seamlessly into apps that aim for an iOS look and feel.
  • Separate Navigation Stacks: supports independent navigation stacks for each tab, allowing the preservation of the navigation history and the state of each tab when switching between them.
  • Customizable Tab Items: customize icons for each tab's active and inactive states, add text labels to tabs, display a notification badge with a counter on tabs and more.
  • Customization of the Tab Bar: customize the colors of the tab icons and text for their active and inactive states, set the color of the notification badges, determine which tab should be active initially and more.
  • Floating Action Button (FAB) or Custom Widgets: integrate a floating action button or other widgets into the tab bar, with the flexibility to position it in the center or any other FloatingActionButtonLocation.
  • Responsive and Adaptive: designed to be responsive and adapt to different screen sizes and orientations.
  • Easy Integration: can be easily integrated into existing Flutter projects, enhancing the navigation experience without requiring extensive changes to the app structure.
  • State Preservation Across Tabs: ensures that the state within each tab (like user inputs, scroll positions, etc.) is maintained when users switch between tabs, providing a seamless user experience.
  • Customizable Behavior on Tab Presses: the onTabPressed callback allows for custom behavior when a tab is selected, like popping to the first route of the stack, refreshing data, or other actions.

Installation #

Add bottom_cupertino_tabbar as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  bottom_cupertino_tabbar: ^latest_version

Import #

Import the package where you intend to use it.

import 'package:bottom_cupertino_tabbar/bottom_cupertino_tabbar.dart';

Basic usage #

BottomCupertinoTabbar can be used within a StatefulWidget for effective implementation.

class SimpleTabBar extends StatefulWidget {
  const SimpleTabBar({super.key});

  State<SimpleTabBar> createState() => _SimpleTabBarState();

class _SimpleTabBarState extends State<SimpleTabBar> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return BottomCupertinoTabbar(
      // Add your configuration and customization here

The provided example showcases a SimpleTabBar class using BottomCupertinoTabbar with various tabs like Home, Notifications, Contacts, and Settings. Each tab is linked to a corresponding page and icon, with maintained state and navigation stack, as seen in the following images.

appBar preview appBar preview

Customization #

BottomCupertinoTabbar can be extensively customized:

  • Floating Action Button: You can add a floating action button (FAB) or any other widget to the center of the tabbar or any FloatingActionButtonLocation of your choice on the tab bar. This allows for additional actions and a unique design.
  • Custom Icons and Labels: Each tab can have custom icons and labels, allowing for a personalized look and feel. You can set icons for both the active and inactive states.
  • Custom Colors and Themes: Customize the color scheme and theme to match your app's design. You can set colors for both the active and inactive states.
  • Adjustable Size and Positioning: The size and positioning of the tab bar and its elements can be adjusted to suit your layout needs.

BottomCupertinoTabbar Main customization options #

Properties Description
activeColor Color for the active tab icon and text
inactiveColor Color for the inactive tab icons and text.
notificationsBadgeColor Color for notification badges.
firstActiveIndex Index of the initially active tab.
resizeToAvoidBottomInset Resizes the bottom bar when the keyboard appears.
showLabels Shows labels below icons.
onTabPressed Callback function for customizing tabs per index and accessing navigators.
children A list of BottomCupertinoTab widgets that represent each tab in the tab bar.
floatingActionButton An optional floating action button (or another widget) to be displayed on the tab bar.
floatingActionButtonLocation The location of the floating action button on the tab bar.
resizeToAvoidBottomInset Controls whether the bottom bar should resize when the on-screen keyboard appears.
backgroundColor The background color of the tab bar. Defaults to Colors.white.
showLabels Flag to control whether labels are shown on the tab items.
appBar Optional AppBar to be displayed at the top of the BottomCupertinoTabbar element.
overrideIconsColor Flag to control whether to override the color of the icons.

Tabs and State preservation #

Tabs are created using BottomCupertinoTab widgets. Each tab has its own navigation stack and state management, preserving user interactions and navigational history. This class is a key component of the BottomCupertinoTabbar package. It represents an individual tab in the bottom navigation bar.

