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auth_manager: ^1.2.3 copied to clipboard

Auth Manager is used by Unwired library to manage to authentication. Extend AuthManager class to create your own implementation.

Auth Manager 🔒 #

This package is used by Unwired library to manage the authentication process. You can create your own auth manager by extending AuthManager class.

Manages #

  1. Auth Objects - tokens or credentials used in Authorization header
  2. User Data - user data such as name, email, etc. of the user that is currently logged in

Functions #

  • authenticate - saves the token and user data to the storage
  • unauthenticate - removes the token and user data from the storage
  • get isAuthenticated - returns true if the user is authenticated
  • get authObject - returns the auth object if it exists
  • get authStateChanges - returns the stream of auth state changes
  • get userData - returns the user data if it exists
  • get parsedAuthObject - returns the String to be embedded in the Authorization header

Usage #

AuthManager can be used with Unwired library to manage the authentication process. You can also use it as a standalone package to manage authentication in your app.

class TokenAuthManager extends NoUserAuthManager<String> {
  TokenAuthManager({required this.secureStorage}) { _key).then((value) {
      _token = value;
      _completer.complete(_token != null);

  final FlutterSecureStorage secureStorage;

  final Completer<bool> _completer = Completer<bool>();

  Future synchronize() async {
    final authState = await _completer.future;

  String _key = 'random_key';

  String? _token;

  String? get authObject => _token;
  final StreamController<bool> _controller = StreamController<bool>.broadcast();
  StreamSink get _sink => _controller.sink;
  Stream<(bool, void)> get authStateChanges =>;

  Future authenticate({required String authObject, void userData}) async {
    await secureStorage.write(key: _key, value: token);
    _token = token;

  Future unauthenticate() async {
    await secureStorage.delete(key: _key);
    _token = null;

  bool get isAuthenticated => _token != null;

  String Function(String? token) _tokenParser =
      (token) => token != null ? 'Bearer $token' : '';

  /// This function is used to parse the [authObject] to include any keyword
  /// such as 'Bearer ' along with the [String] token in the `Authorization`
  /// header of a request depending on the type of token.
  set tokenParser(String Function(String? token) parser) {
    _tokenParser = parser;

  String get parsedAuthObject => _tokenParser(_token);
pub points


unverified uploader

Auth Manager is used by Unwired library to manage to authentication. Extend AuthManager class to create your own implementation.

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MIT (license)


Packages that depend on auth_manager