bind3 0.0.7+1 copy "bind3: ^0.0.7+1" to clipboard
bind3: ^0.0.7+1 copied to clipboard

A library that allows you to bind routes to page controllers

Library purpose #

bind3 is a library that allows you to bind routes to page controllers. The point is to build the architectural base of a flutter project, based on a tree of pages with singleton-controllers bounded to those pages.

Current problem #

Currently the library requires working with the auto_route navigator, and is bound only to this navigator. By the end of August 2024, I intend to make the package independent, or if that fails, add support for other packages such as Flutter Navigator 2.0, go_router, fluro, beamer, flutter_modular, flow_builder, routefly, and others

Also, the current version does not support complex routing with guard routes of auto_route

Getting started #

To start using the library you need to create your AppRouter

part '';

@AutoRouterConfig(replaceInRouteName: 'Page,Route')
class AppRouter extends _$AppRouter with AppRouterBase {
  RouteNode get infoRoute =>
      RouteNode(name: '/', page:, children: [
          initial: true,
          name: "ordersMain",
          routeController: OrdersMainController(),
          initial: true,
          name: "menuMain",
          routeController: MenuMainController(),
  1. Specify our router as the application router.
  2. Call RouteCore.create() to create the central bind3 node.
  3. (optionally) Define your RepositoryContainer, which requires initialization at the beginning of the application, along with the core initialization bind3 and replace the base EmptyRepositoryContainer to yours
void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {

  final _appRouter = AppRouter();
  late RouteCore routeCore = RouteCore.create(EmptyRepositoriesContainer(), _appRouter);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp.router(
      routerConfig: _appRouter.config(),

Usage #

Pages must be marked with the @RoutePage() annotation, as in the auto_route package, but states must inherit BindStateController<YourPage,YourController which extends RouteController> if you wish to use a logical controller for the selected page

class MenuMainPage extends StatefulWidget {
  const MenuMainPage({super.key});
  State<MenuMainPage> createState() => _MenuMainPageState();
class _MenuMainPageState extends BindStateController<MenuMainPage, MenuMainController> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    ///You can access the page controller to display logic-dependent widgets
    // TODO: implement build
    throw UnimplementedError();
  void didChangeDependencies() {
    ///Or for something other logic with controller

But you can simply extends from State as usual, if the page does not need a controller

class _MenuMainPageState extends State<MenuMainPage> {}

Your page controller must inherit from RouteController

This is an example of inheritance for working with Mobx state manager, later I will provide examples for working with Bloc/Cubit and others

class MenuMainController = MenuMainControllerBase with _$MenuMainController;

abstract class MenuMainControllerBase extends RouteController with Store {
  ObservableList<String> titles = ObservableList();
  void add(String title) => titles.add(title);
  void removeAt(int index) => titles.removeAt(index);
  void removeTitle(String title) => titles.removeWhere((val) => val.compareTo(title) == 0);

  Future<void> initController() async {
  Future<void> disposeController() async {

Pay attention, that the controller implements the initController and disposeController methods. These methods are called when the page's initState and dispose methods are called.

Additional information #

This package is developed by one poor developer from Russia, who works 15+ hours a day, so if you have a problem, that needs an urgent solution, you can write to Github issues, but not a fact that I will react quickly. If you have a desire to actively participate in the development of the library (which I doubt) - telegram

Thank you for choosing my library ❤️

pub points


unverified uploader

A library that allows you to bind routes to page controllers

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


auto_route, flutter


Packages that depend on bind3