auto_route 10.0.1
auto_route: ^10.0.1 copied to clipboard
AutoRoute is a declarative routing solution, where everything needed for navigation is automatically generated for you.
10.0.1 #
- REFACTOR(custom_route): update route duration type from int to Duration.
- FEAT: add onGeneratePath callback to RootStackRouter to allow custom path generation.
10.0.0 [Minor Breaking Changes] #
- BREAKING CHANGE: DeepLink and DeepLink.path will now use 'navigate' instead of push unless specified
- BREAKING CHANGE: ActiveGuardObserver.value will now return a GuardEntry instead of an AutoRouteGuard, use 'activeGuards' to get the list of active guards
- FEAT: add support for using auto_route with out code generation using NamedRouteDef and NamedRoute otherwise.
- FEAT: add support for android's predictive back gesture
- FEAT: optional args equality by setting AutoRouterConfig(argsEquality: true)
- FEAT: insert route method to StackRouter
- FIX: guard reevaluation was re-implemented to fix previous issues
- FEAT: expose Navigator.clipBehavior in both AutoRouterDelegate and AutoRouter
- FIX: using AutoTabsRouter.tabBar with maintainState: false and TabBar together, fails to load routes in some cases #2113
- FEAT: safe build context can now be accessed in AutoRouteGuard.onNavigation -> NavigationResolver.context
- FEAT: add a new way to override guarded routes using NavigationResolver.overrideNext
- FIX: AutoLeadingButton is not showing anything on a screen that combines AutoTabsScaffold and NestedRoute #2141
- FIX: redirect route doesn't pass query params the to redirectTo path
- FIX: generated PageRouteInfo breaks if widget tagged with @RoutePage parameter named children. #2149
- FEAT: add an AutoLeadingButton.builder to enable passing of nullable leading widget
- FIX: Fix a couple internal issues and migrate to using didRemovePage api
- FEAT: Parameters.getList now supports a default value
- FIX: Add required keyword to named required parameters in function parameters' arguments
- FIX: fix inheritPathParam didn't use the .inherit constructor
- REFACTOR rename a couple of apis (popForced -> pop, pushNamed -> pushPath, replaceNamed -> replacePath, navigateNamed -> navigatePath, pathParams -> params)
9.3.0+1 #
- CHORE: Fix some static analysis warnings
9.3.0 #
- CHORE: Resolve some deprecated APIs.
9.2.2 #
- FIX: Redirect route names are getting overridden in route collection.
9.2.1+1 #
No changes, changelog fix only.
9.2.1 #
- CHORE: Update web package to 1.0.0
9.2.0 #
- FIX: revert web package back to version ^0.5.1 because it's pinned in a lot of other packages.
9.1.0 #
- FEAT: Add query params options to redirectTo in RedirectRoute #1721.
9.0.1 #
- FIX: make EmptyShellRoute() a const.
- Chore: Add Declarative navigation example link
- Chore: Add Nested Navigation example link
9.0.0 [Breaking Changes] #
BREAKING CHANGE: No Router class will be generated anymore. Instead, you extend
from theauto_route
package. -
BREAKING CHANGE: Providing return types inside
is no longer needed. you just provide the type as you push the page. -
BREAKING CHANGE: Providing a global route is now done by overriding the
property inside the router. implementing AutoRouteGuard is no longer supported. -
is removed as it's no longer needed.PageRouteInfos
are now self-contained.
For more info read the complete migration guide Migrating to v9
- FIX: Fix Aliased types are not generated correctly.
- FEAT: You can now create empty shell routes like follows:
const BooksTab = EmptyShellRoute('BooksTab'); context.push(BooksTab());
copied to clipboard
8.3.0 #
- FEAT: add url#fragment support.
- FIX: queryParams are not passed to child routes when matching by route name
- FIX: array query params are not parsed correctly.
8.2.0 #
- FEAT: migrate conditional import to js_interop.
- FEAT: update to web library.
8.1.4 #
- FIX: fix an error when popping a nested route after flutter 3.22.0 #1973.
8.1.3 #
- FIX: Fixed back gesture when nested navigator only has multi nested entries.
