biometric_storage 5.1.0-rc.5 copy "biometric_storage: ^5.1.0-rc.5" to clipboard
biometric_storage: ^5.1.0-rc.5 copied to clipboard

Secure Storage: Encrypted data store optionally secured by biometric lock with support for iOS, Android, MacOS. Partial support for Linux, Windows and web (localStorage).

5.1.0-rc.5 #

  • upgrade dependency to web 1.0

5.1.0-rc.4 #

5.1.0-rc.3 #

  • Split Split authenticationValidityDurationSeconds between android and iOS
    • darwinTouchIDAuthenticationForceReuseContextDuration: Basically the equivalent to androidAuthenticationValidityDuration
    • darwinTouchIDAuthenticationAllowableReuseDuration
  • android: return correct code if no biometric is enrolled #115 @ThomasLamprecht
  • web: migrate from dart:html to package:web (for wasm support).

5.0.1 #

  • Add option for iOS/MacOS to allow non-biometric authentication (darwinBiometricOnly) #101
    • Improve [canAuthenticate] to differentiate between no available biometry and no available user code.
  • Bump dart sdk requirement to 3.2.

5.0.0+4 #

  • Add topics to pubspec.yaml

5.0.0+3 #

  • Android: Upgrade AGP, fix building with AGP 8
  • Android: Depend on slf4j-api.

5.0.0+1 #

  • MacOS: fix building on MacOS

5.0.0 #

  • Allow overriding of promptInfo during read/write thanks @luckyrat
  • Android: (POTENTIALLY BREAKING): Completely removed deprecated old file backend based on This was deprecated since version 3.0.0 and users should have been migrated on every read or write. (this is only internally, does not change anything of the API).
  • Update dependencies.

4.1.3 #

  • iOS/MacOS: Reuse LAContext to make touchIDAuthenticationAllowableReuseDuration work. thanks @radvansky-tomas

4.1.2 #

4.1.1 #

  • Fix building on all platforms, add github actions to test building.

4.1.0 #

  • Android: Remove Moshi dependency altogether. #53

4.0.1 #

  • Update to Moshi 1.13 for Kotlin 1.6.0 compatibility. #53

4.0.0 #

  • Fixed compile errors with Flutter >= 2.8.0 (Compatible with Flutter 2.5). #47 fix #42

3.0.1 #

  • Android: Validate options on int When authenticationValidityDurationSeconds == -1, then androidBiometricOnly must be true
  • Android: if authenticationValidityDurationSeconds is > 0 only show authentication prompt when necessary. (It will simply try to use the key, and show the auth prompt only when a UserNotAuthenticatedException is thrown).
  • Android: When biometric key is invalidated (e.g. because biometric security is changed on the device), we simply delete the old key and data! (KeyPermanentlyInvalidatedException)

3.0.0 #

  • Stable Release 🥳
  • **Please check below for breaking changes in the -rc releases.

3.0.0-rc.12 #

  • Android: Fix a few bugs with authenticationValidityDurationSeconds == -1
  • iOS/MacOS: Don't set timeout for authenticationValidityDurationSeconds == -1
  • iOS/MacOS: Don't raise an error on delete if item was not found.
  • Android: Fix user cancel code. (Previously an unknown exception was thrown instead of userCanceled)
  • Android: Ignore androidBiometricOnly prior to Android R (30).
  • Introduce AuthExceptionCode.canceled

3.0.0-rc.7 #

  • Breaking Change: authenticationValidityDurationSeconds is now -1 by default, which was not supported before hand. If you need backward compatibility, make sure to override this value to the previous value of 10.

  • Breaking Change: No more support for Android v1 Plugin registration.

  • Breaking Change: No longer using, but instead handle encryption directly. Temporarily there is a fallback to read old content. This requires either reencrypting everything, or old data will no longer be readable.

    1. This should fix a lot of errors.
    2. This now finally also allows using authenticationValidityDurationSeconds = -1.
    3. BIOMETRIC_WEAK is no longer used, only BIOMETRIC_STRONG.
  • Don't ask for authentication for delete.

