bind3 0.0.7+1
bind3: ^0.0.7+1 copied to clipboard
A library that allows you to bind routes to page controllers
Library purpose #
bind3 is a library that allows you to bind routes to page controllers. The point is to build the architectural base of a flutter project, based on a tree of pages with singleton-controllers bounded to those pages.
Current problem #
Currently the library requires working with the auto_route navigator, and is bound only to this navigator. By the end of August 2024, I intend to make the package independent, or if that fails, add support for other packages such as Flutter Navigator 2.0, go_router, fluro, beamer, flutter_modular, flow_builder, routefly, and others
Also, the current version does not support complex routing with guard routes of auto_route
Getting started #
To start using the library you need to create your AppRouter
part '';
@AutoRouterConfig(replaceInRouteName: 'Page,Route')
class AppRouter extends _$AppRouter with AppRouterBase {
RouteNode get infoRoute =>
RouteNode(name: '/', page:, children: [
initial: true,
name: "ordersMain",
routeController: OrdersMainController(),
initial: true,
name: "menuMain",
routeController: MenuMainController(),
- Specify our router as the application router.
- Call RouteCore.create() to create the central bind3 node.
- (optionally) Define your RepositoryContainer, which requires initialization at the beginning of the application, along with the core initialization bind3 and replace the base EmptyRepositoryContainer to yours
void main() {
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
final _appRouter = AppRouter();
late RouteCore routeCore = RouteCore.create(EmptyRepositoriesContainer(), _appRouter);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp.router(
routerConfig: _appRouter.config(),
Usage #
Pages must be marked with the @RoutePage() annotation, as in the auto_route package, but states must inherit BindStateController<YourPage,YourController which extends RouteController> if you wish to use a logical controller for the selected page
class MenuMainPage extends StatefulWidget {
const MenuMainPage({super.key});
State<MenuMainPage> createState() => _MenuMainPageState();
class _MenuMainPageState extends BindStateController<MenuMainPage, MenuMainController> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
///You can access the page controller to display logic-dependent widgets
// TODO: implement build
throw UnimplementedError();
void didChangeDependencies() {
///Or for something other logic with controller
But you can simply extends from State as usual, if the page does not need a controller
class _MenuMainPageState extends State<MenuMainPage> {}
Your page controller must inherit from RouteController
This is an example of inheritance for working with Mobx state manager, later I will provide examples for working with Bloc/Cubit and others
class MenuMainController = MenuMainControllerBase with _$MenuMainController;
abstract class MenuMainControllerBase extends RouteController with Store {
ObservableList<String> titles = ObservableList();
void add(String title) => titles.add(title);
void removeAt(int index) => titles.removeAt(index);
void removeTitle(String title) => titles.removeWhere((val) => val.compareTo(title) == 0);
Future<void> initController() async {
Future<void> disposeController() async {
Pay attention, that the controller implements the initController and disposeController methods. These methods are called when the page's initState and dispose methods are called.
Additional information #
This package is developed by one poor developer from Russia, who works 15+ hours a day, so if you have a problem, that needs an urgent solution, you can write to Github issues, but not a fact that I will react quickly. If you have a desire to actively participate in the development of the library (which I doubt) - telegram
Thank you for choosing my library ❤️