- FIX: Can not swipe back on iOS when using nested navigation #1932.
8.1.2 #
- FIX: Fixed back gesture when nested navigator only has one entry #1940
8.1.1 #
- FIX: Can not swipe back on iOS when using nested navigation #1932.
8.1.0 #
FEAT: add deep-link transformer. Allows parsing the URI for deep links before the route matcher performs a match on the URI. Especially useful when you use intent-filter prefix on Android to only handle links from e.g com.example/FILTER.
RouterConfig `<UrlState>` config({ deepLinkTransformer : Deelkink.prefixStripper('FILTER'), )
copied to clipboardThe resulting URI will be : com.example
8.0.2 #
- FIX: only disable parent back gesture if the active child can pop.
- FIX: AutoTabsRouterTabBarState was disposed with active Ticker #1910
8.0.1 #
- FIX: back-gesture does not respect sub-routes.
8.0.0 #
- FEAT: AutoTabsRouter will now use the declared routes if AutoTabsRouter.routes is not provided, if any of the tabs has required parameters it will throw an error.
- BREAKING CHANGE: deep-links with no host e.g scheme://page/sub-page are no longer automatically handled, flutter's deep-link handler will treat [page] as host so we end up with [/sub-page] as a path which of course not going to match. if your deep-links are hostless you'll need to handle them manually inside deepLinkTransformer or deepLinkBuilder.
7.9.2 #
- HOTFIX: fix an issue with deep-linking to tab-routes
- CHORE: remove deprecated apis
7.9.1 #
- FIX: incorrect top route information when deep-linking to an uninitialized tab route.
7.9.0 #
- FIX: unable to get the label for back button(previous route title) and current route title on CupertinoNavigationBar and CupertinoSliverNavigationBar #1795.
- FIX: CupertinoNavigationBar and CupertinoSliverNavigationBar unable to get route title and previous route title.
- Fix: PopScope.onPopInvoked not called when canPop is set to true,
- Refactor: rename router.pop to router.maybePop to avoid confusion
- Refactor: rename router.popTop to router.maybePopTop to avoid confusion
- Refactor: rename context.popRoute to context.maybePop
7.8.5 #
- FEAT: add back mixin to AutoRouteAware
- FIX: keep TabsRouter.homeIndex in sync with AutoTabsRouter.homeIndex
7.8.4 #
- FIX: Build Runner Efficiency Warning #1737
- FIX: ensure dynamic tab updates are handled in AutoTabsRouter.tabBar.
- FEAT: AutoRoute.copyWith
7.8.3 #
- FIX:
7.8.2 #
- HOTFIX: update sdk constrains to flutter: >=3.13.0 and dart: >=3.0.0 <4.0.0
7.8.1 #
- FIX: crash if pendingChildren are passed in as unmodifiable list.
- DOCS: Fix typos and a broken links.
- REFACTOR: remove usages of RouteInformation.location in favor of RouteInformation.uri
7.8.0 #
- FEAT: add PlatformDeepLink.initial flag to tell whether we're coming from setInitialRoutePath or setNewRoutePath.
- FEAT: add option to pass custom ignore_for_file rules to the generated file.
- FEAT: support the new allowSnapshotting flag.
7.7.1 #
- FIX: tab routes should be matched by key not name.
7.7.0 #
- FEAT: Add basic support to dart records.
- FIX: encoded path segments are not decoded in RouteMatch.pathParams
- FIX: encoded browser path is checked against a decoded matched path when deciding whether to replace route #1637
7.6.0 #
- FEAT: add 'scoped' argument to to StackRouter.removeUntil, if true the predicate will visit all StackRouters in hierarchy.
- FEAT: add 'scoped' argument to to StackRouter.popUntil, if true the predicate will visit all StackRouters in hierarchy.
7.5.0 #
- FIX: Uri percent-encoded characters encoded twice #1620.
- FIX: delegate missing arguments in auto_route_guard redirect.
- FEAT(auto_route): add
7.4.0 #
- FIX: StackRouter.replaceAll does not work with nested tab-routes.
- FEAT: add optional flag to either update existing routes or not to StackRouter.replaceAll
7.3.2 #
- FIX: Remove guard from ActiveGuardObserver when resolved with false.
