audioplayers 0.6.0 copy "audioplayers: ^0.6.0" to clipboard
audioplayers: ^0.6.0 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

A flutter plugin to play multiple audio files simultaneously

AudioPlayers #

A Flutter plugin to play multiple simultaneously audio files, works for Android and iOS.

Usage #

An AudioPlayer instance can play a single audio at a time. To create it, simply call the constructor:

    AudioPlayer audioPlayer = new AudioPlayer();

You can create multiple instances to play audio simultaneously.

For all methods that return a Future<int>: that's the status of the operation. If 1, the operation was successful. Otherwise it's the platform native error code.

Logs are disable by default! To debug, run:

  AudioPlayer.logEnabled = true;

Playing Audio #

In order to play audio, use either the play or loop commands (loop just keeps replaying after finished).

There are three possible sources of audio:

  • Remote file on the Internet
  • Local file on the user's device
  • Local asset from your Flutter project

Both for Remote Files or Local Files, use either the play or the loop commands (loop just keeps replaying after finished), just setting appropriately the flag isLocal.

For Local Assets, you have to use the AudioCache class (see below).

To play a Remote File, just call play with the url (the isLocal parameter is false by default):

  play() async {
    int result = await;
    if (result == 1) {
      // success

For a Local File, add the isLocal parameter:

  playLocal() async {
    int result = await, isLocal: true);

To play on a loop, call the loop method, instead of play (same signature):

  loopLocal() async {
    int result = await audioPlayer.loop(localPath, isLocal: true);

Loop will actually set a Completion Handler to replay your audio (so don't forget to clear it if you use the same player for something else!).

The isLocal flag is required only because iOS makes a difference about it (Android doesn't care either way).

There is also an optional named double volume parameter, that defaults to 1.0. It can be bumped as desired.

Controlling #

After playing, you can control the audio with pause, stop and seek commands.

Pause will pause the audio but keep the cursor where it was. Subsequently calling play will resume from this point.

  int result = await audioPlayer.pause();

Stop will stop the audio and reset the cursor. Subsequently calling play will resume from the beginning.

  int result = await audioPlayer.stop();

Finally, use seek to jump through your audio:

  int result = await Duration(milliseconds: 1200));

Handlers #

You can register callbacks for several event handlers, like so:

Duration Handler #

This handler returns the duration of the file, when it's available (it might take a while because it's being downloaded or buffered).

  player.durationHandler = (Duration d) {
    print('Max duration: $d');
    setState(() => duration = d);

Position Handler #

This handler updates the current position of the audio. You can use it to make a progress bar, for instance.

  player.positionHandler = (Duration  p) => {
    print('Current position: $d');
    setState(() => duration = d);

Completion Handler #

This handler is called when the audio finishes playing; it's used in the loop method, for instance.

It does not fire when you interrupt the audio with pause or stop.

  player.completionHandler = () {
    setState(() {
      position = duration;

Error Handler #

This is called when an unexpected error is thrown in the native code.

  player.errorHandler = (msg) {
    print('audioPlayer error : $msg');
    setState(() {
      playerState = PlayerState.stopped;
      duration = new Duration(seconds: 0);
      position = new Duration(seconds: 0);

AudioCache #

In order to play Local Assets, you must use the AudioCache class.

Flutter does not provide an easy way to play audio on your assets, but this class helps a lot. It actually copies the asset to a temporary folder in the device, where it is then played as a Local File.

It works as a cache because it keep track of the copied files so that you can replay then without delay.

You can find the full documentation for this class here.

Supported Formats #

You can check a list of supported formats below:

⚠️ iOS App Transport Security #

By default iOS forbids loading from non-https url. To cancel this restriction you must edit your .plist and add:


Credits #

This was originally a fork of rxlabz's audioplayer, but since we have diverged and added more features.

Thanks for @rxlabz for the amazing work!

pub points



A flutter plugin to play multiple audio files simultaneously

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, path_provider, uuid


Packages that depend on audioplayers