audio_flash_manager 1.0.1+5
audio_flash_manager: ^1.0.1+5 copied to clipboard
A Flutter package that provides easy controls for adjusting volume and toggling the flashlight on both Android and iOS devices. Ideal for creating multimedia applications.
A Flutter package for volume control and flashlight toggle.
This package provides easy-to-use widgets for adjusting volume and toggling
the flashlight on both Android and iOS devices. It includes customizable buttons
for increasing and decreasing volume, as well as a button for toggling the flashlight.
The [AudioTesting] widget allows developers to easily integrate volume control
and flashlight toggling functionality into their Flutter applications.
audio_flash_manager, audio_flash_manager.MyApp, audio_flash_manager.MyApp.MyApp, audio_flash_manager.main, audio_testing
class AudioFlashManager extends StatelessWidget {
const AudioFlashManager({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return AudioTesting(
showIncreaseVolumeButton: true,
showDecreaseVolumeButton: true,
showFlashlightButton: true,
flashlightButtonText: "Flash Light",
decreaseVolumeButtonText: "Decrease Volume",
increaseVolumeButtonText: "Increase Volume",
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(12),
buttonWidth: 200,
For more information, see the full documentation at:
See also:
- [AudioTesting], a widget for controlling volume and flashlight.
library audio_flash_manager;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';