7.3.1 #
- FIX: DeferredWidget's default loader not working.
- FEAT: DeferredWidget will now take AutoRouterDelegate.placeholder value if provided
7.2.3 #
- FEAT: Add global guards reevaluate listenable
- DOCS Add reevaluate listenable docs to
- FEAT: Add NavigationResolver.redirect method to auto-remove routes pushed by guards when resolving is complete
- FEAT: Add AutoRoute.guarded constructor for cleaner single guard implementation
7.2.0 #
- FEAT: add more flexible multi package support.
- REFACTOR: resolve some flutter 3.10 deprecations.
- DOCS(auto_route): fix typo.
7.1.0 #
- FEAT: add support to process files in micro-packages.
7.0.0 #
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- FIX: deepLinkBuilder is not called on newRoutePath.
- BREAKING CHANGE: DefaultRouteParser.includePrefixMatches's value is now set to '!kIsWeb' instead of 'false'.
- FEAT: add rebuildStackOnDeepLink flag to rebuild the whole stack on incoming deep-links
6.4.0 #
- REFACTOR: deprecated initialDeepLink and initialRouts.
- FEAT: Added DeepLinkBuilder to validate or override platform deep-links
- FEAT: Added ext to get routeData of auto routes
- DOCS: Updated docs
6.3.0 #
- FEAT: Bring AutoRoute.initial back.
6.2.1 #
- REFACTOR: make AutoRouterState and AutoTabsRouterState public.
[6.1.0] #
- The missing hierarchy to a pushed child-route will now be auto_created if there are no required args
- The root router can implement an AutoRouteGuard and guard all Stack-routes
- Add restorationId builder to AutoRoute
- Mark annotations with supported types [for static analysis]
[6.0.5] #
- Fix RouteMatch.fullPath is not joined properly
- Add helper method to get route match PageRouteInfo().match(context)
[6.0.4] #
- Fix inherited path params are not working in v6
- Add option to use cached_builds for more optimized generation
[6.0.1] #
- Fix bug with nested parent routes without path #1411
[6.0.0+1] #
- Use updated readme file
[6.0.0] #
- Fix secondAnimation value is always 0 in custom route transition
[6.0.0-rc-7] #
- Fix fullscreenDialog and maintainState flags are not passing to route data
[6.0.0-rc-6] #
- Fix topMostRouter is not always called on root-scope
[6.0.0-rc-5] Breaking #
- Fix but with new AutoTabsRouter.transition builder
- rename AutoRouteBuilder to auto_route_generator in build.yaml file to follow naming convention [breaking]
[6.0.0-rc-4] #
- Fix android back button closes App
- Add check for root routes must start with '/' or "*"
[6.0.0-rc-3] Breaking #
- Add transition builder to AutoTabsRouter and AutoTabsScaffold to only rebuild the body for animation and remove animation property from builder [breaking]
- Add router.currentHierarchy() helper method for debugging and testing.
- Add keepHistory flag to AutoRoute(), to remove route from stack on pushNext
[6.0.0-rc-2] #
- Fix CustomRoute.opaque not working
[6.0.0-rc-1] #
- Add path property to CustomRoute,CupertinoRoute and AdaptiveRoute
- Add functionality to push path states to browser history and read it
[6.0.0-rc] Breaking #
make sure you check the Migration guide
- AutoRoute now takes a PageInfo object from the generated routes instead of Type
- Introduce @RoutePage() annotation to annotate routable widgets
- Routes are defined in the body of the router class instead of inside the annotation
- Remove replace @MaterialAutoRouter,@CupertinoAutoRouter ...etc with @AutoRouterConfig annotation
- Remove EmptyRouterPage & EmptyRouterScreen
- "initial" flag is removed now, use "/" for initial routes or empty path "" for nested-initial routes.
- Passing route guards is also changed now, instead of passing guards as types you now pass instances.
- Add title builder for AutoRoute(title: (ctx,data){})
- Docs are changed to reflect the new changes so make sure you re-read them.
