automata 0.2.0
automata: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard
A dart package to create finite state machines and state charts.
Automata #
A dart package to create Finite State Machines and State Charts following SCXML specification.
The main highlights of automata are:
- Declarative and type-based
- Compound states (nested states)
- Parallel states
- Initial states
- Guard conditions
- Eventless transitions
- Actions
- Invoke async services
- onEntry / onExit
- onTransition
Documentation #
Check our wiki for a more in-depth documentation:
Super quick start: #
dart pub add automata
flutter pub add automata
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import 'package:automata/automata.dart';
class Inactive extends AutomataState {}
class Active extends AutomataState {}
class OnToggle extends AutomataEvent {}
final machine = StateMachine.create(
(g) => g
builder: (g) => g..on<OnToggle, Active>()
builder: (g) => g..on<OnToggle, Inactive>()
onTransition: (e, value) => print(
## Transition::
Received Event: $e
Value: $value
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Credits #
While developing this packages we were heavily inspired by Tinder's StateMachine, Stately's XState and the SCXML specification.