BottomCupertinoTab #

class BottomCupertinoTab {
  final BottomCupertinoTabItem tab;
  final Widget page;

  const BottomCupertinoTab({


  • tab (BottomCupertinoTabItem): The configuration for the tab's appearance and behavior.
  • page (Widget): The widget to display when the tab is active. This is typically a Flutter page or screen.

Each tab consists of a BottomCupertinoTabItem for its configuration and a Flutter Widget that represents the content to display when the tab is selected.

BottomCupertinoTabItem #

The BottomCupertinoTabItem class is used to configure the appearance and behavior of an individual tab in the BottomCupertinoTabbar.

class BottomCupertinoTabItem {

  /// The icon to display.
  final Widget? icon;

  /// The icon when the tab is active.
  final Widget? activeIcon;

  /// The icon when the tab is inactive.
  final Widget? inactiveIcon;

  /// The text label for the tab.
  final String? label;

  /// The number of notifications to be displayed on the tab.
  final int notificationsCounter;

  /// Controls whether to show the notifications counter.
  final bool showNotifications;

  /// Indicates if the tab is to be considered as an empty placeholder.
  final bool empty;

  /// The text style to use for the label when the tab is active.
  final TextStyle? activeLabelTextStyle;

  /// The text style to use for the label when the tab is inactive.
  final TextStyle? inactiveLabelTextStyle;

  const BottomCupertinoTabItem({
    this.notificationsCounter = 0,
    this.showNotifications = false,
    this.empty = false,

Example of a BottomCupertinoTab

  tab: BottomCupertinoTabItem(
    icon: Icon(Icons.home, size: 22,),
    label: "Home",
  page: HomePage(),

Complete Example #

Here is the code for the following example:

appBar preview appBar preview

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:bottom_cupertino_tabbar/bottom_cupertino_tabbar.dart';

import '../pages/pages.dart';
import 'example_manager/example_manager.dart';

class EasyTabbar extends StatefulWidget {
  const EasyTabbar({super.key});

  State<EasyTabbar> createState() => _EasyTabbarState();

class _EasyTabbarState extends State<EasyTabbar> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return BottomCupertinoTabbar(
      inactiveColor: Colors.grey[300]!,
      firstActiveIndex: 0,
      resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
      showLabels: true,
      overrideIconsColor: true,
      tabbarModel: (model, nestedNavigator) {
        ExampleManager().tabbarProviderModel = model;
        ExampleManager().nestedNavigator = nestedNavigator;
      onTabPressed: (index, model, nestedNavigator) {
        if (index != model.currentTab) {
        } else {
          if (nestedNavigator[index]?.currentContext != null) {
                .popUntil((route) => route.isFirst);
      children: const [
          tab: BottomCupertinoTabItem(
            icon: Icon(Icons.home, size: 22,),
            label: "Home",
          page: HomePage(),
          tab: BottomCupertinoTabItem(
            icon: Icon(Icons.notifications, size: 22,),
            label: "Notifications",
          page: NotificationsPage(),
          tab: BottomCupertinoTabItem(
            icon: Icon(Icons.contacts, size: 22,),
            notificationsCounter: 4,
            showNotifications: true,
            label: "Contacts",
          page: ContactsPage(),
          tab: BottomCupertinoTabItem(
            icon: Icon(Icons.settings, size: 22,),
            label: "Settings",
          page: SettingsPage(),

More examples can be found in the example folder of the package.

Conclusion #

BottomCupertinoTabbar is an ideal choice for Flutter apps requiring a bottom navigation bar with advanced customization, including the addition of a floating action button or other widgets in various positions. This package aligns with native iOS navigation patterns and enhances user experience through its state preservation and extensive customization features.

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BottomCupertinoTabbar is a customizable, Cupertino-style Flutter widget for bottom navigation with support for individual navigation stacks per tab.

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API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, flutter_svg, provider


Packages that depend on bottom_cupertino_tabbar