[5.0.4] #
- Fix #1288
[5.0.3] #
- Fix redirect-route related issues
- Fix didChangeTabRoute not called when using AutoTabsRouter.tabBar()
[5.0.2] #
- Change analyzer constrains to support up to version 6.0.0
- Merge #1236
- Merge add opaque property to AdaptiveRoute #1224
- Merge file updates
[5.0.1] #
- Add ignorePagelessRoutes and ignoreChildRoutes property to AutoLeadingButton
- Add builder property to AutoLeadingButton
- Fix deferredLoading and AutoRouteWrapper are not working together
[5.0.0] #
- Add deferred loading support for web to enable code splitting for routes [By Garzas]
- Move EmptyRouterScreen and EmptyRouterPage to a separate file to avoid import conflict when using deferred loading.
- Fix a bug in Navigation History
- Add License file to root package
- Fix TabController dispose issue in AutoTabsRouter.tabBar
- Add neglectWhen call back to ignore reporting location to engine
- Remove universal_html dependency and implement own conditional html import
[4.2.1] #
- Fix AutoTabsRouter animation controller is disposed after super.dispose()
- merge readme fixes
[4.2.0] #
- Add generate-time check for unresolvable path params
- You can now access inherited path params using @pathParam annotation
[4.1.0] #
- Upgrade minimum Flutter SDK to 3.0.0
- Upgrade minimum Dart SDK to 2.17.0
- Fix PageView tabs implementation non-neighbor transition issue
- Add scroll physics and dragStart behavior to booth tabBar nad pageView implementations
[4.0.1] #
- Fix incompatibility issues with flutter 3.0.0
- fix reverseDurationInMilliseconds not being generated from router config
[4.0.0] (Breaking changes) #
- Refactor AutoRedirectGuard [Breaking Change]
- Add AutoRouteAwareStateMixin to minimize boilerplate for AutoRouteAware states
- Add NoShadowCupertinoTransitionsBuilder to remove unwanted shadow in nested cupertino routes
- Add PageView support to AutoTabsRouter
- Add TabBar support to AutoTabsRouter
- Add custom builder support to AutoTabsRouter
- Remove AutoTabsRouter.declarative implementation (replaced with builder) [Breaking Change]
- AutoRouter.declarative routes now accepts a PendingRoutesHandler instead of context [Breaking Change]
- Fix wrapped routes are rebuilt everytime the stack changes
- Fix query params are not updated in Tab-Routes
- Add router.activeGuardObserver to access active guards. e.g to implement loading indicator
- Fix initial route is not showing when nested router is rebuilt
- Replace AutoBackButton with AutoLeadingButton to support drawer and close icons
[3.2.4] #
- Fix path/query params are not updated in url when navigating to the same current path #854 #944
[3.2.3+1] #
- Remove forgotten print statement
[3.2.3] #
- Fix routes with empty path don't update url #960
- Fix RouteInformationProvider.routerReportsNewRouteInformation required 'type' issue #958
[3.2.2] #
-Add removeAllAndPush route strategy to auto_redirect_route
[3.2.1] #
- Merge some readme file typo-fixes
- Add @optionalTypeArgs to AutoRoute annotations
- Fix AdaptiveRoute issue with CustomRoute
- Change analyzer constrains to include version 3.0.0
- Add notify flag to removeWhere method inside of StackRouter
[3.2.0] #
- Merge fix conform new API in Flutter 2.6
- Fix declarative routes update issue
- Add Router tests
[3.1.3] #
- Fix navigateNamedTo does not update the stack #831
- Refactor navigation history and set kept history records to 20 entries max
[3.1.2] #
- Fix Bad state: No element exception when setting initialRoutes #826
- Fix conflict when param name is 'name' #824
[3.1.1] #
- Fix Regression bug (caused by immutable pendingRoutes list) #822
[3.1.0] #
- Prefer previous-current route index as new current index when updating tab routes #797
- Improve native navigation history
- Use browser history as navigation history in web
- Fix path/query params not updating issue #809
- Fix generic nullable types are generated as non-nullables #811
- Override toString method inside of generated arg classes [FR] #820
- Support redirect paths with path params [FR] #818
- Fix replace/replaceNamed/replaceAll do not replace current url in browser #781
[3.0.4] #
- Fix IndexedStack widgets are not updated on tabs routes change.
