bh_shared 0.0.4 copy "bh_shared: ^0.0.4" to clipboard
bh_shared: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard


Bianca's House shared package

bh_shared #

A collection of useful APIs and flutter widgets that are used in our other packages:

  • flutter_callouts
  • flutter_content

Hopefully, they may be useful for you in your apps.

Motivation #

It's sensible to centralise your reusable source code into a separate library.

Features #

  • a local storage API (based on HydratedBloc package)
  • home page provider - use a home page for web and a different home page for mobile
  • a dynamic page routing API (based on go_router)
  • some useful widgets

Quickstart #

1. Install or update package bh_shared:

flutter pub add bh_shared
  • How to include in your apps you can add the functionality of the API to your own dart classes using the with keyword.
class MyClass with BaseUseful, WidgetHelper, LocalStorage {}

Or, for your convenience, simply prefixany method with BaseGlobal.

Table of Contents #





Usage #

Local Storage API #

Local storage refers to browser storage on web, and device storage on mobile.

  Future<void> localStorage_init() async {}

  dynamic localStorage_read(String name) {}

  Future<void> localStorage_write(String name, dynamic value) async {}

  void localStorage_clear() {}

  void localStorage_delete(String name) {}

Home Page Provider API #

This API allows you to have 2 version of your home page: one for web and one for mobile. You supply both pages to the API and the appropriate one get used at runtime:

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
              title: 'Flutter Demo',
              home: HomePageProvider().getWebOrMobileHomePage(
                  HomePageWeb(), HomePageMobile(),

Routing Config Provider API #

Making use of the go_router package, you use this API in a similar way to the Home Page Provider. You supply a go_router configuration for both web, and mobile. At runtime, the appropriate one gets used:

GoRouter router = GoRouter.routingConfig(
    initialLocation: initialRoutePath,
    routingConfig: RoutingConfigProvider().getWebOrMobileRoutingConfig(

Miscellaneous useful widgets and methods we found useful # be added...

Issues & Feedback #

Please file an issue to send feedback or report a bug. Thank you!