bilmobileadsflutter 1.5.0
bilmobileadsflutter: ^1.5.0 copied to clipboard
A flutter plugin for integrate ValueImpressionSDK.
bilmobileadsflutter #
A flutter plugin for integrate ValueImpressionSDK.
Getting Started #
BilMobileAdsFlutter #
A Flutter plugin that uses native platform views to show Banner ads!. This plugin also has support for Interstitial and Reward ads.
Installation #
- Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
bilmobileadsflutter: "LATEST_VERSION"
- And you can install packages from the command line:
flutter pub get
iOS Specific Setup #
Update your Info.plist
Android Specific Setup #
Initialize the plugin #
First thing to do before attempting to show any ads is to initialize the plugin. You can do this in the earliest starting point of your app, your main
or initState
import 'package:bilmobileadsflutter/PBMobileAds.dart';
void initState() {
// Initialize SDK: testMode = true for test ads
PBMobileAds.initialize(testMode: false);
Supported Platforms #
- iOS: >=
- Android >=
Supported Ads for ValueImpressionSDK #
- Banner Ads
- Interstitial Ads
- Reward Ads `