- Fix RangeError when updating routes in AutoTabsScaffold #788
[3.0.3] #
- Fix dynamic routes for AutoTabsScaffold don't work #783
[3.0.2] #
- Make AutoTabsScaffold builders rebuild on global routes hierarchy changes
[3.0.1] #
- Fix conflict with source_gen:combining_builder by using .gr.dart instead of .g.dart
[3.0.0] #
- Add option to use part builder .g.dart
- Add option to pass const meta data from annotation to consumed route data.
- Show better error message when router can not navigate to given route.
- ancestor router can now push directly to nested router if it's already in stack.
- Add navigateBack functionality
- Add AutoRedirectRoute which reevaluates guarded routes that's already in stack
[2.4.2] #
- Add fullscreenDialog flag to pushWidget method
- Add pushNativeRoute method
[2.4.1] #
- Fix pushing same route not rebuilding stack; effecting #717 #710
- Fix dialogs/bottom sheets don't play nicely with auto_route when using nested routers
- Add option to push an un-routable widgets to StackRouters
- Add a comment containing the widget type reference to generated routes for easy source jumping
[2.4.0] #
- Fix url updates delay
- Fix navigate does not update url
- Add auto_route_information_provider.dart to fix infinite browser back button when using url redirects
- optimize routes rebuild -> only rebuild if route data changes
- Change routers are now not ( Watched ) by default to reduce rebuilds [ may Break]
- Add optional homeIndex property to AutoTabsRouter to make sure we always pop from home tab
- Change AutoBackButton to use StackRouterScope instead of RouterScope
[2.3.2] #
- Merge fix(generator): Bool opt type as num #688
- Fix nested back gesture issue #686
[2.3.1] #
- Fix navigate to nested routes open last visited nested route #676
- Add pop parent route support in AutoBackButton
[2.3.0] #
- Fix crash when passing non-string values as query params #606
- Update analyzer version to 2.0.0
- Update build_runner,build and source_gen versions
- Merge #616 Export navigation failure
- Merge #550 Enable AutoTabsScaffold to support custom appbar [Breaking]
- Update README file
[2.2.1] #
- Fix crash when passing non-string values as query params #606
- Update analyzer version to 2.0.0
- Update build_runner,build and source_gen versions
[2.2.0] Breaking changes! #
- Remove helper methods pushToChild and replaceInChild from TabsRouter [Bad idea]. [Breaking]
- Add navigate and navigateNamed methods to TabsRouter
- Add navigateNamedTo method to context extension
- Change context.navigateTo and context.navigateNamedTo will be fired by nearest RouterScope weather it's a StackRouter or a TabsRouter
- Fix AutoRouteGuard is not fired when route is updating #517
- Fix DidInitTabRoute method is fired when a route is pushed in AutoRouteAware widgets #518
[2.1.1] Breaking changes! #
- AutoRouteGuard's canNavigate method is now called onNavigation. [Breaking]
- Add AutoRouteObserver to add support tab route observing.
[2.1.0] Breaking changes! #
- AutoRouteGuard no longer returns a future
and passes in a resolver. [Breaking] - Remove onInitialRoutes from AutoRouterDelegate. [Breaking]
- Rename RoutingControllerScope to RouterScope. [Breaking]
- Expose provided navigatorObservers in RouterScope
- Route name is now default page key with option to use path as key.
- Add onNavigate callback function to AutoRouterDelegate
- Add onNavigate all back to AutoRouter.declarative
- Add declarative option to AutoTabsRouter
[2.0.1] Breaking changes! #
- OnPopRoute includes a results object now. [Breaking]
- Remove usesTabsRouter property from AutoRoute as it's no longer needed.
- Required queryParams to either be nullable or have a default value
[2.0.0] Breaking changes! #
breaking changes
- Remove usesTabsRouter property from AutoRoute as it's no longer needed.
- onGenerateRoutes is now shortened to just routes and initial routes are no longer pass
- Legacy generator is completely dropped now.