3.0.0-rc.5 #

  • Breaking Change: due to the introduction of iOS prompt info there is now a wrapper object PromptInfo which contains AndroidPromptInfo and IosPromptInfo.
  • Android: Add support for local (non-biometric) storage (#28, thanks @killalad)
  • Android: Update all gradle dependencies, removed gradle-wrapper from plugin folder.
  • iOS: Add support for customizing prompt strings.
  • MacOS: Add support for customizing prompt strings.

2.0.3 #

  • Android
    • compatibility with kotlin 1.5.20
    • Remove jcenter() references.
    • androidx.core:core:1.3.2 to 1.6.0
    • moshi from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0 (this is the kotlin 1.5.20 compatibility problem)

2.0.2 #

  • Android upgrade dependencies:
    • from 1.1.0-alpha02 to 1.1.0-alpha03
    • androidx.biometric:biometric from 1.1.0-beta01 to 1.2.0-alpha03
    • Update README to clarify minSdkVersion and kotlin version

2.0.1 #

  • Handle android BIOMETRIC_STATUS_UNKNOWN response on older devices (Android 9/API 28(?))

2.0.0 #

  • Null safety stable release.

2.0.0-nullsafety.1 #

  • Null safety migration.

1.1.0+1 #

  • upgrade android moshi dependency.

1.1.0 #

1.0.1+5 #

  • Workaround to not load win32 when compiling for web.

1.0.1+4 #

  • Fix windows plugin config.

1.0.1+1 #

  • Support for web support: Warning: Unencrypted - stores into local storage on web!
  • Updated README to add details about windows.

1.0.0 #

  • Windows: Initial support for windows. only unauthenticated storage in Credential Manager.

0.4.1 #

  • Linux: Improve snap compatibility by detecting AppArmor error to prompt users to connect to password-manager-service.

0.4.0 #

  • Linux: Initial support for Linux - only unauthenticated storage in Keyring.

0.3.4+6 #

0.3.4+5 #

0.3.4+4 #

  • Android: fix PromptInfo deserialization with minification.
  • Android: add proguard setting to fix protobuf exceptions.

0.3.4+2 #

  • Android: updated dependencies to, biometric, gradle tools.

0.3.4+1 #

  • Android: on error send stack trace to flutter. also fixed a couple of warnings.

0.3.4 #

  • Android: allow customization of the PromptInfo (labels, buttons, etc). @patrickhammond

0.3.3 #

0.3.2 #

  • android: fingerprint failures don't cancel the dialog, so don't trigger error callback. #2 (fixes crash)

0.3.1 #

  • Use android v2 plugin API.

0.3.0-beta.2 #

  • Use new plugin format for Mac OS format. Not compatible with flutter 1.9.x

0.2.2+2 #

  • Use legacy plugin platforms structure to be compatible with flutter stable.

0.2.2+1 #

  • fixed home page link, updated example README.

0.2.2 #

  • Android: Use codegen instead of reflection for json serialization. (Fixes bug that options aren't assed in correctly due to minification)

0.2.1 #

  • Android: Fix for having multiple files with different configurations.
  • Correctly handle UserCanceled events.
  • Define correct default values on dart side (10 seconds validity timeout).

0.2.0 #

  • MacOS Support

0.1.0 #

  • iOS Support
  • Support for non-authenticated storage (ie. secure/encrypted storage, without extra biometric authenticatiton prompts)
  • delete()'ing files.

0.0.1 - Initial release #

  • Android Support.
pub points



Secure Storage: Encrypted data store optionally secured by biometric lock with support for iOS, Android, MacOS. Partial support for Linux, Windows and web (localStorage).

Repository (GitHub)
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#biometrics #encryption #storage #security #secure-storage


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MIT (license)


ffi, flutter, flutter_web_plugins, logging, plugin_platform_interface, web, win32


Packages that depend on biometric_storage