b012_data 1.0.2 b012_data: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard
b012_data is a package that allow you to build, generate and manipulate data (sqlfite and disc files) very easily
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:b012_data/b012_disc_data.dart';
import 'package:b012_data/b012_sqlflite_easy.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
//Person entity
class Person {
String? idPers;
String? firstName;
String? lastName;
bool? sex;
DateTime? dateOfBirth;
//String email;
//String profestion;
//Step 1:
MapEntry<String, bool> get pKeyAuto =>
const MapEntry('idPers', false); //primay key, required
List<String> get notNulls => <String>[
]; //Not nulable columns, optional
//List<String> get uniques => <String>['email']; //unique colums, optional
//Map<String,String> get checks => {'email':'length(email)>4'}; //check constrains, optional
//Map<String,String> get defaults => {'profestion':'NULL'};//defaul value of columns, optional
//Map<String,List<String>> get fKeys => {'profestion':['Profestion','idProf']};//foreign keys, optional
//Step 2: required
this.dateOfBirth]); //use by get methods
//Step 3: required
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() => {
"idPers": idPers ?? ColumnType.String,
"firstName": firstName ?? ColumnType.String,
"lastName": lastName ?? ColumnType.String,
"sex": sex ?? ColumnType.bool,
"dateOfBirth": dateOfBirth ?? ColumnType.DateTime,
//Step 4: required
Person.fromMap(dynamic jsonOrMap, {bool isInt = true}) {
idPers = jsonOrMap["idPers"];
firstName = jsonOrMap["firstName"];
lastName = jsonOrMap["lastName"];
sex = boolean(jsonOrMap["sex"], isInt: isInt);
dateOfBirth = dateTime(jsonOrMap["dateOfBirth"]);
//Step 5: required
Person fromMap(dynamic jsonOrMap) => Person.fromMap(jsonOrMap);
////////////////////////////////// Use cas example: //////////////////////////////////
Future<void> main() async {
/////////// DataAccess.instance /////////////
//Show create table query of Person entity
//Check if the Person table exists in the database
bool witnessPersTableExiste =
await DataAccess.instance.checkIfEntityTableExists<Person>();
//Insert a new person in Person table
bool tInsert = await DataAccess.instance.insertObjet(
Person(newKey, 'KEBE', 'Birane', true, DateTime(2000, 08, 05)));
//Insert a list of persons in Person table
bool tInsertList = await DataAccess.instance.insertObjetList(<Person>[
Person(newKey, 'Mbaye', 'Aliou', true, DateTime(1999, 05, 01)),
Person(newKey, 'Cisse', 'Fatou', false, DateTime(2000, 07, 09))
//Find a person
Person? birane = await DataAccess.instance
.get<Person>(Person(), "firstName='Birane' and lastName='KEBE'");
//Find all persons in Person table
List<Person>? Persons = await DataAccess.instance.getAll<Person>(Person());
//Find men in Person table
List<Person>? men =
await DataAccess.instance.getAllSorted<Person>(Person(), 'sex=1');
//Collect all first names
List<String> firstNames =
await DataAccess.instance.getAColumnFrom<String, Person>('firstName');
//Collect all first names of female persons. For boolean type you are free to use 0,1 or true,false.
//The role is that true=1 and false=0. Like the column sex below.