- navigatorObservers is not a callback function that returns a list of observers
- Bring back the good old await for pop results feature.
- The root AutoRouterDelegate can now be declarative.
- Push, replace and navigate will now bubble up if they can't be handled by the router they're called from.
- Enhance the navigate function to behave like navigating from the browser's bar.
- Add new methods to navigate by path pushNamed, replaceNamed and navigateNamed.
- Add AutoBackButton to handle nested routers popping with ease.
- Add some helper/shortcut methods to context extension, pushRoute, replaceRoute, navigateTo and popRoute.
- Add some helper methods to the RoutingController like popTop, topRoute and more.
- Pages will rebuild when an ancestor router updates if you depend on it.
- Add Auto RedirectRoute generation for Routes with none initial paths that's marked as initial.
- Add AutoRouteObserver to add tabs observing to the native observer.
- NavigatorObservers are now passed through a builder so nested navigators can inherit them.
- Add HeroControllerScope to nested AutoRouters
- Pomp up code_builder version to 4.0.0 and build_runner to 2.0.1
- Fix #458, #456 #421 and #453
- Minor fixes and enhancements
[1.0.2] #
- Pomp up versions of build, build_runner, dart_style and source_gen
- Using pathParam annotation is not more flexible and has less constrains
- Remove dart:io import to include (web) as a supported platform
- other fixes
[1.0.1] #
- Fix Stack overflow in RootStackRouter popUntilRoot() #401
- Fix path parameters are assigned an undefined var when alias is different than param name.
[1.0.0] #
- Migrate to null-safety
- Add option to pass restoration id
- Add option to specify the root navigator background color
[1.0.0-beta.10] #
- Fix generic parameters crash the generator
- Add support for array type query params
[1.0.0-beta.9] #
- Fix navigatorKey state is lost on hot reload
- Add stackRouterOfIndex getter function to AutoTabsRouter
[1.0.0-beta.8] #
- Add support for null-Safety to generated code.
- Fix pop issues
- Add popUntil, popUntilRoot and popUntilRouteWithName helper functions to StackRouter
- Minor fixes Edit [BC] pushAndPopUntil uses the native predicate now.
[1.0.0-beta.7] #
- Fix onRoutePop not called in declarative router #310
- Fix App reloads after pressing browser's back button #309
- Fix TabsRouter not displaying current route when pressing the browser's back button
- Add pop until method to StackRouter
- Prefix parent routes are now included if includePrefixMatches is true
- Add RouteMatcher tests
- Minor improvements
[1.0.0-beta.6] #
- Fix reload issue when pressing the browser's back button #309
- Fix onPopRoute is not called in declarative Router #310
- Include empty paths as prefix-matched paths when deep-linking.
- Remove unnecessary dependencies
- Some minor improvements and code refactor
[1.0.0-beta.5] #
- Refactor some code
- Update readme file
[1.0.0-beta.4] #
- Fix page can not be used for multiple routes
- Add duplicate route-names check in generator.
