bond_core 0.0.2 copy "bond_core: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
bond_core: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

Bond Core Foundational Library for the Flutter Bond framework.

Changelog #

0.0.2 #

Migration Guide #

  1. Update Override of responseConvert: If you previously overrode the responseConvert method, update your implementation to use the factories getter instead.


    class MyServiceProvider with ResponseDecoding {
      T? responseConvert<T>(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
        if (T == MyModel) {
          return MyModel.fromJson(json) as T;
        // Add other model conversions as needed...
        return null;


    class MyServiceProvider with ResponseDecoding {
      Map<Type, JsonFactory> get factories => {
        MyModel: (json) => MyModel.fromJson(json),
        AnotherModel: (json) => AnotherModel.fromJson(json),
        // Add other model factories as needed...
  2. Remove Direct Calls to responseConvert: Ensure that you no longer directly call or override responseConvert. Instead, rely on the default implementation provided by the mixin.

0.0.1+9 #

  • add new extensions to map a Future results.

0.0.1+8 #

  • appKey now from type GlobalKey

0.0.1+7 #

  • call WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized method before init the service providers.

0.0.1+6 #

  • take providers list as a method argument on run method.

0.0.1+5 #

  • just format files using dart form command.

0.0.1+4 #

  • add missing repository property at pubspec.yaml file.

0.0.1+3 #

Breaking Changes:

  • Refactored ServiceProvider.
    • Removed responseConvert<T> method.
    • Added ResponseDecoding mixin. Use its convertResponse<T> method for response conversion.

How to Migrate:

  1. If you used responseConvert<T>, replace it with the convertResponse<T> method from the new ResponseDecoding mixin.
// Old:
class MyServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
  T? responseConvert<T>(Map<String, dynamic> json) {

// New:
class MyServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider with ResponseDecoding {
  T? convertResponse<T>(Map<String, dynamic> json) {


  • Utils Extensions:
    • ThemeContext: Directly access textTheme and colorScheme.
    • ScaffoldContext: Convenient methods like showSnackBar added.
    • KeyboardContext: Methods to control and check the keyboard state.
    • InsetsContext: Access media padding, status bar height, and bottom inset.
    • LocalizationContext: Access the current locale of the context.
    • MediaQueryContext: Determine screenHeight, screenWidth, and if the device orientation is landscape.
    • DeviceTypeContext: Determine if the device is a phone, tablet, or desktop.
    • TextScaleContext: Access text scale factors for accessibility settings.
    • BrightnessContext: Check if the device is in dark mode or light mode.
    • SafeAreaContext: Access the safe area insets.


  • App Initialization:
    • Introduced RunTasks class to streamline application start-up process. The usage has been refactored to use run with RunTasks for initialization logic, including registering service providers and other pre and post-run tasks.
      • Example:
        void main() => run(
          () => const ProviderScope(
            child: BondApp(),
    • The RunTasks class now initializes service providers through a callable method.
    • beforeRun, afterRun, and onError methods of RunTasks are now optional.

0.0.1+2 #

  • remove device_info package.
  • remove device_utils.dart file.
  • remove string_extension.dart file.

0.0.1+1 #

  • fix package description.

0.0.1 #

  • initial release.


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Bond Core Foundational Library for the Flutter Bond framework.

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MIT (license)


flutter, get_it


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