List<String> womensfirstName = await DataAccess.instance
.getAColumnFrom<String, Person>('firstName', afterWhere: "sex=false");
//Collect all Person's first and last
List<Map<String, Object?>> firstNamesAndlastNames = await DataAccess.instance
//Collect all female's first and last names
List<Map<String, Object?>> firstNamesAndlastNamesFemmes = await DataAccess
.getSommeColumnsFrom<Person>("firstName,lastName", afterWhere: "sex=0");
//Change Birane's first name to developer and last name KEBE in 2022
bool witnessUpdatelastNameEtfirstName = await DataAccess.instance
.updateSommeColumnsOf<Person>(['firstName', 'lastName'],
['firstName', 'lastName'], ['developper', '2022', 'Birane', 'KEBE']);
//Delete a Person with firstName Fatou
bool witnessDelFatou =
await DataAccess.instance.deleteObjet<Person>("firstName='Fatou'");
//Count the number of Persons
int nbPerson = await DataAccess.instance.countElementsOf<Person>();
//Counts the lastNumber of Male Person
int nbMen = await DataAccess.instance
.countElementsOf<Person>(afterWhere: 'sex= true');
/*Important !!! :
1. Most of the package methods that query entity's tables can DatabaseException(no such table: ...) Error if table doesn't exist
except updateWholeObject, updateSommeColumnsOf, getAColumnFromWithTableName, and getAColumnFrom. For these methods
the error is already handled but its message is display to help you when debugging.
For other methods, consider using catchError or onError methods to handle it and do the appropriate action.
2. Wrap your entitiy's toMap() method with the mapToUse(Map<String, dynamic> objetToMap,{bool forDB = true}) like below
mapToUse(entityInstance.toMap(), forDB: false) if you want to convert your entity to a normal Map<String, dynamic>
for performing some operation. mapToUse(entityInstance.toMap()) is used by the package, precisely by Future<bool> insertObjet(var object), and Future<bool> insertObjetList(List objectlist) methods for inserting entity's data
into their corresponding tables.
/////////// DiscData.instance /////////////
//databases path
String databases = await DiscData.instance.databasesPath;
//files path
String files = await DiscData.instance.filesPath;
//files path
String appFlutter = await DiscData.instance.rootPath;
//Save text data to disc on files directory
String? fileName = await DiscData.instance.saveDataToDisc(
'contenu du fichier test.txt', DataType.text,
takeThisName: 'test.txt');
//Check if test.txt file exists
bool witnessTestFileExiste =
await DiscData.instance.checkFileExists(fileName: 'test.txt');
//Read the contents of the test.txt file as string
String? readTest =
await DiscData.instance.readFileAsString(fileName: 'test.txt');
//Read the contents of the my_image.png file as base64 string
String? readTestAsBase64 =
await DiscData.instance.readFileAsBase64(fileName: 'my_image.png');
//Read the contents of the image.jpg file as Uint8List (bytes)
Uint8List? readTestBytes =
await DiscData.instance.readFileAsBytes(fileName: 'my_image.png');
//Read image.jpg file as Image
Image? readTestImage =
await DiscData.instance.getImageFromDisc(imageName: 'my_image.png');
//Read a data whitch name is store in columns of a table. Let's suppose that we have a table named Images whitch have
//a colums named imageName and an image named image_test.jpg.
//To load that image as bytes array :
Uint8List? readTestImageAsBytes = await DiscData.instance
.getEntityFileOnDisc<Uint8List, Images>('imageName', 'imageID', 1);
class Images {
String? id;
String? imageName;
DateTime? dateSave;
DateTime? dateLastUpdate;
MapEntry<String, bool> get pKeyAuto =>
const MapEntry('id', false); //primay key, required
List<String> get notNulls => <String>[
]; //Not nulable columns, optional
this.dateLastUpdate]); //use by get methods
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() => {
"id": id ?? ColumnType.String,
"imageName": imageName ?? ColumnType.String,
"dateSave": dateSave ?? ColumnType.DateTime,
"dateLastUpdate": dateLastUpdate ?? ColumnType.DateTime
Images.fromMap(dynamic jsonOrMap, {bool isInt = true}) {
id = jsonOrMap["id"];
imageName = jsonOrMap["imageName"];
dateSave = dateTime(jsonOrMap["dateSave"]);
dateLastUpdate = dateTime(jsonOrMap["dateLastUpdate"]);
Images fromMap(dynamic jsonOrMap) => Images.fromMap(jsonOrMap);