[1.0.0-beta.3+1] #
- Fix badge alignment in readme file
[1.0.0-beta.3] #
- Fix crash on empty path deep-linking
- Fix parent does not take priority when child can't pop
- Change includePrefixMatches default value to false in DefaultRouteParser
- Add some updates to Readme file
[1.0.0-beta.2] #
- Add lazyLoad option to AutoTabsRouter
- Replace AutoRouterConfig with an implementation of StackRouter
- Root delegate is now lazyLoaded
[1.0.0-beta.1] Breaking Changes! #
- Add TabsAutoRouter
- Refactor some code
[1.0.0-beta] Breaking Changes! #
- Rebuild auto_route to work with Navigator 2.0
[0.6.9] #
- Fix generator error running flutter version 1.22
- Fix bar-url not updated in flutter version 1.22
[0.6.7] #
- Fix blue screen issue when using guards on initial route #189
- Fix relative import issues
- Add option to not prefer relative imports
- Fix some linter warnings
- Fix issue #176
[0.6.6] #
- Fix hot reload issue #170
- Fix Hero animations not working with the new ExtendedNavigator # 169
- Add static builder to ExtendedNavigator to use with MaterialApp's builder
[0.6.5] #
- Downgrade path package to >= 1.6.4 to solve conflict with flutter_test
- Clean up auto_route index file
[0.6.4] #
- Add usage of const constructors when possible
- Fix material package is only imported if needed
- Fix spelling mistakes in changeLog
[0.6.2] Breaking Change #
- Fix deep linking issue for nested routes
- Change ExtendedNavigator to wrap the native navigator instead of extending it
- Change generated class applies to most of effective dart rules including preferring relative imports
- Change initial route placeholder color to white
- Add extension to BuildContext to easily access the navigator
- Remove NestedNavigator, ExtendedNavigator can be used directly as a nested navigator
- Rename some properties and deprecate their older names
- Remove ExtendedNavigator.ofRouter method
- Minor fixes and enhancements
[0.6.1] #
- Fix pop until name issue by implementing PopUntilPath and RouteData.withPath
- Fix opening deep links in new tabs pushes initial route only
[0.6.0+1] #
- Fix README file links
[0.6.0] Breaking Change #
- Change the way routes are declared from class fields to a static list
- Add support for path & query parameters
- Add support for path wildcards
- Add support for nested routes
- Add support for generic result types
- Add a get ExtendedNavigator by name feature
- Merge a fix for adaptive route web support issue
- Change generating arguments holder for single parameter routes is not optional anymore
- Minor fixes and enhancements
[0.5.0] #
- Add allRoutes getter to RouterBase
- minor fixes
[0.4.6] Skip #
[0.4.5] Breaking Change #
- Add AdaptiveAutoRouter and AdaptiveRoute for native platforms
- Change using leading slashes is now options
- Change wrappedRoute is now a function that takes in build context
- Fix calling nested route returns null after popping parent route
- Fix initial route ignore custom transitions
- Add ability to name routes class
[0.4.4] #
- Change generating arguments holder for single parameter routes is not optional
- Fix android soft back button always pops root navigator
[0.4.3] Breaking Changes #
- Add ability to pass initial route arguments to ExtendedNavigator
- Change single route parameters will have argument holder classes too as requested
- Fix ExtendedNavigator.ofRouter
() returns null in inspector mode
[0.4.2] #
- Fix Android soft back button always exists App
[0.4.1] Breaking Changes #
- Fix isInitialRoute not defined for RouteSettings in flutter 1.15.+
[0.4.0] Breaking Changes #
- Change using ExtendedNavigator instead of the native Navigator
- Fix initial route does not go through guards
- Change generated router class is no longer static
- Change routes are generated in their own class now "Routers"
- Add option to generate navigation helper methods extension
- Update README file
[0.3.1] #
- Fix Compilation Fails in flutter 1.15.+
- Fix third party imports src instead of library
- Fix guardedRoutes is generated even if it's empty
- Add support for custom unknown route screen
[0.3.0] Breaking Changes! #
- Add global route customization
- Use MaterialAutoRouter, CupertinoAutoRouter or CustomAutoRouter instead of AutoRouter
- Navigator key is now accessed by calling Router.navigator.key instead of Router.navigatorKey.
- Add Route guards
- Add optional returnType param in all AutoRoute types.
- Remove generate Navigator Key optional.
- Fix generate error when using dynamic vars in route widget constructors
[0.2.2] #
- Add option to generate a list with all route names
- change generating navigator key is now optional
- Fix prevent importing system library files
- Change generated route path name are now Kabab cased (url-friendly)
- Add ability to use custom path names in all route types
- Update README file
[0.2.1] #
- add Route Wrapper
- add initial flag as a property in all route types
- change prefix const route names with class name.
- add fullscreenDialog property to @CustomRoute()
[0.2.0+1] #
- format README file
[0.2.0] #
Breaking Changes! #
- change to using a single config file instead of annotating the actual widget class due to performance issues.
- add @MaterialRoute(), @CupertinoRoute() and @CustomRoute() annotations
- remove @AutoRoute() annotation and add @AutoRouter()
- handle required parameters.
- add navigating with a global navigator key [without context].
- support nested navigators.
[0.1.1] #
- code formatting.
[0.1.0] #
- initial release.