bloc_lint 0.1.0
bloc_lint: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard
Set of lint rules for the Flutter BLoC library.
Bloc Lint #
Custom linter rules for Flutter projects using the bloc library. This package is based on dart_custom_lint package.
Usage #
Add the following to your pubspec.yaml
custom_lint: ^0.7.0
bloc_lint: ^0.1.0
copied to clipboard
Add the following to your analysis_options.yaml
- custom_lint
copied to clipboard
That's it! After running pub get (and possibly restarting their IDE), users should now see our custom lints in their
Dart files. You can also run dart pub custom_lint
to run the linter in your CLI.
Tests #
The example folder contains a dart project to unit test the rules. (see custom_lint readme for more info)